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- absorb(ShadowChainBuilder.ResolverBuilder) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table.coreimpl.ShadowChainBuilder.ResolverBuilder
- ABSTRACT - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JModifier
- ABSTRACT - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- AbstractClassWithoutAbstractMethodRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices
- AbstractClassWithoutAbstractMethodRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices.AbstractClassWithoutAbstractMethodRule
- AbstractJavaRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule
Base class for Java rules.
- AbstractJavaRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.AbstractJavaRule
- AbstractJavaRulechainRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule
Base class for rules using the rulechain.
- AbstractJavaRulechainRule(Class<? extends JavaNode>, Class<? extends JavaNode>...) - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.AbstractJavaRulechainRule
Specify the node types to visit as parameters.
- AbstractPackageNameModuleDirective - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
- acceptsType(JTypeMirror) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.ast.ExprContext
Returns true if the given type is compatible with this context implicitly (without cast).
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTAmbiguousName
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTAnnotation
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTAnnotationMemberList
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTAnnotationTypeBody
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTAnnotationTypeDeclaration
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTAnonymousClassDeclaration
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTArgumentList
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTArrayAccess
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTArrayAllocation
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTArrayDimensions
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTArrayDimExpr
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTArrayInitializer
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTArrayType
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTArrayTypeDim
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTAssertStatement
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTAssignmentExpression
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTBlock
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTBooleanLiteral
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTBreakStatement
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTCastExpression
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTCatchClause
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTCatchParameter
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTCharLiteral
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTClassBody
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTClassDeclaration
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTClassLiteral
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTClassType
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTCompactConstructorDeclaration
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTCompilationUnit
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTConditionalExpression
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTConstructorCall
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTConstructorDeclaration
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTContinueStatement
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTDefaultValue
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTDoStatement
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTEmptyDeclaration
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTEmptyStatement
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTEnumBody
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTEnumConstant
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTEnumDeclaration
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTExplicitConstructorInvocation
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTExpressionStatement
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTExtendsList
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTFieldAccess
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTFieldDeclaration
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTFinallyClause
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTForeachStatement
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTForInit
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTFormalParameter
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTFormalParameters
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTForStatement
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTForUpdate
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTGuard
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTIfStatement
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTImplementsList
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTImportDeclaration
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTInfixExpression
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTInitializer
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTIntersectionType
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTLabeledStatement
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTLambdaExpression
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTLambdaParameter
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTLambdaParameterList
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTLocalClassStatement
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTLocalVariableDeclaration
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTMemberValueArrayInitializer
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTMemberValuePair
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTMethodCall
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTMethodDeclaration
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTMethodReference
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTModifierList
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTModuleDeclaration
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTModuleExportsDirective
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTModuleName
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTModuleOpensDirective
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTModuleProvidesDirective
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTModuleRequiresDirective
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTModuleUsesDirective
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTNullLiteral
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTNumericLiteral
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTPackageDeclaration
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTPatternExpression
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTPatternList
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTPermitsList
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTPrimitiveType
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTReceiverParameter
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTRecordBody
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTRecordComponent
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTRecordComponentList
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTRecordDeclaration
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTRecordPattern
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTResource
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTResourceList
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTReturnStatement
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTStatementExpressionList
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTStringLiteral
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTSuperExpression
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTSwitchArrowBranch
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTSwitchExpression
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTSwitchFallthroughBranch
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTSwitchLabel
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTSwitchStatement
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTSynchronizedStatement
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTTemplate
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTTemplateExpression
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTTemplateFragment
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTThisExpression
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTThrowsList
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTThrowStatement
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTTryStatement
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTTypeArguments
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTTypeExpression
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTTypeParameter
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTTypeParameters
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTTypePattern
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTUnaryExpression
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTUnionType
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTUnnamedPattern
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTVariableAccess
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTVariableDeclarator
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTVariableId
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTVoidType
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTWhileStatement
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTWildcardType
- acceptVisitor(JavaVisitor<? super P, ? extends R>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTYieldStatement
- acceptVisitor(SymbolVisitor<R, P>, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JClassSymbol
- acceptVisitor(SymbolVisitor<R, P>, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JConstructorSymbol
- acceptVisitor(SymbolVisitor<R, P>, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JElementSymbol
Dispatch to the appropriate visit method of the visitor and returns its result.
- acceptVisitor(SymbolVisitor<R, P>, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JFieldSymbol
- acceptVisitor(SymbolVisitor<R, P>, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JFormalParamSymbol
- acceptVisitor(SymbolVisitor<R, P>, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JLocalVariableSymbol
- acceptVisitor(SymbolVisitor<R, P>, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JMethodSymbol
- acceptVisitor(SymbolVisitor<R, P>, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JTypeParameterSymbol
- acceptVisitor(JTypeVisitor<T, P>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JArrayType
- acceptVisitor(JTypeVisitor<T, P>, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JClassType
- acceptVisitor(JTypeVisitor<T, P>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JIntersectionType
- acceptVisitor(JTypeVisitor<T, P>, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JMethodSig
- acceptVisitor(JTypeVisitor<T, P>, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JPrimitiveType
- acceptVisitor(JTypeVisitor<T, P>, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JTypeVar
- acceptVisitor(JTypeVisitor<T, P>, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JTypeVisitable
Accept a type visitor, dispatching on this object's runtime type to the correct method of the visitor.
- acceptVisitor(JTypeVisitor<T, P>, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JWildcardType
- ACCESS_TO_FOREIGN_DATA - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.metrics.JavaMetrics
Number of usages of foreign attributes, both directly and through accessors.
- accessibleMethodFilter(String, JClassSymbol) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeOps
- AccessorClassGenerationRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices
- AccessorClassGenerationRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices.AccessorClassGenerationRule
- AccessorMethodGenerationRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices
- AccessorMethodGenerationRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices.AccessorMethodGenerationRule
- ADD - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.BinaryOp
operator, or string concatenation. - ADD_ASSIGN - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.AssignmentOp
- addAnnotation(SymbolicValue.SymAnnot) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JTypeMirror
Returns a type mirror that is equal to this instance but has one more type annotation.
- addAnnotation(SymbolicValue.SymAnnot) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JTypeVar
- AddEmptyStringRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.performance
- AddEmptyStringRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.performance.AddEmptyStringRule
- allArgsAreUnboundedWildcards(List<JTypeMirror>) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeOps
- allowsAllAssignments() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone.AssignmentInOperandRule
- allPrimitives - Variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeSystem
The set of all primitive types.
- allTagIds() - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.javadoc.JavadocTag
- ALWAYS - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.UselessParenthesesRule.Necessity
- AND - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.BinaryOp
operator. - AND_ASSIGN - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.AssignmentOp
- ANDASSIGN - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- andThen(List<? extends JTypeVar>) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.LexicalScope
Return a new scope which contains the given tvars.
- andThen(Map<JVariableSymbol, JTypeMirror>) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypingContext
Return a new typing context which uses this one as a parent.
- andThen(Substitution) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.Substitution
Returns a composed substitution that first applies this substitution to its input, and then applies the
substitution to the result. - andThenZip(List<JVariableSymbol>, List<JTypeMirror>) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypingContext
- AnnotableSymbol - Interface in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols
A symbol that can have annotations.
- Annotatable - Interface in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Marks nodes that can be annotated.
- annotationAppliesTo(ElementType) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JClassSymbol
Return whether annotations of this annotation type apply to the given construct, as per the
annotation. - anyMatch(InvocationNode) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.InvocationMatcher.CompoundInvocationMatcher
Returns true if any of the matchers match the node.
- anyMatch(JavaNode) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.InvocationMatcher.CompoundInvocationMatcher
Returns true if any of the matchers match the node.
- append(S) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table.coreimpl.ShadowChainBuilder.ResolverBuilder
- AppendCharacterWithCharRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.performance
This rule finds the following:
- AppendCharacterWithCharRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.performance.AppendCharacterWithCharRule
- appendWithoutDuplicate(S) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table.coreimpl.ShadowChainBuilder.ResolverBuilder
- apply(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.LexicalScope
Returns the type var with the given name, or null.
- apply(SubstVar) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.Substitution
Returns the type with which the given variable should be replaced.
- apply(Node, RuleContext) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.AbstractJavaRule
- apply(Node, RuleContext) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design.LawOfDemeterRule
- apply(JVariableSymbol) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypingContext
- areOverrideEquivalent(JMethodSig, JMethodSig) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeOps
Two method signatures m1 and m2 are override-equivalent iff either m1 is a subsignature of m2 or m2 is a subsignature of m1.
- areRelated(JTypeMirror, JTypeMirror) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeOps
Returns true if both types have a common supertype that is not Object.
- areSameTypes(List<JTypeMirror>, List<JTypeMirror>) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeOps
- areSameTypesInInference(List<JTypeMirror>, List<JTypeMirror>) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeOps
- ArrayIsStoredDirectlyRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices
If a method or constructor receives an array as an argument, the array should be cloned instead of directly stored.
- ArrayIsStoredDirectlyRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices.ArrayIsStoredDirectlyRule
- arrayType(JTypeMirror) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeSystem
TypeSystem.arrayType(JTypeMirror, int)
, with one dimension. - arrayType(JTypeMirror, int) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeSystem
Creates a new array type from an arbitrary element type.
- asChain() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table.coreimpl.ShadowChainNode
- asClassType(JTypeMirror) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeOps
Returns t if it is a class or interface type.
- asList(JTypeMirror) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeOps
Returns the components of t if it is an intersection type, otherwise returns t.
- asLocalVariableDeclaration() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTResource
- asLowerBound() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JWildcardType
Returns the lower bound, or the bottom type if this is an "extends" wildcard.
- asNode() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table.coreimpl.ShadowChain
Returns the API of this instance that views the chain as individual nodes.
- asOuterSuper(JTypeMirror, JClassSymbol) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeOps
Return the base type of t or any of its outer types that starts with the given type.
- ASSIGN - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.AssignmentOp
- ASSIGN - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- assignComments(ASTCompilationUnit) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.InternalApiBridge
- ASSIGNMENT - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.ast.ExprContext.ExprContextKind
Assignment context.
- AssignmentInOperandRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone
- AssignmentInOperandRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone.AssignmentInOperandRule
- AssignmentOp - Enum in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
An assignment operator for
. - AssignmentToNonFinalStaticRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone
- AssignmentToNonFinalStaticRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone.AssignmentToNonFinalStaticRule
- asSuper(JTypeMirror, JClassSymbol) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeOps
- ASTAmbiguousName - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
An ambiguous name occurring in any context.
- ASTAnnotation - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Represents an annotation.
- ASTAnnotationMemberList - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Represents the list of
member-value pairs
in anannotation
. - ASTAnnotationTypeBody - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
- ASTAnnotationTypeDeclaration - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
The declaration of an annotation type.
- ASTAnonymousClassDeclaration - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
An anonymous class declaration.
- ASTArgumentList - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
- ASTArrayAccess - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
An array access expression.
- ASTArrayAllocation - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
An array creation expression.
- ASTArrayDimensions - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Represents array type dimensions.
- ASTArrayDimExpr - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Represents an array dimension initialized with an expression in an array allocation expression.
- ASTArrayInitializer - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
An array initializer.
- ASTArrayType - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Represents an array type.
- ASTArrayTypeDim - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Represents an array dimension in an array type, or in an array allocation expression.
- ASTAssertStatement - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Represents an
statement. - ASTAssignableExpr - Interface in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
An expression that may be assigned by an assignment expression, or incremented or decremented.
- ASTAssignableExpr.AccessType - Enum in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Represents the type of access of an assignable expression.
- ASTAssignableExpr.ASTNamedReferenceExpr - Interface in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
An assignable expression that has a name, and refers to a symbol.
- ASTAssignmentExpression - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Represents an assignment expression.
- ASTBlock - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
A block of code.
- ASTBodyDeclaration - Interface in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Marker interface for declarations that can occur in a type body, such as field or method declarations.
- ASTBooleanLiteral - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
The boolean literal, either "true" or "false".
- ASTBreakStatement - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
A break statement, that jumps to a named label (or exits the current loop).
- ASTCastExpression - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Represents a type cast expression.
- ASTCatchClause - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
A "catch" clause of a try statement.
- ASTCatchParameter - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Formal parameter of a catch clause to represent the declared exception variable.
- ASTCharLiteral - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Represents a character literal.
- ASTClassBody - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Represents the body of a class or interface declaration.
- ASTClassDeclaration - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Represents class and interface declarations.
- ASTClassLiteral - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
A class literal.
- ASTClassType - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Represents a class or interface type, possibly parameterised with type arguments.
- ASTCompactConstructorDeclaration - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
This defines a compact constructor for a RecordDeclaration (JDK 16 feature).
- ASTCompilationUnit - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
The root node of all Java ASTs.
- ASTConditionalExpression - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Represents a conditional expression, aka ternary expression.
- ASTConstructorCall - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
A class instance creation expression.
- ASTConstructorDeclaration - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
- ASTContinueStatement - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
A continue statement, that jumps to the next iteration of an enclosing loop.
- ASTDefaultValue - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Represents the
clause of an annotation method. - ASTDoStatement - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Represents a
do ... while
statement. - ASTEmptyDeclaration - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
An empty declaration (useless).
- ASTEmptyStatement - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
An empty statement (useless).
- ASTEnumBody - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Body of an enum declaration.
- ASTEnumConstant - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Represents an enum constant declaration within an enum type declaration.
- ASTEnumDeclaration - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Represents an enum declaration.
- ASTExecutableDeclaration - Interface in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Groups method and constructor declarations under a common type.
- ASTExplicitConstructorInvocation - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
An explicit constructor invocation, occurring at the start of a constructor declaration.
- ASTExpression - Interface in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Represents an expression, in the most general sense.
- ASTExpressionStatement - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
A statement that contains an expression.
- ASTExtendsList - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Represents the
clause of a class or interface declaration. - ASTFieldAccess - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
A field access expression.
- ASTFieldDeclaration - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Represents a field declaration in the body of a type declaration.
- ASTFinallyClause - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
The "finally" clause of a try statement.
