25-June-2022 - 6.47.0

The PMD team is pleased to announce PMD 6.47.0.

This is a minor release.

Fixed Issues

  • core
    • #3999: [cli] All files are analyzed despite parameter --file-list
    • #4009: [core] Cannot build PMD with Temurin 17
  • java-bestpractices
    • #3824: [java] UnusedPrivateField: Do not flag fields annotated with @Version
    • #3825: [java] UnusedPrivateField: Do not flag fields annotated with @Id or @EmbeddedId
  • java-design
    • #3823: [java] ImmutableField: Do not flag fields in @Entity
    • #3981: [java] ImmutableField reports fields annotated with @Value (Spring)
    • #3998: [java] ImmutableField reports fields annotated with @Captor (Mockito)
    • #4004: [java] ImmutableField reports fields annotated with @GwtMock (GwtMockito) and @Spy (Mockito)
    • #4008: [java] ImmutableField not reporting fields that are only initialized in the declaration
    • #4011: [java] ImmutableField: Do not flag fields annotated with @Inject
    • #4020: [java] ImmutableField reports fields annotated with @FindBy and @FindBys (Selenium)
  • java-errorprone
    • #3936: [java] AvoidFieldNameMatchingMethodName should consider enum class
    • #3937: [java] AvoidDuplicateLiterals - uncompilable test cases

API Changes

No changes.

External Contributions

  • #3985: [java] Fix false negative problem about Enum in AvoidFieldNameMatchingMethodName #3936 - @Scrsloota
  • #3993: [java] AvoidDuplicateLiterals - Add the method “buz” definition to test cases - @dalizi007
  • #4002: [java] ImmutableField - Ignore fields annotated with @Value (Spring) or @Captor (Mockito) - @jjlharrison
  • #4003: [java] UnusedPrivateField - Ignore fields annotated with @Id/@EmbeddedId/@Version (JPA) or @Mock/@Spy/@MockBean (Mockito/Spring) - @jjlharrison
  • #4006: [doc] Fix eclipse plugin update site URL - @shiomiyan
  • #4010: [core] Bump kotlin to version 1.7.0 - @maikelsteneker


  • 45 commits
  • 23 closed tickets & PRs
  • Days since last release: 27