Interface ScalaNode<T extends scala.meta.Tree>

    • Method Detail

      • accept

        <D,​R> R accept​(ScalaParserVisitor<D,​R> visitor,
                             D data)
        Accept a visitor and traverse this node.
        Type Parameters:
        D - The type of the data input
        R - The type of the returned data
        visitor - the visitor to visit this node with
        data - context-specific data to pass along
        context-specific data for this Visitor pattern
      • getNode

        T getNode()
        The underlying scala node should not be used directly.
        Get the underlying Scala Node.
        the Scala Node for this node
      • isImplicit

        boolean isImplicit()
        Returns true if the node is implicit. If this node has no non-implicit descendant, then its text bounds identify an empty region of the source document. In that case, the end column is smaller than the begin column. That's because the end column index is inclusive.