- ASTForeachStatement - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Represents a "foreach"-loop on an
. - ASTForInit - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
The initialization clause of a for loop.
- ASTFormalParameter - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Formal parameter node for a formal parameter list.
- ASTFormalParameters - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
A list of formal parameters in a method or constructor declaration.
- ASTForStatement - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Represents a
loop (distinct from foreach loops). - ASTForUpdate - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Update clause of a for statement.
- ASTGuard - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
A guard for refining a switch case in
s. - ASTIfStatement - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Represents an
statement, possibly with anelse
statement. - ASTImplementsList - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Represents the
clause of a class declaration. - ASTImportDeclaration - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Represents an import declaration in a Java file.
- ASTInfixExpression - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Represents a binary infix expression.
- ASTInitializer - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
A class or instance initializer.
- ASTIntersectionType - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Represents an intersection type.
- ASTLabeledStatement - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
A wrapper around a statement that assigns it a label.
- ASTLambdaExpression - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
A lambda expression.
- ASTLambdaParameter - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Formal parameter of a lambda expression.
- ASTLambdaParameterList - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
The parameter list of a lambda expression.
- ASTList<N extends JavaNode> - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Common supertype for nodes that act as a kind of list of other nodes.
- ASTLiteral - Interface in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
A lexical literal.
- ASTLocalClassStatement - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
A statement that contains a local class declaration.
- ASTLocalVariableDeclaration - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Represents a local variable declaration.
- ASTLoopStatement - Interface in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
A loop statement.
- ASTMemberValue - Interface in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Represents the value of a member of an annotation.
- ASTMemberValueArrayInitializer - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Represents an array of member values in an annotation member value.
- ASTMemberValuePair - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Represents a single pair of member name to value in an annotation.
- ASTMethodCall - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
A method invocation expression.
- ASTMethodDeclaration - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
A method declaration, in a class or interface declaration.
- ASTMethodReference - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Method or constructor reference expression.
- ASTModifierList - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
List of modifiers of a declaration.
- ASTModuleDeclaration - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
A module declaration.
- ASTModuleDirective - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
A directive of a module declaration.
- ASTModuleExportsDirective - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
An "exports" directive of a module declaration.
- ASTModuleName - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
The name of a module.
- ASTModuleOpensDirective - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
An "opens" directive of a module declaration.
- ASTModuleProvidesDirective - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
A "provides" directive of a module declaration.
- ASTModuleRequiresDirective - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
A "requires" directive of a module declaration.
- ASTModuleUsesDirective - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
A "uses" directive of a module declaration.
- ASTNullLiteral - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
The null literal.
- ASTNumericLiteral - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
A numeric literal of any type (double, int, long, float, etc).
- ASTPackageDeclaration - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Package declaration at the top of a source file.
- ASTPattern - Interface in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
A pattern for pattern matching constructs like
or within aASTSwitchLabel
). - ASTPatternExpression - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Wraps a
node but presents the interface ofASTExpression
. - ASTPatternList - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Contains a potentially empty list of nested Patterns for RecordPattern (Java 21).
- ASTPermitsList - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Represents the
clause of a (sealed) class declaration. - ASTPrimaryExpression - Interface in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Tags those
that are categorised as primary by the JLS. - ASTPrimitiveType - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Represents a primitive type.
- ASTReceiverParameter - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Receiver parameter.
- ASTRecordBody - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Defines the body of a RecordDeclaration (JDK 16 feature).
- ASTRecordComponent - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Defines a single component of a RecordDeclaration (JDK 16 feature).
- ASTRecordComponentList - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Defines the state description of a RecordDeclaration (JDK 16 feature).
- ASTRecordDeclaration - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
A record declaration is a special data class type (JDK 16 feature).
- ASTRecordPattern - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
A record pattern, a Java 21 language feature.
- ASTReferenceType - Interface in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Represents a reference type, i.e.
- ASTResource - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
A resource of a try-with-resources.
- ASTResourceList - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
A list of resources in a try-with-resources.
- ASTReturnStatement - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
A return statement in a method or constructor body.
- ASTStatement - Interface in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Represents a code statement.
- ASTStatementExpressionList - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
A list of statement expressions.
- ASTStringLiteral - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Represents a string literal.
- ASTSuperExpression - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
The "super" keyword.
- ASTSwitchArrowBranch - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
A non-fallthrough switch rule, introduced with switch expressions.
- ASTSwitchArrowRHS - Interface in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
A node that can appear as the right-hand-side of a
. - ASTSwitchBranch - Interface in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
A branch of a
. - ASTSwitchExpression - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
A switch expression, as introduced in Java 12.
- ASTSwitchFallthroughBranch - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
A fallthrough switch branch.
- ASTSwitchLabel - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
- ASTSwitchLike - Interface in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Common supertype for switch statements and switch expressions.
- ASTSwitchStatement - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Represents a
statement. - ASTSynchronizedStatement - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
A synchronized statement.
- ASTTemplate - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
The template of a
. - ASTTemplateExpression - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
A string template expression.
- ASTTemplateFragment - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
This is a Java 21/22 Preview feature.
- ASTThisExpression - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
The "this" expression.
- ASTThrowsList - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Throws clause of an
. - ASTThrowStatement - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
statement. - ASTTopLevelDeclaration - Interface in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Marker interface for nodes that can appear on the top-level of a file.
- ASTTryStatement - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Try statement node.
- ASTType - Interface in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Represents a type reference.
- ASTTypeArguments - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Represents a list of type arguments.
- ASTTypeBody - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Body of a type declaration.
- ASTTypeDeclaration - Interface in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Groups class, enum, record, annotation and interface declarations under a common supertype.
- ASTTypeExpression - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Wraps a type node but presents the interface of
. - ASTTypeParameter - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Represents a type parameter declaration of a method, constructor, class or interface declaration.
- ASTTypeParameters - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Represents a list of type parameters.
- ASTTypePattern - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
A type pattern (JDK16).
- ASTUnaryExpression - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Represents a unary operation on a value.
- ASTUnionType - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Represents the type node of a multi-catch statement.
- ASTUnnamedPattern - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
An unnamed pattern, a Java 22 language feature.
- ASTVariableAccess - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
An unqualified reference to a variable (either local, or a field that is in scope).
- ASTVariableDeclarator - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Groups a variable ID and its initializer if it exists.
- ASTVariableId - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Represents an identifier in the context of variable or parameter declarations (not their use in expressions).
- ASTVoidType - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Type node to represent the void pseudo-type.
- ASTWhileStatement - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Represents a
loop. - ASTWildcardType - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Represents a wildcard type.
- ASTYieldStatement - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
statement in a switch expression. - asUpperBound() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JWildcardType
Returns the upper bound, or Object if this is a "super" wildcard.
- AT - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- AtLeastOneConstructorRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle
This rule detects non-static classes with no constructors; requiring even the default constructor to be explicit.
- AtLeastOneConstructorRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.AtLeastOneConstructorRule
- attributeContains(String, Object) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.SymbolicValue.SymAnnot
Returns YES if the annotation has the attribute set to the given value, or to an array containing the given value.
- attributeMatches(String, Object) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.SymbolicValue.SymAnnot
Returns YES if the annotation has the attribute set to the given value.
- augment(ShadowChainNode<S, I>, boolean, I, NameResolver<? extends S>) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table.coreimpl.ShadowChainBuilder
- augment(ShadowChainNode<S, I>, boolean, I, ShadowChainBuilder.ResolverBuilder) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table.coreimpl.ShadowChainBuilder
- augment(ShadowChainNode<S, I>, boolean, I, S) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table.coreimpl.ShadowChainBuilder
- augmentWithCache(ShadowChainNode<S, I>, boolean, I, NameResolver<? extends S>) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table.coreimpl.ShadowChainBuilder
- augmentWithCache(ShadowChainNode<S, I>, boolean, I, NameResolver<? extends S>, BinaryOperator<List<S>>) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table.coreimpl.ShadowChainBuilder
- AUTHOR - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.javadoc.JavadocTag
- AvoidBranchingStatementAsLastInLoopRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone
- AvoidBranchingStatementAsLastInLoopRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone.AvoidBranchingStatementAsLastInLoopRule
- AvoidDeeplyNestedIfStmtsRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design
- AvoidDeeplyNestedIfStmtsRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design.AvoidDeeplyNestedIfStmtsRule
- AvoidDuplicateLiteralsRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone
- AvoidDuplicateLiteralsRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone.AvoidDuplicateLiteralsRule
- AvoidInstantiatingObjectsInLoopsRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.performance
- AvoidInstantiatingObjectsInLoopsRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.performance.AvoidInstantiatingObjectsInLoopsRule
- AvoidReassigningCatchVariablesRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices
- AvoidReassigningCatchVariablesRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices.AvoidReassigningCatchVariablesRule
- AvoidReassigningLoopVariablesRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices
- AvoidReassigningLoopVariablesRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices.AvoidReassigningLoopVariablesRule
- AvoidReassigningParametersRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices
- AvoidReassigningParametersRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices.AvoidReassigningParametersRule
- AvoidThrowingNullPointerExceptionRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design
statements containingNullPointerException
instances as thrown values - AvoidThrowingNullPointerExceptionRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design.AvoidThrowingNullPointerExceptionRule
- AvoidUsingHardCodedIPRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices
- AvoidUsingHardCodedIPRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices.AvoidUsingHardCodedIPRule
- AvoidUsingOctalValuesRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone
- AvoidUsingOctalValuesRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone.AvoidUsingOctalValuesRule
- BALANCING - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.UselessParenthesesRule.Necessity
- BANG - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- BigIntegerInstantiationRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.performance
Rule that marks instantiations of new
objects, when there is a well-known constant available, such asBigInteger.ZERO
. - BigIntegerInstantiationRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.performance.BigIntegerInstantiationRule
- BINARY_NUMERAL - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- binaryNumericPromotion(JTypeMirror, JTypeMirror) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeConversion
JLS§5.6.2 https://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jls/se9/html/jls-5.html#jls-5.6.2 Binary numeric promotion is performed on the operands of certain operators: The multiplicative operators *, /, and % (§15.17) The addition and subtraction operators for numeric types + and - (§15.18.2) The numerical comparison operators <, <=, >, and >= (§15.20.1) The numerical equality operators == and != (§15.21.1) The integer bitwise operators &, ^, and | (§15.22.1) In certain cases, the conditional operator ? : (§15.25)
- BinaryOp - Enum in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Represents the operator of an infix expression.
- BIT_AND - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- BIT_OR - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- BOOLEAN - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.ast.ExprContext.ExprContextKind
Boolean contexts, which unbox their operand to a boolean.
- BOOLEAN - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JPrimitiveType.PrimitiveTypeKind
- BOOLEAN - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- BOOLEAN - Variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeSystem
Primitive type
. - bootstrapResolver() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeSystem
Returns the bootstrap symbol resolver.
- box() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JPrimitiveType
- box() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JTypeMirror
Returns the primitive wrapper type of this type, if this is a primitive type.
- BOXED_VOID - Variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeSystem
This is the boxed type of
, not to be confused withvoid.class
, which in this framework is represented byTypeSystem.NO_TYPE
. - BREAK - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- BrokenNullCheckRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone
- BrokenNullCheckRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone.BrokenNullCheckRule
- build() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table.coreimpl.ShadowChainBuilder.ResolverBuilder
- buildConstValue() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTNumericLiteral
- buildConstValue() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTStringLiteral
- buildTargetSelector() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.AbstractJavaRulechainRule
- buildTargetSelector() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices.AvoidReassigningCatchVariablesRule
- buildTargetSelector() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices.UnusedLocalVariableRule
- buildTargetSelector() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.AtLeastOneConstructorRule
- buildTargetSelector() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.UnnecessaryConstructorRule
- buildTargetSelector() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.multithreading.DoubleCheckedLockingRule
- buildTargetSelector() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.performance.ConsecutiveAppendsShouldReuseRule
- buildTargetSelector() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.performance.StringInstantiationRule
- buildTargetSelector() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.performance.UselessStringValueOfRule
- buildTypeFromAstInternal(TypeSystem, Substitution, ASTType) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.InternalApiBridge
- bySubtyping() - Method in enum net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeOps.Convertibility
True if this is
. - BYTE - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JPrimitiveType.PrimitiveTypeKind
- BYTE - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- BYTE - Variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeSystem
Primitive type
- canGiveContextToPoly(ExprContext, boolean) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.ast.InternalApiBridge
- capture(JClassType) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeConversion
Perform capture conversion on the type t.
- capture(JTypeMirror) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeConversion
Perform capture conversion on the type t.
- CASE - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- CAST - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.ast.ExprContext.ExprContextKind
Cast context.
- CATCH - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- CHAR - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JPrimitiveType.PrimitiveTypeKind
- CHAR - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- CHAR - Variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeSystem
Primitive type
. - CHARACTER_LITERAL - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- check(PropertyDescriptor<List<String>>, Node, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone.AvoidBranchingStatementAsLastInLoopRule
- CHECK_BREAK_LOOP_TYPES - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone.AvoidBranchingStatementAsLastInLoopRule
- CHECK_CONTINUE_LOOP_TYPES - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone.AvoidBranchingStatementAsLastInLoopRule
- CHECK_DO - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone.AvoidBranchingStatementAsLastInLoopRule
- CHECK_FOR - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone.AvoidBranchingStatementAsLastInLoopRule
- CHECK_RETURN_LOOP_TYPES - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone.AvoidBranchingStatementAsLastInLoopRule
- CHECK_WHILE - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone.AvoidBranchingStatementAsLastInLoopRule
- CheckResultSetRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices
Rule that verifies, that the return values of next(), first(), last(), etc.
- CheckResultSetRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices.CheckResultSetRule
- CheckSkipResultRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone
- CheckSkipResultRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone.CheckSkipResultRule
- checksNothing() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design.LoosePackageCouplingRule
- checksNothing() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone.AvoidBranchingStatementAsLastInLoopRule
- CLARIFYING - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.UselessParenthesesRule.Necessity
- CLASS - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- ClassNamingConventionsRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle
Configurable naming conventions for type declarations.
- ClassNamingConventionsRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.ClassNamingConventionsRule
- ClassWithOnlyPrivateConstructorsShouldBeFinalRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design
- ClassWithOnlyPrivateConstructorsShouldBeFinalRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design.ClassWithOnlyPrivateConstructorsShouldBeFinalRule
- CLONEABLE - Variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeSystem
The interface Cloneable.
- CloneMethodMustImplementCloneableRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone
The method clone() should only be implemented if the class implements the Cloneable interface with the exception of a final method that only throws CloneNotSupportedException.
- CloneMethodMustImplementCloneableRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone.CloneMethodMustImplementCloneableRule
- cloneWithBounds(JTypeMirror, JTypeMirror) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JTypeVar
- CloseResourceRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone
Makes sure you close your database connections.
- CloseResourceRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone.CloseResourceRule
- COGNITIVE_COMPLEXITY - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.metrics.JavaMetrics
Cognitive complexity is a measure of how difficult it is for humans to read and understand a method.
- CognitiveComplexityRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design
Cognitive complexity rule.
- CognitiveComplexityRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design.CognitiveComplexityRule
- COLON - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- COMMA - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- CommentContentRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.documentation
A rule that checks for illegal words in the comment text.
- CommentContentRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.documentation.CommentContentRule
- CommentDefaultAccessModifierRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle
Check for Methods, Fields and Nested Classes that have a default access modifier This rule ignores all nodes annotated with @VisibleForTesting by default.
- CommentDefaultAccessModifierRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.CommentDefaultAccessModifierRule
- CommentRequiredRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.documentation
- CommentRequiredRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.documentation.CommentRequiredRule
- CommentSizeRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.documentation
A rule to manage those who just can't shut up...
- CommentSizeRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.documentation.CommentSizeRule
- comparePrecedence(BinaryOp) - Method in enum net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.BinaryOp
Compare the precedence of this operator with that of the other, as if with a
. - COMPARISON_OPS - Static variable in enum net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.BinaryOp
Set of
. - COMPLEMENT - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.UnaryOp
Bitwise complement operator
. - composite(List<? extends NameResolver<? extends T>>) - Static method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table.coreimpl.NameResolver
Returns a resolver that concatenates the results of every resolver in the given list.
- computeUpperBound() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JTypeParameterSymbol
Returns the upper bound of this type variable.
- CONDITIONAL_AND - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.BinaryOp
Conditional (shortcut) AND
operator. - CONDITIONAL_OPS - Static variable in enum net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.BinaryOp
Set of
. - CONDITIONAL_OR - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.BinaryOp
Conditional (shortcut) OR
operator. - ConfusingArgumentToVarargsMethodRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone
- ConfusingArgumentToVarargsMethodRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone.ConfusingArgumentToVarargsMethodRule
- ConfusingTernaryRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle
if (x != y) { diff(); } else { same(); }
(!x ? diff() : same());
- ConfusingTernaryRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.ConfusingTernaryRule
- ConsecutiveAppendsShouldReuseRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.performance
- ConsecutiveAppendsShouldReuseRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.performance.ConsecutiveAppendsShouldReuseRule
- ConsecutiveLiteralAppendsRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.performance
This rule finds concurrent calls to StringBuffer/Builder.append where String literals are used.
- ConsecutiveLiteralAppendsRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.performance.ConsecutiveLiteralAppendsRule
- CONSIDER_ASSERT - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.metrics.JavaMetrics.CycloOption
Consider assert statements as if they were
if (..) throw new AssertionError(..)
. - CONST - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- ConstructorCallsOverridableMethodRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone
Searches through all methods and constructors called from constructors.
- ConstructorCallsOverridableMethodRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone.ConstructorCallsOverridableMethodRule
- containsComment() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTBlock
- containsComment() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTConstructorDeclaration
- containsValue(Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.SymbolicValue.SymArray
Return true if this array contains the given object.
- CONTINUE - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- copyToMutable(Map<String, V>) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table.coreimpl.ShadowChainBuilder
Copy the given map into a new mutable map.
- CoreResolvers - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table.coreimpl
- COUNT_IMPORTS - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.metrics.JavaMetrics.NcssOption
Counts import and package statement.
- CouplingBetweenObjectsRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design
CouplingBetweenObjects attempts to capture all unique Class attributes, local variables, and return types to determine how many objects a class is coupled to.
- CouplingBetweenObjectsRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design.CouplingBetweenObjectsRule
- createCpdLexer(LanguagePropertyBundle) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.JavaLanguageModule
- createProcessor(LanguagePropertyBundle) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.JavaLanguageModule
- createTokenizer(CharStream) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.SyntacticJavaTokenizerFactory
- CTOR_NAME - Static variable in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JConstructorSymbol
Common dummy name for constructor symbols.
- CYCLO - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.metrics.JavaMetrics
Number of independent paths through a block of code.
- CyclomaticComplexityRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design
Cyclomatic complexity rule using metrics.
- CyclomaticComplexityRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design.CyclomaticComplexityRule
- DataClassRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design
- DataClassRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design.DataClassRule
- DECIMAL_FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- DECIMAL_NUMERAL - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- declaration(JClassSymbol) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeSystem
TypeSystem.typeOf(JTypeDeclSymbol, boolean)
, defaulting the erased parameter to false. - DECR - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- DEFAULT - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JModifier
- DEFAULT - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypingContext
Empty context.
- defaultReportLevel() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design.ExcessiveImportsRule
- defaultReportLevel() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design.ExcessiveParameterListRule
- defaultReportLevel() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design.ExcessivePublicCountRule
- defaultSuppressionAnnotations() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices.UnusedPrivateMethodRule
- defaultSuppressionAnnotations() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.AtLeastOneConstructorRule
- defaultSuppressionAnnotations() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.UnnecessaryConstructorRule
- DEPRECATED - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.javadoc.JavadocTag
- describe(int) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
Returns a string describing the given token kind.
- description - Variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.javadoc.JavadocTag
- DetachedTestCaseRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone
- DetachedTestCaseRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone.DetachedTestCaseRule
- DIGIT_SEQ - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- disambigWithCtx(NodeStream<? extends JavaNode>, ReferenceCtx) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.InternalApiBridge
- DIV - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.BinaryOp
operator. - DIV_ASSIGN - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.AssignmentOp
- DO - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- DOT - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- DOUBLE - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JPrimitiveType.PrimitiveTypeKind
- DOUBLE - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- DOUBLE - Variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeSystem
Primitive type
. - DoubleCheckedLockingRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.multithreading
void method() { if (x == null) { synchronized(this){ if (x == null) { x = new | method(); } } } }
- DoubleCheckedLockingRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.multithreading.DoubleCheckedLockingRule
- dysfunctionReason() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices.AvoidUsingHardCodedIPRule
- dysfunctionReason() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design.LoosePackageCouplingRule
- dysfunctionReason() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.documentation.CommentRequiredRule
- dysfunctionReason() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone.AssignmentInOperandRule
- dysfunctionReason() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone.AvoidBranchingStatementAsLastInLoopRule
- elementType - Variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTList
- ELLIPSIS - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- ELSE - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- EMPTY - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.LexicalScope
The empty scope contains no vars.
- EMPTY - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.Substitution
The empty substitution maps every type variable to itself.
- EmptyControlStatementRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle
- EmptyControlStatementRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.EmptyControlStatementRule
- emptyResolver() - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table.coreimpl.CoreResolvers
- ENCLOSING_TYPE - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table.ScopeInfo
An enclosing class.
- ENCLOSING_TYPE_MEMBER - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table.ScopeInfo
Member of an enclosing class, that is not inherited.
- end(RuleContext) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices.AccessorClassGenerationRule
- end(RuleContext) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices.AccessorMethodGenerationRule
- end(RuleContext) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone.AvoidDuplicateLiteralsRule
- EOF - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- EQ - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.BinaryOp
operator. - EQ - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- EQUALITY_OPS - Static variable in enum net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.BinaryOp
Set of
. - equals(Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaComment
- equals(Object) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JElementSymbol
Two symbols representing the same program element should be equal.
- equals(Object) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.SymbolicValue
Returns true if this value is equal to the other one.
- equals(Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.SymbolicValue.SymArray
- equals(Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.SymbolicValue.SymClass
- equals(Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.SymbolicValue.SymEnum
- equals(Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.SymbolicValue.SymValue
- equals(Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JArrayType
- equals(Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JIntersectionType
- equals(Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JPrimitiveType
- equals(Object) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JTypeMirror
Returns true if the object is a type equivalent to this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JVariableSig
- erase(Collection<? extends JTypeMirror>) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeOps
Returns a list with the erasures of the given types, may be unmodifiable.
- erasing(List<? extends JTypeVar>) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.Substitution
Returns a substitution that replaces the given type variables with their erasure.
- ERROR - Variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeSystem
A constant to represent a typing error.
- ExceptionAsFlowControlRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design
Catches the use of exception statements as a flow control device.
- ExceptionAsFlowControlRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design.ExceptionAsFlowControlRule
- ExcessiveImportsRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design
ExcessiveImports attempts to count all unique imports a class contains.
- ExcessiveImportsRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design.ExcessiveImportsRule
- ExcessiveParameterListRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design
This rule detects an abnormally long parameter list.
- ExcessiveParameterListRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design.ExcessiveParameterListRule
- ExcessivePublicCountRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design
Rule attempts to count all public methods and public attributes defined in a class.
- ExcessivePublicCountRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design.ExcessivePublicCountRule
- EXPONENT - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- EXPONENT_TAIL - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- ExprContext - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.ast
Context of an expression.
- ExprContext(ExprContext.ExprContextKind) - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.ast.ExprContext
- ExprContext.ExprContextKind - Enum in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.ast
Kind of context.
- EXTENDS - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- FALSE - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- FAN_OUT - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.metrics.JavaMetrics
This counts the number of other classes a given class or operation relies on.
- FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClassRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle
Detects fields that are declared after methods, constructors, etc.
- FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClassRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClassRule
- FieldNamingConventionsRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle
Configurable naming conventions for field declarations.
- FieldNamingConventionsRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.FieldNamingConventionsRule
- filterAccessible(List<JMethodSig>, JClassSymbol) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeOps
- filterTokenStream(TokenManager<JavaccToken>) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.cpd.JavaCpdLexer
- FINAL - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JModifier
- FINAL - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- FINALLY - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- findFunctionalInterfaceMethod(JTypeMirror) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeOps
Finds the method of the given type that can be overridden as a lambda expression.
- FLOAT - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JPrimitiveType.PrimitiveTypeKind
- FLOAT - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- FLOAT - Variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeSystem
Primitive type
. - FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- FOR - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- forceTypeResolutionPhase(JavaAstProcessor, ASTCompilationUnit) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.InternalApiBridge
Forcing type resolution allows us to report errors more cleanly than if it was done completely lazy.
- forElements(List<SymbolicValue>) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.SymbolicValue.SymArray
Returns a SymArray for a list of symbolic values.
- ForLoopCanBeForeachRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices
- ForLoopCanBeForeachRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices.ForLoopCanBeForeachRule
- FORMAL_COMMENT - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- FORMAL_PARAM - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table.ScopeInfo
Method or constructor formal parameter (lambdas are treated as locals).
- FormalParameterNamingConventionsRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle
Enforces a naming convention for lambda and method parameters.
- FormalParameterNamingConventionsRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.FormalParameterNamingConventionsRule
- fromBinaryName(TypeSystem, String, String) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.SymbolicValue.SymEnum
- fromEnum(TypeSystem, Enum<?>) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.SymbolicValue.SymEnum
Returns the symbolic value for the given enum constant.
- fromName(String) - Static method in enum net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JPrimitiveType.PrimitiveTypeKind
Gets an enum constant from the token used to represent it in source, e.g.
- fromReflect(Type, TypeSystem) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypesFromReflection
- fromReflect(TypeSystem, Type, LexicalScope, Substitution) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypesFromReflection
Builds a type from reflection.
- fromReflect(Typed<?>, TypeSystem) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypesFromReflection
Builds a type from reflection.
- fromToken(String) - Static method in enum net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JModifier
Gets a modifier from its name.
- fromTypeDescriptor(TypeSystem, String, String) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.SymbolicValue.SymEnum
- FunctionalExpression - Interface in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
A method reference or lambda expression.
- GE - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.BinaryOp
operator. - GE - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- get(int) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTList
- getAccessedRecordComponent() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTMethodDeclaration
If this method declaration is an explicit record component accessor, returns the corresponding record component.
- getAccessType() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTAssignableExpr
Returns how this expression is accessed in the enclosing expression.
- getAllExceptionTypes() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTCatchParameter
Returns a stream of all declared exception types (expanding a union type if present).
- getAnnotatedReceiverType() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JMethodSig
Return the type of
in the body of the method. - getAnnotatedReceiverType(Substitution) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JExecutableSymbol
Return the receiver type with all type annotations, when viewed under the given substitution.
- getAnnotation(String) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.Annotatable
Returns a specific annotation on this node, or null if absent.
- getAnnotationAttributeNames() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JClassSymbol
Return the simple names of all annotation attributes.
- getAnnotationRetention() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JClassSymbol
Returns the retention policy of this annotation, if this is an annotation symbol.
- getAnnotationSymbol() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.SymbolicValue.SymAnnot
Return the symbol for the declaring class of the annotation.
- getAnonymousClass() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTEnumConstant
Returns the anonymous class declaration, or null if there is none.
- getAnonymousClassDeclaration() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTConstructorCall
- getArgumentCount() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTExplicitConstructorInvocation
Returns the number of arguments of the called constructor.
- getArguments() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTConstructorCall
- getArguments() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTEnumConstant
- getArguments() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTExplicitConstructorInvocation
- getArguments() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTMethodCall
- getArguments() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.InvocationNode
Returns the node representing the list of arguments passed to the invocation.
- getArity() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTExecutableDeclaration
Returns the number of formal parameters expected by this declaration.
- getArity() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTLambdaExpression
Returns the number of formal parameters of this lambda.
- getArity() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JExecutableSymbol
Returns the number of formal parameters expected.
- getArity() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JMethodSig
Number of formal parameters.
- getArrayComponent() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JClassSymbol
Returns the component symbol, returns null if this is not an array.
- getArrayComponent(JTypeMirror) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeOps
- getArrayDepth() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTArrayAllocation
Returns the number of dimensions of the created array.
- getArrayDepth() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTArrayType
- getArrayInitializer() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTArrayAllocation
Returns the initializer, if present.
- getAsSuper(JClassSymbol) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JClassType
- getAsSuper(JClassSymbol) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JTypeMirror
Returns the most specific declared supertype of this type whose erasure is the same as that of the parameter.
- getAstInfo() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTCompilationUnit
- getAttribute(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTAnnotation
Returns the value of the attribute with the given name, returns null if no such attribute was mentioned.
- getAttribute(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTAnnotationMemberList
Returns the value of the attribute with the given name, returns null if no such attribute was mentioned.
- getAttribute(String) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.SymbolicValue.SymAnnot
Returns the value of the attribute, which may fall back to the default value of the annotation element.
- getAttributeNames() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.SymbolicValue.SymAnnot
Return the simple names of all attributes, including those defined in the annotation type but not explicitly set in this annotation.
- getBase() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTNumericLiteral
Returns the base of the literal, eg 8 for an octal literal, 10 for a decimal literal, etc.
- getBinaryName() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTTypeDeclaration
Returns the binary name of this type declaration.
- getBinaryName() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JClassSymbol
Returns the binary name of this type, as specified by the JLS: the JLS.
- getBinaryName() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.SymbolicValue.SymAnnot
Return the binary name of the annotation type.
- getBinaryOp() - Method in enum net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.AssignmentOp
Returns the binary operator this corresponds to if this is a compound operator, otherwise returns null.
- getBlock() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTLambdaExpression
- getBlockBody() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTLambdaExpression
Returns the body of this lambda if it is a block.
- getBody() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTCatchClause
Returns the body of this catch branch.
- getBody() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTCompactConstructorDeclaration
- getBody() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTConstructorDeclaration
- getBody() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTDoStatement
Returns the statement that will be run while the guard evaluates to true.
- getBody() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTEnumDeclaration
- getBody() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTExecutableDeclaration
Returns the body of this method or constructor.
- getBody() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTFinallyClause
Returns the body of this finally clause.
- getBody() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTInitializer
Returns the body of this initializer.
- getBody() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTLoopStatement
Returns the statement that represents the body of this loop.
- getBody() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTSynchronizedStatement
Returns the body of this statement.
- getBody() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTTryStatement
Returns the body of this try statement.
- getBody() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTTypeDeclaration
Returns the body of this type declaration.
- getBound() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JWildcardType
Returns the bound.
- getBranches() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTSwitchLike
Returns a stream of all branches of this switch.
- getCanonicalName() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTTypeDeclaration
Returns the canonical name of this class, if it exists.
- getCanonicalName() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JClassSymbol
Returns the simple name of this class, as specified by
. - getCapturedOrigin() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JTypeVar
Returns the original wildcard, if this is a capture variable.
- getCastType() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTCastExpression
- getCatchClauses() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTTryStatement
Returns the catch statement nodes of this try statement.
- getClassSymbol(Class<?>) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeSystem
Returns the class symbol for the given reflected class.
- getClassSymbol(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeSystem
Returns a symbol for the binary name.
- getClassSymbolFromCanonicalName(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeSystem
Returns a symbol for the canonical name.
- getComments() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTCompilationUnit
- getComplement() - Method in enum net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.BinaryOp
Complement, for boolean operators.
- getComponents() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTIntersectionType
Returns a stream of component types.
- getComponents() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTUnionType
Returns a stream of component types.
- getComponents() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JIntersectionType
Returns the list of components.
- getComponentType() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JArrayType
Gets the component type of this array.
- getCondition() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTAssertStatement
Returns the expression tested by this assert statement.
- getCondition() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTConditionalExpression
Returns the node that represents the guard of this conditional.
- getCondition() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTDoStatement
Returns the node that represents the guard of this loop.
- getCondition() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTForStatement
- getCondition() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTIfStatement
Returns the node that represents the guard of this conditional.
- getCondition() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTLoopStatement
Returns the node that represents the condition of this loop.
- getCondition() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTWhileStatement
Returns the node that represents the guard of this loop.
- getConstant() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTDefaultValue
Returns the constant value nested in this node.
- getConstructors() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JClassSymbol
Returns the constructors declared by this class.
- getConstructors() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JArrayType
- getConstructors() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JTypeMirror
Returns a list of all the declared constructors for this type.
- getConstValue() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTBooleanLiteral
- getConstValue() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTCharLiteral
Gets the char value of this literal.
- getConstValue() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTExpression
- getConstValue() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTMemberValue
Returns the constant value of this node, if this is a constant expression.
- getConstValue() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTNullLiteral
- getConstValue() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTNumericLiteral
- getConstValue() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTStringLiteral
Returns the value without delimiters and unescaped.
- getConstValue() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JFieldSymbol
Returns the compile-time value of this field if this is a compile-time constant.
- getContent() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTTemplateFragment
- getConversionContext() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTExpression
Returns the type expected by the context.
- getDeclaration() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTLocalClassStatement
Returns the contained declaration.
- getDeclarationNode() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTCompactConstructorDeclaration
- getDeclarations() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTRecordDeclaration
- getDeclarations() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTTypeDeclaration
Retrieves the member declarations (fields, methods, classes, etc.) from the body of this type declaration.
- getDeclarations(Class<? extends T>) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTTypeDeclaration
Returns the declarations of a particular type.
- getDeclaredAnnotation(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.AnnotableSymbol
Return an annotation of the given type, if it is present on this declaration.
- getDeclaredAnnotations() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.Annotatable
Returns all annotations present on this node.
- getDeclaredAnnotations() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTArrayType
- getDeclaredAnnotations() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ModifierOwner
- getDeclaredAnnotations() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.AnnotableSymbol
Return the valid symbolic annotations defined on this symbol.
- getDeclaredClass(String) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JClassSymbol
Returns a class with the given name defined in this class.
- getDeclaredClass(String) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JClassType
Return the nested class with the given name, or null if there is none.
- getDeclaredClasses() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JClassSymbol
Returns the member classes declared directly in this class.
- getDeclaredClasses() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JClassType
Return the list of declared nested classes.
- getDeclaredField(String) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JClassSymbol
Returns a field with the given name defined in this class.
- getDeclaredField(String) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JClassType
Return the field with the given name, or null if there is none.
- getDeclaredFields() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JClassSymbol
Returns the fields declared directly in this class.
- getDeclaredFields() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JClassType
Return the list of declared fields.
- getDeclaredMethod(JExecutableSymbol) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JClassType
Returns the typed signature for the symbol, if it is declared directly in this type, and not a supertype.
- getDeclaredMethods() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JClassSymbol
Returns the methods declared directly in this class.
- getDeclaringSymbol() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JFormalParamSymbol
Returns the symbol declaring this parameter.
- getDeclaringSymbol() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JTypeParameterSymbol
Returns the
which declared this type parameter. - getDeclaringType() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JMethodSig
Return the type that declares this method.
- getDeclaringType() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JVariableSig
This is the substituted type.
- getDefaultAnnotationAttributeValue(String) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JClassSymbol
Return the default value of the attribute if this is an annotation type with a default.
- getDefaultAnnotationValue() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JMethodSymbol
Returns the default value, if this is a constant method.
- getDefaultClause() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTMethodDeclaration
Returns the default clause, if this is an annotation method declaration that features one.
- getDetailMessageNode() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTAssertStatement
Returns the expression that corresponds to the detail message, i.e.
- getDimensions() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTArrayType
- getDirectives() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTModuleDeclaration
Returns a stream with all directives declared by the module.
- getEffectiveModifiers() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTModifierList
Returns the declared modifiers, plus the modifiers that are implicitly bestowed by the context or the type of this declaration.
- getEffectiveVisibility() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ModifierOwner
Returns the "effective" visibility of a member.
- getElementType() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTArrayType
- getElementType() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JArrayType
Gets the element type of this array.
- getElseBranch() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTConditionalExpression
Returns the node that represents the expression that will be evaluated if the guard evaluates to false.
- getElseBranch() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTIfStatement
Returns the statement of the
clause, if any. - getEnclosingClass() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JAccessibleElementSymbol
Returns the class that directly encloses this declaration.
- getEnclosingClass() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JExecutableSymbol
Returns the class symbol declaring this method or constructor.
- getEnclosingClass() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JFieldSymbol
- getEnclosingClass() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JTypeParameterSymbol
- getEnclosingMethod() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JClassSymbol
Returns the method or constructor this symbol is declared in, if it represents a local class declaration.
- getEnclosingType() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTCompactConstructorDeclaration
- getEnclosingType() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaNode
Returns the node representing the type declaration this node is found in.
- getEnclosingType() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JClassType
Returns the type immediately enclosing this type.
- getEnclosingTypeParameterOwner() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JClassSymbol
- getEnclosingTypeParameterOwner() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JTypeParameterOwnerSymbol
Returns the
enclosing method
or theenclosing class
, in that order of priority. - getEnumConstants() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTTypeDeclaration
Returns the enum constants declared by this enum.
- getEnumConstants() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JClassSymbol
Returns a list with all enum constants.
- getErasure() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JArrayType
- getErasure() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JClassType
- getErasure() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JIntersectionType
- getErasure() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JMethodSig
The erasure of a method is a new, non-generic method, whose parameters, owner, and return type, are erased.
- getErasure() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JPrimitiveType
- getErasure() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JTypeMirror
Returns the erasure of this type.
- getErasure() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JWildcardType
This is implemented for convenience.
- getExplicitModifiers() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTModifierList
Returns the set of modifiers written out in the source explicitly.
- getExplicitTypeArguments() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTConstructorCall
- getExplicitTypeArguments() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTEnumConstant
- getExplicitTypeArguments() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTExplicitConstructorInvocation
- getExplicitTypeArguments() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTMethodCall
- getExplicitTypeArguments() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTMethodReference
Returns the explicit type arguments mentioned after the "::" if they exist.
- getExplicitTypeArguments() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.InvocationNode
Returns the explicit type arguments if they exist.
- getExpr() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTExpressionStatement
Returns the contained expression.
- getExpr() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTReturnStatement
Returns the returned expression, or null if this is a simple return.
- getExpr() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTThrowStatement
Returns the expression for the thrown exception.
- getExpr() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTYieldStatement
Returns the yielded expression.
- getExpression() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTLambdaExpression
- getExpressionBody() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTLambdaExpression
Returns the body of this lambda if it is an expression.
- getExprList() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTForUpdate
Returns the expression list nested within this node.
- getExprList() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTSwitchLabel
Returns the expressions of this label, or an empty list if this is the default label.
- getExtraDimensions() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTMethodDeclaration
Returns the extra array dimensions that may be after the formal parameters.
- getExtraDimensions() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTVariableId
Returns the extra array dimensions associated with this variable.
- getFilteredLines() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaComment
Removes the leading comment marker (like
) of each line of the comment as well as the start marker (//
and the end markers (*/
). - getFilteredLines(boolean) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaComment
- getFinallyClause() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTTryStatement
Returns the
clause of this try statement, if any. - getFlatValue(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTAnnotation
Return the expression values for the attribute with the given name.
- getFormalParameters() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTExecutableDeclaration
Returns the formal parameters node of this method or constructor.
- getFormalParameters() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JExecutableSymbol
Returns the formal parameters this executable declares.
- getFormalParameters() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JMethodSig
Return the types of the formal parameters.
- getFormalParameterTypes(Substitution) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JExecutableSymbol
Returns the types of the formal parameters, when viewed under the given substitution.
- getFormalTypeParams() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JClassType
Returns the list of type variables declared by the generic type declaration.
- getFunctionalMethod() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTLambdaExpression
Returns the method that is overridden in the functional interface.
- getFunctionalMethod() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTMethodReference
Returns the method that is overridden in the functional interface.
- getFunctionalMethod() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.FunctionalExpression
Returns the method that is overridden in the functional interface.
- getGenericSignature() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTExecutableDeclaration
Returns the generic signature for the method.
- getGenericTypeDeclaration() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JClassType
If this type is generic, returns the type that represents its generic type declaration.
- getGuard() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTGuard
- getImage() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTEnumConstant
- getImage() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTImportDeclaration
- getImage() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTInfixExpression
- getImage() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTPackageDeclaration
- getImage() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTStringLiteral
- getImportedName() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTImportDeclaration
Returns the full name of the import.
- getImportedSimpleName() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTImportDeclaration
Returns the simple name of the type or method imported by this declaration.
- getIndexExpression() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTArrayAccess
Returns the expression within the brackets.
- getInducedClassType() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JIntersectionType
Every intersection type induces a notional class or interface for the purpose of identifying its members.
- getInferenceEntryPoint(JavaNode) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.InternalApiBridge
- getInit() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTForStatement
Returns the statement nested within the init clause, if it exists.
- getInitializer() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTResource
Returns the initializer of the expression.
- getInitializer() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTVariableDeclarator
Returns the initializer, of the variable, or null if it doesn't exist.
- getInitializer() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTVariableId
Returns the initializer of the variable, or null if it doesn't exist.
- getInstance() - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.JavaLanguageModule
- getInterfaces() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JIntersectionType
Returns all additional bounds on the primary bound, which are necessarily interface types.
- getInvocNodeIfInvocContext() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.ast.ExprContext
- getIterableExpr() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTForeachStatement
Returns the expression that evaluates to the
being looped upon. - getJavadocComment() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavadocCommentOwner
Returns the javadoc comment that applies to this declaration.
- getKind() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTPrimitiveType
- getKind() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.ast.ExprContext
Returns the kind of context this is.
- getKind() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JPrimitiveType
- getLabel() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTBreakStatement
Returns the label, or null if there is none.
- getLabel() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTContinueStatement
Returns the label, or null if there is none.
- getLabel() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTLabeledStatement
Returns the name of the label.
- getLabel() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTSwitchBranch
Returns the label, which may be compound.
- getLazyTypeResolver(JavaNode) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.InternalApiBridge
- getLeadingComments(JavaNode) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaComment
- getLeftOperand() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTAssignmentExpression
Returns the left-hand side, ie the expression being assigned to.
- getLengthExpression() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTArrayDimExpr
- getLexicalScope() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JTypeParameterOwnerSymbol
Returns the lexical scope of this symbol.
- getLhs() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTMethodReference
Returns the LHS, whether it is a type or an expression.
- getLiteralText() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTLiteral
Return the text of the literal in the source file.
- getLocalUsages() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTVariableId
Returns an unmodifiable list of the usages of this variable that are made in this file.
- getLockExpression() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTSynchronizedStatement
Returns the expression evaluating to the lock object.
- getLowerBound() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JTypeVar
Gets the lower bound.
- getMemberFieldResolver(JTypeMirror, String, JClassSymbol, String) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeOps
- getMemberList() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTAnnotation
Returns the list of members, or null if there is none.
- getMembers() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTAnnotation
Returns the stream of explicit members for this annotation.
- getMethodName() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTMethodCall
- getMethodName() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTMethodReference
Returns the method name, or an
if this is a constructor reference. - getMethodName() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.MethodUsage
Returns the name of the called method.
- getMethodsOf(JTypeMirror, String, boolean, JClassSymbol) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeOps
- getMethodType() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.InvocationNode
Gets the type of the method or constructor that is called by this node.
- getMethodType() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.OverloadSelectionResult
Returns the type of the method or constructor that is called by the
. - getMissingInstance() - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.ast.ExprContext
Returns an
instance which represents a missing context. - getModifiers() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTVariableId
- getModifiers() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ModifierOwner
Returns the node representing the modifier list of this node.
- getModifiers() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JAccessibleElementSymbol
Returns the modifiers of the element represented by this symbol, as decodable by the standard
API. - getModifiers() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JTypeParameterSymbol
- getModifiers() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JMethodSig
Return method modifiers as decodable by
. - getModuleDeclaration() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTCompilationUnit
Returns the module declaration, if this is a modular compilation unit.
- getMutableMap() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table.coreimpl.ShadowChainBuilder.ResolverBuilder
- getName() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTAmbiguousName
Returns the entire name, including periods if any.
- getName() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTAssignableExpr.ASTNamedReferenceExpr
Returns the name of the referenced variable.
- getName() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTCatchParameter
Returns the name of this parameter.
- getName() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTConstructorDeclaration
- getName() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTEnumConstant
Returns the name of the enum constant.
- getName() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTExecutableDeclaration
Returns the name of the method, or the simple name of the declaring class for a constructor declaration.
- getName() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTFieldAccess
- getName() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTMemberValuePair
Returns the name of the member set by this pair.
- getName() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTMethodDeclaration
Returns the simple name of the method.
- getName() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTModuleDeclaration
Returns the name of the declared module.
- getName() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTModuleName
Returns the name of the declared module.
- getName() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTPackageDeclaration
Returns the name of the package.
- getName() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTTypeParameter
Returns the name of the type variable introduced by this declaration.
- getName() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTVariableAccess
- getName() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTVariableDeclarator
Returns the name of the declared variable.
- getName() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTVariableId
Returns the name of the variable.
- getName() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JMethodSig
Return the name of the method.
- getName() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JTypeVar
Returns the name of this variable, which may something autogenerated if this is a captured variable.
- getNestRoot() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JClassSymbol
Returns the toplevel class containing this class.
- getNextBranch() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTSwitchBranch
Returns the next branch, if it exists.
- getOperand() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTCastExpression
- getOperand() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTUnaryExpression
Returns the expression nested within this expression.
- getOperations() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTTypeDeclaration
Returns the operations declared in this class (methods and constructors).
- getOperator() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTAssignmentExpression
- getOperator() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTInfixExpression
Returns the operator.
- getOperator() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTUnaryExpression
Returns the constant representing the operator of this expression.
- getOverloadSelectionInfo() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTEnumConstant
- getOverloadSelectionInfo() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTExplicitConstructorInvocation
- getOverloadSelectionInfo() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.InvocationNode
Returns information about the overload selection for this call.
- getOverriddenMethod() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTMethodDeclaration
Returns the signature of the method this method overrides in a supertype.
- getOwner() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTLambdaParameter
Returns the lambda that owns this parameter.
- getOwner() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTModifierList
Returns the node owning this modifier list.
- getOwner() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTThrowsList
Returns the method or constructor that owns this throws clause.
- getOwner() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTTypeParameter
Returns the node to which this type parameter belongs.
- getOwner() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavadocComment
Returns the owner of this comment.
- getOwnerList() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTFormalParameter
Returns the list of formal parameters containing this param.
- getPackageDeclaration() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTCompilationUnit
Returns the package declaration, if there is one.
- getPackageName() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.AbstractPackageNameModuleDirective
- getPackageName() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTCompilationUnit
Returns the package name of this compilation unit.
- getPackageName() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTImportDeclaration
Returns the "package" prefix of the imported name.
- getPackageName() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTTypeDeclaration
Returns the name of the package in which this class is declared.
- getPackageName() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JAccessibleElementSymbol
Returns the name of the package this element is declared in.
- getPackageName() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JExecutableSymbol
- getPackageName() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JFieldSymbol
- getPackageName() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JTypeParameterSymbol
- getPackageQualifier() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTClassType
Return the package qualifier, if this is a fully qualified name.
- getParameter() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTCatchClause
Returns the catch parameter.
- getParameters() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTLambdaExpression
- getParent() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table.coreimpl.ShadowChainNode
Returns the next node in the chain.
- getParenthesisDepth() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTExpression
Returns the number of parenthesis levels around this expression.
- getParenthesisDepth() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTPatternExpression
Returns 0, patterns can never be parenthesized.
- getParenthesisDepth() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTTypeExpression
Returns 0, type expressions can never be parenthesized.
- getPattern() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTPatternExpression
Gets the wrapped pattern.
- getPermittedSubclasses() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTClassDeclaration
- getPolyTargetType(boolean) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.ast.ExprContext
Returns the target type bestowed by this context ON A POLY EXPRESSION.
- getPreviousBranch() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTSwitchBranch
Returns the previous branch, if it exists.
- getPrimaryBound() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JIntersectionType
The primary bound of this intersection, which may be a type variable, array type, or class type (not an interface).
- getPrimitive(JPrimitiveType.PrimitiveTypeKind) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeSystem
Gets the primitive type identified by the given kind.
- getProcessor(JavaNode) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.InternalApiBridge
- getQualifier() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTArrayAccess
Returns the expression to the left of the "[".
- getQualifier() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTClassType
Gets the owner type of this type if it's not ambiguous.
- getQualifier() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTConstructorCall
Returns the outer instance expression, if this is a qualified constructor call.
- getQualifier() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTExplicitConstructorInvocation
Returns the qualifying expression if this is a qualified superclass constructor invocation.
- getQualifier() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTFieldAccess
- getQualifier() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTMethodReference
Returns the node to the left of the "::".
- getQualifier() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTSuperExpression
- getQualifier() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTThisExpression
- getQualifier() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.QualifiableExpression
Returns the expression to the left of the "." if it exists.
- getReceiverParameter() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTFormalParameters
Returns the receiver parameter if it is present, otherwise returns null.
- getReceiverType() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTReceiverParameter
Returns the type of the receiver parameter (eg
inFoo this
. - getRecordComponents() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTRecordDeclaration
- getRecordComponents() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTTypeDeclaration
Returns the record components declared by this class.
- getReferencedMethod() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTMethodReference
Returns the method that is referenced.
- getReferencedSym() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTAssignableExpr.ASTNamedReferenceExpr
Returns the symbol referenced by this variable.
- getReferencedSym() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTFieldAccess
- getReferencedSym(ASTClassType) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.InternalApiBridge
- getReflectMod() - Method in enum net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JModifier
Returns the constant of java.lang.reflect.Modifier that this modifier corresponds to.
- getReportLocation() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTConstructorDeclaration
- getReportLocation() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTEnumConstant
- getReportLocation() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTFieldDeclaration
- getReportLocation() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTLocalVariableDeclaration
- getReportLocation() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTMethodDeclaration
- getReportLocation() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaComment
- getRequiredModule() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTModuleRequiresDirective
Returns the name of the required module.
- getResolver() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table.coreimpl.ShadowChainNode
Returns the resolver for this node.
- getResources() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTTryStatement
Returns the node for the resource list.
- getRestrictedPackages() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design.LoosePackageCouplingRule
- getResults() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table.coreimpl.ShadowChainIterator
Returns the results of the search at the point the iterator is stopped.
- getResultTypeNode() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTMethodDeclaration
Returns the result type node of the method.
- getRetention() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.SymbolicValue.SymAnnot
The retention policy.
- getReturnType() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JMethodSig
Return the result type of the method.
- getReturnType(Substitution) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JMethodSymbol
Returns the return type under the given substitution.
- getRightHandSide() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTSwitchArrowBranch
Returns the right hand side of the arrow.
- getRightOperand() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTInfixExpression
Returns the right-hand side operand.
- getRoot() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaNode
- getScopeTag() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table.coreimpl.ShadowChainIterator
Returns the scope tag of the shadow group that was last yielded.
- getService() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTModuleProvidesDirective
Returns the node representing the provided interface.
- getService() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTModuleUsesDirective
Returns the node representing the consumed service.
- getServiceProviders() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTModuleProvidesDirective
Returns the nodes representing the service providers, that is, the service implementations.
- getSignature() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTAssignableExpr.ASTNamedReferenceExpr
Returns the signature of the referenced variable.
- getSignature() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTFieldAccess
- getSignature() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTVariableAccess
- getSimpleName() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTAnnotation
Returns the simple name of the annotation.
- getSimpleName() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTAnonymousClassDeclaration
- getSimpleName() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTClassType
Returns the simple name of this type.
- getSimpleName() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTTypeDeclaration
Returns the simple name of this type declaration.
- getSimpleName() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JConstructorSymbol
For constructors, this returns the special name "new".
- getSimpleName() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JElementSymbol
Gets the name with which this declaration may be referred to, eg the name of the method, or the simple name of the class.
- getSimpleName() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JTypeDeclSymbol
Returns the simple name of this class, as specified by
. - getSimpleName() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.SymbolicValue.SymAnnot
Return the simple name of the annotation type.
- getSimpleName() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JPrimitiveType
Returns the token used to represent the type in source, e.g.
- getSimpleName() - Method in enum net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JPrimitiveType.PrimitiveTypeKind
- getSimpleName(S) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table.coreimpl.ShadowChainBuilder
Returns the name with which the given symbol should be indexed.
- getSimpleName(S) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table.coreimpl.ShadowChainBuilder.ResolverBuilder
- getStableName() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTResource
Deprecated.Since 7.1.0. This method is not very useful because the expression might be complex and not have a real "name". In this case we return the expression pretty printed.
- getStatement() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTForInit
Returns the statement nested within this node.
- getStatement() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTLabeledStatement
Returned the statement named by this label.
- getStatements() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTSwitchFallthroughBranch
Returns the list of statements dominated by the labels.
- getSuperclass() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JClassSymbol
Returns the superclass symbol if it exists.
- getSuperClass() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JClassType
Returns the generic superclass type.
- getSuperclassType(Substitution) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JClassSymbol
Returns the superclass type, under the given substitution.
- getSuperClassTypeNode() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTClassDeclaration
Returns the superclass type node if this node is a class declaration and explicitly declares an
clause. - getSuperInterfaces() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JClassSymbol
Returns the direct super-interfaces of this class or interface symbol.
- getSuperInterfaces() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JClassType
Return the list of interface types directly implemented by this type.
- getSuperInterfaceTypeNodes() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTAnonymousClassDeclaration
- getSuperInterfaceTypeNodes() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTTypeDeclaration
Returns the list of interfaces implemented by this class, or extended by this interface.
- getSuperInterfaceTypes(Substitution) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JClassSymbol
Returns the list of super interface types, under the given substitution.
- getSuperTypeSet() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JPrimitiveType
- getSuperTypeSet() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JTypeMirror
Returns the set of (nominal) supertypes of this type.
- getSuperTypeSet(JTypeMirror) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeOps
Returns the set of all supertypes of the given type.
- getSymbol() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTCompactConstructorDeclaration
- getSymbol() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTExecutableDeclaration
- getSymbol() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTRecordComponentList
This returns the symbol for the canonical constructor of the record.
- getSymbol() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTTypeDeclaration
- getSymbol() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.SymbolDeclaratorNode
Returns the symbol this node declares.
- getSymbol() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.TypeParamOwnerNode
- getSymbol() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JArrayType
- getSymbol() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JClassType
- getSymbol() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JIntersectionType
- getSymbol() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JMethodSig
Return the symbol of the method or constructor.
- getSymbol() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JPrimitiveType
Returns the type of the primitive class, eg
. - getSymbol() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JTypeMirror
Returns the symbol declaring this type.
- getSymbol() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JTypeVar
Returns the reflected type variable this instance represents, or null if this is a capture variable.
- getSymbol() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JVariableSig.FieldSig
- getSymbol() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JVariableSig
Returns the symbol for this variable.
- getSymbolTable() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTCompilationUnit
- getSymbolTable() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaNode
Returns the symbol table for the program point represented by this node.
- getTarget() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTBreakStatement
Returns the statement that is the target of this break.
- getTarget() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTContinueStatement
Returns the statement that is the target of this break.
- getTargetModules() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTModuleExportsDirective
Returns a stream of the module names that are found after the "to" keyword.
- getTargetModules() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTModuleOpensDirective
Returns a stream of the module names that are found after the "to" keyword.
- getTargetType() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.ast.ExprContext
Returns the target type, or null if there is none.
- getTemplateArgument() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTTemplateExpression
- getTemplateProcessor() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTTemplateExpression
- getTestedExpression() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTSwitchLike
Gets the expression tested by this switch.
- getText() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaComment
Returns the full text of the comment.
- getThenBranch() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTConditionalExpression
Returns the node that represents the expression that will be evaluated if the guard evaluates to true.
- getThenBranch() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTIfStatement
Returns the statement that will be run if the guard evaluates to true.
- getThrownExceptions() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JMethodSig
Return the list of thrown exception types.
- getThrownExceptionTypes(Substitution) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JExecutableSymbol
Returns the types of the thrown exceptions, when viewed under the given substitution.
- getThrowsList() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTExecutableDeclaration
Returns the
clause of this declaration, or null if there is none. - getToken() - Method in enum net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.AssignmentOp
- getToken() - Method in enum net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.BinaryOp
- getToken() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaComment
The token underlying this comment.
- getToken() - Method in enum net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JModifier
Returns how the modifier is written in source.
- getToken() - Method in enum net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.UnaryOp
- getToplevelCtx() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.ast.ExprContext
- getTopLevelExprContext(TypeNode) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.InternalApiBridge
- getTypeAnnotations() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JArrayType
- getTypeAnnotations() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JIntersectionType
- getTypeAnnotations() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JPrimitiveType
- getTypeAnnotations() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JTypeMirror
Return a list of annotations on this type.
- getTypeArgs() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JClassType
A specific instantiation of the type variables in
. - getTypeArguments() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTClassType
Returns the type arguments of this segment if some are specified.
- getTypeBoundNode() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTTypeParameter
Returns the type bound node of this parameter, or null if it is not bounded.
- getTypeBoundNode() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTWildcardType
Returns the type node representing the bound, e.g.
- getTypeDeclarations() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTCompilationUnit
Returns the top-level type declarations declared in this compilation unit.
- getTypeMirror() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTAnnotation
- getTypeMirror() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTLambdaExpression
Returns the type of the functional interface.
- getTypeMirror() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTMethodReference
Returns the type of the functional interface.
- getTypeMirror() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTNumericLiteral
- getTypeMirror() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTPrimitiveType
- getTypeMirror() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTTypeDeclaration
Returns the generic type declaration of the declared type.
- getTypeMirror() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTTypeParameter
- getTypeMirror() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTVariableId
Returns the type of the declared variable.
- getTypeMirror() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.FunctionalExpression
Returns the type of the functional interface.
- getTypeMirror() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.TypeNode
Returns the compile-time type of this node.
- getTypeMirror() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JTypeParameterSymbol
- getTypeMirror() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JVariableSig
Returns the type given to the symbol in the particular scope this signature is valid in.
- getTypeMirror(Substitution) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JVariableSymbol
Returns the type of this value, under the given substitution.
- getTypeMirror(TypingContext) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTFormalParameter
- getTypeMirror(TypingContext) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTTypeExpression
- getTypeMirror(TypingContext) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.TypeNode
- getTypeMirrorInternal(TypeNode) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.InternalApiBridge
- getTypeNameNode() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTVariableId
Returns the first child of the node returned by
. - getTypeNode() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTAnnotation
Returns the node that represents the name of the annotation.
- getTypeNode() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTArrayAllocation
Returns the node representing the array type being instantiated.
- getTypeNode() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTCatchParameter
Returns the type node of this catch parameter.
- getTypeNode() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTClassLiteral
Returns the type node (this may be a
). - getTypeNode() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTConstructorCall
Returns the type node.
- getTypeNode() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTFieldDeclaration
Returns the type node at the beginning of this field declaration.
- getTypeNode() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTFormalParameter
Returns the type node of this formal parameter.
- getTypeNode() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTLambdaParameter
Returns the type node of this formal parameter.
- getTypeNode() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTLocalVariableDeclaration
Gets the type node for this variable declaration statement.
- getTypeNode() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTRecordComponent
- getTypeNode() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTRecordPattern
Gets the type against which the expression is tested.
- getTypeNode() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTTypeExpression
Gets the wrapped type node.
- getTypeNode() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTTypePattern
Gets the type against which the expression is tested.
- getTypeNode() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTVariableId
Determines the type node of this variable id, that is, the type node belonging to the variable declaration of this node (either a FormalParameter, LocalVariableDeclaration or FieldDeclaration).
- getTypeParameterCount() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JTypeParameterOwnerSymbol
- getTypeParameters() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.TypeParamOwnerNode
Returns the type parameter declaration of this node, or null if there is none.
- getTypeParameters() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JTypeParameterOwnerSymbol
Returns an unmodifiable list of the type variables declared by this symbol.
- getTypeParameters() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JMethodSig
Return the type parameters of the method.
- getTypeParamSubst() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JClassType
Returns the substitution mapping the formal type parameters of all enclosing types to their type arguments.
- getTypeSystem() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTCompilationUnit
- getTypeSystem() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaNode
Returns the type system with which this node was created.
- getTypeSystem() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JElementSymbol
Returns the type system that created this symbol.
- getTypeSystem() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JArrayType
- getTypeSystem() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JIntersectionType
- getTypeSystem() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JMethodSig
Return the type system with which this method was created.
- getTypeSystem() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JPrimitiveType
- getTypeSystem() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JTypeMirror
Returns the type system that built this type.
- getUpdate() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTForStatement
Returns the statement nested within the update clause, if it exists.
- getUpperBound() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JTypeVar
Gets the upper bound.
- getValue() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTMemberValuePair
Returns the value of the member set by this pair.
- getValueAsDouble() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTNumericLiteral
- getValueAsFloat() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTNumericLiteral
- getValueAsInt() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTNumericLiteral
- getValueAsLong() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTNumericLiteral
- getVariableName() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTFieldDeclaration
Deprecated.FieldDeclaration may declare several variables, so this is not exhaustive Iterate on the VariableIds instead
- getVarId() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTCatchParameter
- getVarId() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTEnumConstant
- getVarId() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTForeachStatement
- getVarId() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTFormalParameter
Returns the declarator ID of this formal parameter.
- getVarId() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTLambdaParameter
Returns the declarator ID of this formal parameter.
- getVarId() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTRecordComponent
- getVarId() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTRecordPattern
Returns the declared variable.
- getVarId() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTTypePattern
Returns the declared variable.
- getVarId() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTVariableDeclarator
Returns the id of the declared variable.
- getVisibility() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTAnonymousClassDeclaration
- getVisibility() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTFormalParameter
- getVisibility() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTLocalVariableDeclaration
- getVisibility() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTVariableId
- getVisibility() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ModifierOwner
Returns the visibility corresponding to the
effective modifiers
. - getYieldExpressions() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTSwitchExpression
Returns a stream of all expressions which can be the value of this switch.
- getYieldTarget() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTYieldStatement
Returns the switch expression to which this statement yields a value.
- glb(Collection<? extends JTypeMirror>) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeSystem
Returns the greatest lower bound of the given set of types.
- GodClassRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design
The God Class Rule detects the God Class design flaw using metrics.
- GodClassRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design.GodClassRule
- GOTO - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- groupByName(Iterable<? extends N>, Function<? super N, ? extends S>) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table.coreimpl.ShadowChainBuilder
- groupByName(Iterable<? extends S>) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table.coreimpl.ShadowChainBuilder
- groupByName(S) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table.coreimpl.ShadowChainBuilder
- GT - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.BinaryOp
operator. - GT - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- GuardLogStatementRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices
Check that log.debug, log.trace, log.error, etc...
- GuardLogStatementRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices.GuardLogStatementRule
- HardCodedCryptoKeyRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.security
Finds hard coded encryption keys that are passed to javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec(key, algorithm).
- HardCodedCryptoKeyRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.security.HardCodedCryptoKeyRule
- hasAll(JModifier, JModifier...) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTModifierList
Returns true if the effective modifiers contain all of the mentioned modifiers.
- hasAllExplicitly(JModifier, JModifier...) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTModifierList
Returns true if the explicit modifiers contain all of the mentioned modifiers.
- hasAny(JModifier, JModifier...) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTModifierList
Returns true if the effective modifiers contain any of the mentioned modifiers.
- hasAnyExplicitly(JModifier, JModifier...) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTModifierList
Returns true if the explicit modifiers contain any of the mentioned modifiers.
- hasArrayType() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTVariableId
Returns true if the declared variable has an array type.
- hasDefaultCase() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTSwitchLike
Returns true if this switch has a
case. - hasDetailMessage() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTAssertStatement
Returns true if this assert statement has a "detail message" expression.
- hasElse() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTIfStatement
Returns true if this statement has an
clause. - hasErasedSuperTypes() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JClassType
Returns true if this type is erased.
- hasExplicitModifiers(JModifier, JModifier...) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ModifierOwner
Returns true if this node has all the given modifiers explicitly written in the source.
- hashCode() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaComment
- hashCode() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.SymbolicValue.SymArray
- hashCode() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.SymbolicValue.SymClass
- hashCode() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.SymbolicValue.SymEnum
- hashCode() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.SymbolicValue.SymValue
- hashCode() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JArrayType
- hashCode() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JIntersectionType
- hashCode() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JPrimitiveType
- hashCode() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JVariableSig
- hasInitializer() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTVariableDeclarator
Returns true if the declared variable is initialized.
- hasJavadocContent() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaComment
- hasKind(ExprContext.ExprContextKind) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.ast.ExprContext
- hasModifiers(JModifier, JModifier...) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ModifierOwner
Returns true if this node has all the given modifiers either explicitly written or inferred through context.
- hasNext() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table.coreimpl.ShadowChainIterator
- hasPropertyValue(PropertyDescriptor<List<String>>, String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone.AvoidBranchingStatementAsLastInLoopRule
- hasReceiver() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JExecutableSymbol
Return true if this method needs to be called on a receiver instance.
- hasSamePrecedenceAs(BinaryOp) - Method in enum net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.BinaryOp
Returns true if this operator has the same relative precedence as the argument.
- hasSeparatorSemi() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTEnumBody
Returns true if the last enum constant has a trailing semi-colon.
- hasTrailingComma() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTEnumBody
Returns true if the last enum constant has a trailing comma.
- hasTrailingSemiColon() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTResourceList
Returns true if this resource list has a trailing semicolon, eg in
try (InputStream is = getInputStream();) { ... }
. - hasTypeBound() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTTypeParameter
Returns true if this type parameter is bounded, in which case
doesn't returnnull
. - hasUnresolvedSymbol(JTypeMirror) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeOps
Return true if the argument is a
with an unresolved symbol or aJArrayType
whose element type matches the first criterion. - hasVisibility(ModifierOwner.Visibility) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ModifierOwner
Returns true if this node has the given visibility either explicitly written or inferred through context.
- haveSameTypeParams(JMethodSig, JMethodSig) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeOps
- HEX_DIGIT_SEQ - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- HEX_EXPONENT - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- HEX_FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- HEX_NUMERAL - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- HOOK - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- HORIZONTAL_WHITESPACE - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- IdempotentOperationsRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone
- IdempotentOperationsRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone.IdempotentOperationsRule
- IdenticalCatchBranchesRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle
Flags identical catch branches, which can be collapsed into a multi-catch.
- IdenticalCatchBranchesRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.IdenticalCatchBranchesRule
- IDENTIFIER - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- IF - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- IGNORE_BOOLEAN_PATHS - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.metrics.JavaMetrics.CycloOption
Do not count the paths in boolean expressions as decision points.
- ImmutableFieldRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design
- ImmutableFieldRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design.ImmutableFieldRule
- IMPLEMENTS - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- ImplicitSwitchFallThroughRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone
- ImplicitSwitchFallThroughRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone.ImplicitSwitchFallThroughRule
- IMPORT - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- IMPORT_ON_DEMAND - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table.ScopeInfo
- INCLUDE_JAVA_LANG - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.metrics.JavaMetrics.ClassFanOutOption
Whether to include classes in the
package. - INCR - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- InefficientEmptyStringCheckRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.performance
This rule finds code which inefficiently determines empty strings.
- InefficientEmptyStringCheckRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.performance.InefficientEmptyStringCheckRule
- InefficientStringBufferingRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.performance
How this rule works: find additive expressions: + check that the addition is between anything other than two literals if true and also the parent is StringBuffer constructor or append, report a violation.
- InefficientStringBufferingRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.performance.InefficientStringBufferingRule
- INHERITED - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table.ScopeInfo
Inherited by some enclosing class.
- initTypeResolver(ASTCompilationUnit, JavaAstProcessor, TypeInferenceLogger) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.InternalApiBridge
- InsecureCryptoIvRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.security
Finds hardcoded static Initialization Vectors vectors used with cryptographic operations.
- InsecureCryptoIvRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.security.InsecureCryptoIvRule
- INSTANCEOF - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.BinaryOp
Type test
operator. - INSTANCEOF - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- InsufficientStringBufferDeclarationRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.performance
This rule finds StringBuffers which may have been pre-sized incorrectly.
- InsufficientStringBufferDeclarationRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.performance.InsufficientStringBufferDeclarationRule
- INT - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JPrimitiveType.PrimitiveTypeKind
- INT - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- INT - Variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeSystem
Primitive type
. - INTEGER_LITERAL - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- INTERFACE - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- InternalApiBridge - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Internal API.
- InternalApiBridge - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.ast
Internal API.
- InternalApiBridge - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types
Internal API.
- InvalidJavaBeanRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design
- InvalidJavaBeanRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design.InvalidJavaBeanRule
- InvalidLogMessageFormatRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone
- InvalidLogMessageFormatRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone.InvalidLogMessageFormatRule
- INVOCATION - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.ast.ExprContext.ExprContextKind
Invocation context (method arguments).
- InvocationMatcher - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types
Matches a method or constructor call against a particular overload.
- InvocationMatcher.CompoundInvocationMatcher - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types
A compound of several matchers (logical OR).
- InvocationNode - Interface in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Groups method and constructor call, together, as well as explicit constructor invocation statements, and enum constant declarations.
- isA(Class<?>, TypeNode) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeTestUtil
Checks whether the static type of the node is a subtype of the class identified by the given name.
- isA(Class<?>, JTypeMirror) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeTestUtil
Checks whether the given type of the node is a subtype of the first argument.
- isA(String, TypeNode) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeTestUtil
Checks whether the static type of the node is a subtype of the class identified by the given name.
- isA(String, JTypeMirror) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeTestUtil
- isA(JTypeMirror, TypeNode) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeTestUtil
- isA(JTypeMirror, JTypeMirror) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeTestUtil
Checks whether the second type is a subtype of the first.
- isAbstract() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTExecutableDeclaration
Returns true if this method is abstract, so doesn't declare a body.
- isAbstract() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTTypeDeclaration
Returns true if this is an abstract type.
- isAbstract() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JClassSymbol
- isAbstract() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JMethodSig
Return true if this method is abstract.
- isAllowedClass(ASTImportDeclaration) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design.LoosePackageCouplingRule
- isAnnotation() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTTypeDeclaration
Returns true if this is an annotation type declaration.
- isAnnotation() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JClassSymbol
- isAnnotationAttribute() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JMethodSymbol
Return whether this method defines an attribute of the enclosing annotation type.
- isAnnotationPresent(Class<?>) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.Annotatable
Returns true if an annotation with the given type is applied to this node.
- isAnnotationPresent(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.AnnotableSymbol
Return true if an annotation of the given type is present on this declaration.
- isAnnotationPresent(String) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.Annotatable
Returns true if an annotation with the given qualified name is applied to this node.
- isAnonymous() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTTypeDeclaration
Returns true if this is an anonymous class declaration.
- isAnonymousClass() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTConstructorCall
Returns true if this expression defines a body, which is compiled to an anonymous class.
- isAnonymousClass() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTEnumConstant
Returns true if this enum constant defines a body, which is compiled like an anonymous class.
- isAnonymousClass() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JClassSymbol
- isAnyAnnotationPresent(Collection<String>) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.Annotatable
Checks whether any annotation is present on this node.
- isArray() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JClassSymbol
- isArray() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JTypeMirror
Returns true if this is an array type.
- isAtLeast(ModifierOwner.Visibility) - Method in enum net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ModifierOwner.Visibility
Returns true if this visibility is greater than or equal to the parameter.
- isAtMost(ModifierOwner.Visibility) - Method in enum net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ModifierOwner.Visibility
Returns true if this visibility is lower than or equal to the parameter.
- isBlockBody() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTLambdaExpression
Returns true if this lambda has a block for body.
- isBottom() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JTypeMirror
Returns true if this is
. - isBoxedPrimitive() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JTypeMirror
Returns true if this type is a boxed primitive type.
- isBridge() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JMethodSymbol
- isCaptured() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JTypeVar
Returns true if this is a capture variable, ie this variable originates from the capture of a wildcard type argument.
- isCaptureOf(JWildcardType) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JTypeVar
Returns true if this is a capture variable for the given wildcard.
- isClass() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JClassSymbol
This returns true if this is not an interface, primitive or array.
- isClassOrInterface() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JTypeMirror
Returns true if this is a class or interface type.
- isComment(JavaccToken) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaComment
Returns true if the given token has the kind of a comment token (there are three such kinds).
- isCompileTimeConstant() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTExpression
Returns true if this expression is a compile-time constant, and is inlined.
- isCompileTimeConstant() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTNullLiteral
- isCompound() - Method in enum net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.AssignmentOp
Returns true if this operator combines a binary operator with the assignment.
- isCompound() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTAssignmentExpression
Returns whether this is a compound assignment (any operator except "=").
- isConciseResource() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTResource
Returns true if this appears as an expression, and not as a local variable declaration.
- isConstructor() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JMethodSig
Return whether this is a constructor.
- isConstructorReference() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTMethodReference
Returns true if this is a constructor reference, e.g.
- isContainingPackage(String, String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design.LoosePackageCouplingRule
- isContextDependent(JMethodSig) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeOps
Return true if the method is context dependent.
- isConvertible(JTypeMirror, JTypeMirror) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeOps
- isConvertible(JTypeMirror, JTypeMirror, boolean) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeOps
- isConvertibleInCastContext(JTypeMirror, JTypeMirror) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeConversion
Is t convertible to s by boxing/unboxing conversion? Only t can undergo conversion.
- isConvertibleNoCapture(JTypeMirror, JTypeMirror) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeOps
- isConvertiblePure(JTypeMirror, JTypeMirror) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeOps
- isConvertibleTo(JTypeMirror) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JTypeMirror
Tests this type's convertibility to the other type.
- isConvertibleUsingBoxing(JTypeMirror, JTypeMirror) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeConversion
Is t convertible to s by boxing/unboxing/widening conversion? Only t can undergo conversion.
- isDeclaredInClass(Class<?>, JMethodSig) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeTestUtil
Returns true if the signature is that of a method declared in the given class.
- isDecrement() - Method in enum net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.UnaryOp
Returns true if this is one of
. - isDefault() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTSwitchBranch
Return true if this is the default branch.
- isDefault() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTSwitchLabel
Returns true if this is the
label. - isDefaultMethod() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JExecutableSymbol
- isDefinitelyEmpty() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table.coreimpl.NameResolver
Returns true if this resolver knows it cannot resolve anything.
- isDiamond() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTTypeArguments
Returns true if this is a diamond, that is, the actual type arguments are inferred.
- isDoubleLiteral() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTNumericLiteral
- isEmpty() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTList
- isEmpty() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTStringLiteral
True if the constant value is empty.
- isEmpty() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table.coreimpl.ShadowChainBuilder.ResolverBuilder
- isEmptySubst(Function<?, ?>) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.Substitution
- isEnum() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTTypeDeclaration
Returns true if this is an enum class declaration.
- isEnum() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JClassSymbol
- isEnumConstant() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTVariableId
Returns true if this node declares an enum constant.
- isEnumConstant() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JFieldSymbol
Returns true if this field is an enum constant.
- isEnumSwitch() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTSwitchLike
Returns true if this switch statement tests an expression having an enum type.
- isExactlyA(Class<?>, TypeNode) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeTestUtil
Checks whether the static type of the node is exactly the type of the class.
- isExactlyA(Class<?>, JTypeDeclSymbol) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeTestUtil
- isExactlyA(Class<?>, JTypeMirror) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeTestUtil
- isExactlyA(String, TypeNode) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeTestUtil
Checks whether the static type of the node is exactly the type given by the name.
- isExceptionBlockParameter() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTVariableId
Returns true if this nodes declares an exception parameter in a
statement. - isExhaustiveEnumSwitch() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTSwitchLike
Returns true if this switch statement tests an expression having an enum type and all the constants of this type are covered by a switch case.
- isExplicitlyTyped() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTLambdaExpression
Return true if this lambda is explicitly typed, meaning all parameters have an explicit type.
- isExpression() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTExpression
Always returns true.
- isExpressionBody() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTLambdaExpression
Returns true if this lambda has an expression for body.
- isFailed() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.OverloadSelectionResult
Returns true if the invocation of this method failed.
- isFallthroughSwitch() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTSwitchLike
Returns true if this a switch which uses fallthrough branches (old school
case label: break;
) and not arrow branches. - isField() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTVariableId
Returns true if this node declares a field from a regular
. - isField() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JFieldSymbol
- isField() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JVariableSymbol
Returns true if this is a field symbol.
- isFinal() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTCatchParameter
- isFinal() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTExecutableDeclaration
Returns true if this is a final method.
- isFinal() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTFormalParameter
- isFinal() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTLambdaParameter
- isFinal() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTLocalVariableDeclaration
- isFinal() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTTypeDeclaration
- isFinal() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTVariableId
Return true if the declared variable is static.
- isFinal() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JFieldSymbol
- isFinal() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JVariableSymbol
Returns true if this declaration is declared final.
- isFindBoundary() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTAnonymousClassDeclaration
- isFindBoundary() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTLambdaExpression
- isFindBoundary() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTLocalClassStatement
- isFloatingPoint() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JPrimitiveType
- isFloatingPoint() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JTypeMirror
Returns true if this type is a primitive type of a floating point type.
- isFloatLiteral() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTNumericLiteral
- isForeachVariable() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTVariableId
Returns true if this node is a variable declared in a foreach loop.
- isForLoopVariable() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTVariableId
Returns true if this node is a variable declared in the init clause of a for loop.
- isFormalParameter() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTVariableId
Returns true if this node declares a formal parameter for a method declaration or a lambda expression.
- isFullyQualified() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTClassType
Returns true if the type was written with a full package qualification.
- isGeneric() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JTypeParameterOwnerSymbol
- isGeneric() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JClassType
Returns true if the symbol of this type declares some type parameters.
- isGeneric() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JMethodSig
Return true if this method signature declares type parameters.
- isGeneric() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JTypeMirror
Returns true if this type is a generic class type.
- isGenericTypeDeclaration() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JClassType
- isGenericTypeDeclaration() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JTypeMirror
Returns true if this represents the *declaration* of a generic class or interface and not some parameterization.
- isIgnored(ASTFormalParameters) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design.ExcessiveParameterListRule
- isImportOnDemand() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTImportDeclaration
Returns true if this is an import-on-demand declaration, aka "wildcard import".
- isIncrement() - Method in enum net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.UnaryOp
Returns true if this is one of
. - isIntegral() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTNumericLiteral
Returns true if this is an integral literal, ie either a long or an integer literal.
- isIntegral() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JPrimitiveType
- isIntegral() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JTypeMirror
Returns true if this type is a primitive type of an integral type.
- isInterface() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTAnnotationTypeDeclaration
- isInterface() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTClassDeclaration
- isInterface() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTTypeDeclaration
Returns true if this is an interface type declaration (including annotation types).
- isInterface() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JTypeDeclSymbol
This returns true if this is an interface.
- isInterface() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JArrayType
- isInterface() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JTypeMirror
Returns true if this is an interface type.
- isIntLiteral() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTNumericLiteral
- isLambdaParameter() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTVariableId
Returns true if this node declares a formal parameter for a lambda expression.
- isLocal() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTTypeDeclaration
Returns true if the class is declared inside a block other than the body of another class, or the top level.
- isLocalClass() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JClassSymbol
- isLocalVariable() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTVariableId
Returns true if this node declares a local variable from within a regular
. - isLongLiteral() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTNumericLiteral
- isLowerBound() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTWildcardType
Returns true if this is a lower type bound, e.g.
- isLowerBound() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JWildcardType
Returns true if this is a "super" wildcard, the bound is then a lower bound.
- isMainMethod() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTMethodDeclaration
Returns whether this is a main method declaration.
- isMarkupWord(Chars) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaComment
True if this is a comment delimiter or an asterisk.
- isMissing() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.ast.ExprContext
Returns true if this context does not provide any target type.
- isMulticatch() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTCatchParameter
Returns true if this is a multi-catch parameter, that is, it catches several unrelated exception types at the same time.
- isNested() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTTypeDeclaration
Returns true if this type declaration is nested inside an interface, class or annotation.
- isNumeric() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JPrimitiveType
- isNumeric() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JTypeMirror
Returns true if this is a primitive numeric type.
- isOfType(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.SymbolicValue.SymAnnot
Whether the annotation has the given type.
- isOfType(String) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.SymbolicValue.SymAnnot
Return true if this annotation's binary name matches the given binary name.
- isOpen() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTModuleDeclaration
- isOverridableIn(JExecutableSymbol, JTypeDeclSymbol) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeOps
Returns true if the given method can be overridden in the origin class.
- isOverridden() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTMethodDeclaration
Returns true if this method is overridden.
- isParameterizedType() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JTypeMirror
Returns true if this type is generic, and it it neither raw, nor a generic type declaration.
- isParenthesized() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTExpression
Returns true if this expression has at least one level of parentheses.
- isParenthesized() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTPatternExpression
Returns false, patterns can never be parenthesized.
- isParenthesized() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTTypeExpression
Returns false, type expressions can never be parenthesized.
- isPatternBinding() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTVariableId
Returns true if this is a binding variable in a pattern.
- isPostfix() - Method in enum net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.UnaryOp
Returns true if this is a postfix operator.
- isPrefix() - Method in enum net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.UnaryOp
Returns true if this is a prefix operator.
- isPrimitive() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JClassSymbol
- isPrimitive() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JPrimitiveType
- isPrimitive() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JTypeMirror
Returns true if this type is a primitive type.
- isPrimitive(JPrimitiveType.PrimitiveTypeKind) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JPrimitiveType
- isPrimitive(JPrimitiveType.PrimitiveTypeKind) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JTypeMirror
Returns true if this type is the primitive type of the given kind in its type system.
- isPure() - Method in enum net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.UnaryOp
Returns true if this operator is pure, ie the evaluation of the unary expression doesn't produce side-effects.
- isQualified() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTExplicitConstructorInvocation
Returns true if this is a qualified superclass constructor invocation.
- isQualifiedInstanceCreation() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTConstructorCall
Returns true if this expression begins with a primary expression.
- isRaw() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JArrayType
- isRaw() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JClassType
Returns true if this type represents a raw type, ie a type whose declaration is generic, but for which no type arguments were provided.
- isRaw() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JTypeMirror
Returns true if this is a raw type.
- isRecord() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTTypeDeclaration
Returns true if this is an record class declaration.
- isRecord() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JClassSymbol
- isRecordComponent() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTVariableId
Returns true if this node declares a record component.
- isRegularClass() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTClassDeclaration
- isRegularClass() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTTypeDeclaration
Returns true if this is a regular class declaration (not an enum, not a record, not an interface or annotation).
- isRegularInterface() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTClassDeclaration
- isRegularInterface() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTTypeDeclaration
Returns true if this is a regular interface declaration (not an annotation).
- isReifiable() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JTypeMirror
Returns true if this type is reifiable.
- isResourceDeclaration() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTVariableId
Returns true if this declarator id declares a resource in a try-with-resources statement.
- isReturnTypeSubstitutable(JMethodSig, JMethodSig) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeOps
Returns true if m1 is return-type substitutable with m2.
- isSameType(JMethodSig, JMethodSig) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeOps
Return true if t and s are the same method type.
- isSameType(JTypeMirror, JTypeMirror) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeOps
Return true if t and s are the same type, ignoring any type annotations appearing within them.
- isSameTypeInInference(JTypeMirror, JTypeMirror) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.InternalApiBridge
- isSameTypeWithSameAnnotations(JTypeMirror, JTypeMirror) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeOps
Return true if t and s are the same type, considering any type annotations appearing within them.
- isShadowBarrier() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table.coreimpl.ShadowChainNode
Returns true if this group shadows the next groups in the chain.
- isShorthand() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTMemberValuePair
Returns true if this is a shorthand for the
attribute. - isSingleLine() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaComment
- isSpecialUnresolved(JTypeMirror) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeOps
- isStandaloneInternal(ASTConditionalExpression) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.InternalApiBridge
- isStatic() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTExecutableDeclaration
Returns true if this is a static method.
- isStatic() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTFieldDeclaration
Returns true if this field is static.
- isStatic() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTImportDeclaration
Returns true if this is a static import.
- isStatic() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTInitializer
- isStatic() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTModuleRequiresDirective
- isStatic() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTTypeDeclaration
Returns true if this type is static.
- isStatic() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTVariableId
Return true if the declared variable is static.
- isStatic() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JAccessibleElementSymbol
- isStatic() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JMethodSymbol
- isStatic() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JMethodSig
Return true if this method is static.
- isStrictSubtype(JTypeMirror, JTypeMirror) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeOps
- isStringTemplate() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTTemplateExpression
- isSubSignature(JMethodSig, JMethodSig) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeOps
The signature of a method m1 is a subsignature of the signature of a method m2 if either: - m2 has the same signature as m1, or - the signature of m1 is the same as the erasure (§4.6) of the signature of m2.
- isSubtypeOf(JTypeMirror) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JTypeMirror
Returns true if this type is the same type or a subtype of the given type.
- isSuper() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTExplicitConstructorInvocation
Returns true if this statement calls a constructor of the direct superclass.
- isTextBlock() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTStringLiteral
Returns true if this is a text block (currently Java 13 preview feature).
- isThis() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTExplicitConstructorInvocation
Returns true if this statement calls a constructor of the same class.
- isTop() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JTypeMirror
Returns true if this is
. - isTopLevel() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTTypeDeclaration
Returns true if this type is declared at the top-level of a file.
- isTransitive() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTModuleRequiresDirective
- isTrue() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTBooleanLiteral
- isTryWithResources() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTTryStatement
Returns true if this node is a try-with-resources, in which case it has a ResourceSpecification child node.
- isTypeInferred() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTLambdaParameter
If true, this formal parameter represents one without explicit types.
- isTypeInferred() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTLocalVariableDeclaration
If true, this local variable declaration represents a declaration, which makes use of local variable type inference, e.g.
- isTypeInferred() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTVariableId
Returns true if the declared variable's type is inferred by the compiler.
- isTypeVariable() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JTypeMirror
Returns true if this type is a type variable.
- isUnaryExprWithOperator(JavaNode, Set<UnaryOp>) - Static method in enum net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.UnaryOp
Tests if the node is an
with one of the given operators. - isUnaryExprWithOperator(JavaNode, UnaryOp) - Static method in enum net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.UnaryOp
Tests if the node is an
with the given operator. - isUnbounded() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JWildcardType
Returns true if this is an "extends" wildcard, with no bound ("?").
- isUnnamed() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTVariableId
Return true if this variable has no name.
- isUnnamedClass() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTCompilationUnit
- isUnresolved() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JElementSymbol
Returns true if this symbol is a placeholder, created to fill-in an unresolved reference.
- isUnresolved() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JTypeDeclSymbol
Returns true if this class is a symbolic reference to an unresolved class.
- isUnresolved(JTypeMirror) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeOps
Returns true if the type is
, or its symbol is unresolved. - isUnresolvedOrNull(JTypeMirror) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeOps
- isUpperBound() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTWildcardType
Return true if this is an upper type bound, e.g.
- isUpperBound() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JWildcardType
Returns true if this is an "extends" wildcard, the bound is then an upper bound.
- isVarargs() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTArrayTypeDim
Returns true if this is a varargs dimension.
- isVarargs() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTExecutableDeclaration
Returns true if this node's last formal parameter is varargs.
- isVarargs() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTFormalParameter
Returns true if this node is a varargs parameter.
- isVarargs() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTRecordComponent
Returns true if this component's corresponding formal parameter in the canonical constructor of the record is varargs.
- isVarargs() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTRecordComponentList
Returns true if the last component is varargs.
- isVarargs() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JExecutableSymbol
Returns true if the last formal parameter is a varargs parameter.
- isVarargs() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JMethodSig
Return true if this method has a varargs parameter.
- isVarargsCall() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.OverloadSelectionResult
Returns true if this is a varargs call.
- isViolation(ASTCompilationUnit, int) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design.ExcessiveImportsRule
- isViolation(ASTFormalParameters, int) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design.ExcessiveParameterListRule
- isViolation(ASTTypeDeclaration, int) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design.ExcessivePublicCountRule
- isVoid() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTMethodDeclaration
Returns true if the result type of this method is
. - isVoid() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTType
Returns true if this is the "void" pseudo-type, ie an
. - isVoid() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JTypeMirror
Returns true if this is
, ievoid
. - isWilcardParameterized(JTypeMirror) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeConversion
Returns true if the type is a parameterized class type, which has wildcards as type arguments.
- iterateResults(String) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table.coreimpl.ShadowChain
Returns an iterator that iterates over sets of shadowed declarations with the given name.
- iterator() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTAnnotation
- iterator() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTArrayInitializer
- iterator() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTIntersectionType
- iterator() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTList
- iterator() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTMemberValueArrayInitializer
- iterator() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTSwitchLabel
- iterator() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTSwitchLike
- iterator() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTUnionType
- ithFormalParam(int) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.OverloadSelectionResult
Returns the type of the i-th formal parameter of the method.
- JAccessibleElementSymbol - Interface in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols
Represents declarations having access modifiers common to
, andJConstructorSymbol
. - JArrayType - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types
An array type (1 dimension).
- JAVA_LANG - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table.ScopeInfo
- JavaComment - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Wraps a comment token to provide some utilities.
- JavaCpdLexer - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.cpd
Note: This class has been called JavaTokenizer in PMD 6
- JavaCpdLexer(JavaLanguageProperties) - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.cpd.JavaCpdLexer
- JavadocComment - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
that has Javadoc content. - JavadocCommentOwner - Interface in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
A node that may own a javadoc comment.
- JavadocTag - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.javadoc
- JavaLanguageModule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java
Created by christoferdutz on 20.09.14.
- JavaLanguageModule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.JavaLanguageModule
- JavaMetrics - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.metrics
Built-in Java metrics.
- JavaMetrics.ClassFanOutOption - Enum in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.metrics
Options for
. - JavaMetrics.CycloOption - Enum in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.metrics
Options for
. - JavaMetrics.NcssOption - Enum in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.metrics
Options for
. - JavaNode - Interface in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Root interface for all Nodes of the Java AST.
- JavaParser - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Adapter for the JavaParser, using the specified grammar version.
- JavaParser(String, JavaLanguageProcessor, boolean) - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaParser
- javaTokenDoc() - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.InternalApiBridge
- JavaTokenKinds - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Token kinds (
) for this language. - JavaVisitor<P,R> - Interface in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
- JavaVisitorBase<P,R> - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Base implementation of
. - JavaVisitorBase() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitorBase
- JClassSymbol - Interface in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols
Abstraction over a
instance. - JClassType - Interface in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types
Represents class and interface types, including functional interface types.
- JConstructorSymbol - Interface in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols
Represents a constructor declaration.
- JElementSymbol - Interface in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols
Represents a named program element that can be referred to by simple name.
- JExecutableSymbol - Interface in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols
Common supertype for method and constructor symbols.
- JFieldSymbol - Interface in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols
Represents a field declaration.
- JFormalParamSymbol - Interface in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols
Represents a formal parameter of a
. - JIntersectionType - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types
An intersection type.
- jjtClose() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTMethodCall
- jjtClose() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTMethodReference
- jjtClose() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTNumericLiteral
- JLocalVariableSymbol - Interface in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols
Represents all use cases of
except field declarations. - JMethodSig - Interface in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types
Represents the signature of methods and constructors.
- JMethodSymbol - Interface in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols
Reference to a method.
- JModifier - Enum in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
A Java modifier.
- JPrimitiveType - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types
Mirror a primitive types.
- JPrimitiveType.PrimitiveTypeKind - Enum in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types
- JSymbolTable - Interface in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table
A symbol table for a particular region of a Java program.
- JTypeDeclSymbol - Interface in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols
A symbol that declares a type.
- JTypeMirror - Interface in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types
Type mirrors represent Java types.
- JTypeParameterOwnerSymbol - Interface in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols
Represents a declaration that can declare type parameters, i.e.
. - JTypeParameterSymbol - Interface in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols
Represents the declaration of a type variable, ie a type parameter.
- JTypeVar - Interface in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types
The type of a type variable.
- JTypeVisitable - Interface in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types
Common supertype for
. - JTypeVisitor<R,P> - Interface in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types
Visits a type.
- JUnitAssertionsShouldIncludeMessageRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices
- JUnitAssertionsShouldIncludeMessageRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices.JUnitAssertionsShouldIncludeMessageRule
- JUnitSpellingRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone
- JUnitSpellingRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone.JUnitSpellingRule
- JUnitStaticSuiteRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone
- JUnitStaticSuiteRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone.JUnitStaticSuiteRule
- JUnitTestContainsTooManyAssertsRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices
- JUnitTestContainsTooManyAssertsRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices.JUnitTestContainsTooManyAssertsRule
- JUnitTestsShouldIncludeAssertRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices
- JUnitTestsShouldIncludeAssertRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices.JUnitTestsShouldIncludeAssertRule
- JUnitUseExpectedRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices
This rule finds code like this:
- JUnitUseExpectedRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices.JUnitUseExpectedRule
- JVariableSig - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types
Represents a
value symbol
viewed in the context of a particular program point (ie under a particularSubstitution
). - JVariableSig.FieldSig - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types
A field signature.
- JVariableSymbol - Interface in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols
- jvmRepr() - Method in enum net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JPrimitiveType.PrimitiveTypeKind
- JWildcardType - Interface in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types
Represents a wildcard type.
- kind - Variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.ast.ExprContext
- knows(String) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table.coreimpl.NameResolver
Returns whether this resolver knows if it has a declaration for the given name.
- knowsSymbol(String) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table.coreimpl.ShadowChainNode
Returns whether this node knows the given symbol (without asking the parents).
- label - Variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.javadoc.JavadocTag
- LAMBDA - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- LambdaCanBeMethodReferenceRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle
- LambdaCanBeMethodReferenceRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.LambdaCanBeMethodReferenceRule
- LawOfDemeterRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design
This rule can detect possible violations of the Law of Demeter.
- LawOfDemeterRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design.LawOfDemeterRule
- layer(SymbolResolver, SymbolResolver...) - Static method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.SymbolResolver
Produce a symbol resolver that asks the given resolvers in order.
- lazyFilterAccessible(List<JMethodSig>, JClassSymbol) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeOps
- LBRACE - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- LBRACKET - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- LE - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.BinaryOp
operator. - LE - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- LEFT_SHIFT - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.BinaryOp
Left shift
operator. - LEFT_SHIFT_ASSIGN - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.AssignmentOp
- length() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTArrayInitializer
Return the number of elements.
- length() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTStringLiteral
Length of the constant value in characters.
- length() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.SymbolicValue.SymArray
- LETTER - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- LexicalScope - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types
An index of type variables by name.
- LINE_TERMINATOR - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- LINES_OF_CODE - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.metrics.JavaMetrics
Simply counts the number of lines of code the operation or class takes up in the source.
- LinguisticNamingRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle
- LinguisticNamingRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.LinguisticNamingRule
- LiteralsFirstInComparisonsRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices
- LiteralsFirstInComparisonsRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices.LiteralsFirstInComparisonsRule
- loadSymbol(TypeSystem, String) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypesFromReflection
- loadType(TypeSystem, String) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypesFromReflection
Load a class.
- loadType(TypeSystem, String, UnresolvedClassStore) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypesFromReflection
Load a class.
- LOCAL - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table.ScopeInfo
Local var, including lambda parameters and catch parameters.
- LocalVariableCouldBeFinalRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle
- LocalVariableCouldBeFinalRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.LocalVariableCouldBeFinalRule
- LocalVariableNamingConventionsRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle
Enforces a naming convention for local variables and other locally scoped variables.
- LocalVariableNamingConventionsRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.LocalVariableNamingConventionsRule
- logStats() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.SymbolResolver
Called at the end of the analysis in order to log out statistics of the resolved symbols.
- logStats() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeSystem
Called at the end of the analysis to log statistics about the loaded types.
- LONG - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JPrimitiveType.PrimitiveTypeKind
- LONG - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- LONG - Variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeSystem
Primitive type
. - LooseCouplingRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices
- LooseCouplingRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices.LooseCouplingRule
- LoosePackageCouplingRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design
The loose package coupling Rule can be used to ensure coupling outside of a package hierarchy is minimized to all but an allowed set of classes from within the package hierarchy.
- LoosePackageCouplingRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design.LoosePackageCouplingRule
- LPAREN - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- LSHIFT - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- LSHIFTASSIGN - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- LT - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.BinaryOp
operator. - LT - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- lub(Collection<? extends JTypeMirror>) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeSystem
The least upper bound, or "lub", of a set of reference types is a shared supertype that is more specific than any other shared supertype (that is, no other shared supertype is a subtype of the least upper bound).
- makeLexerImpl(TextDocument) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.cpd.JavaCpdLexer
- mapping(List<? extends SubstVar>, List<? extends JTypeMirror>) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.Substitution
Builds a substitution where the mapping from vars to types is defined by the correspondence between the two lists.
- matchesCall(InvocationNode) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.InvocationMatcher
Returns true if the call matches this matcher.
- matchesCall(JavaNode) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.InvocationMatcher
- MAX_LINE_LENGTH - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.documentation.CommentSizeRule
- MAX_LINES - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.documentation.CommentSizeRule
- mayBeSingular(ModifierOwner) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design.SingularFieldRule
Deprecated.This method will be removed. Don't use it.
- mentions(JTypeVisitable, InferenceVar) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeOps
- mentionsAny(JTypeVisitable, Collection<? extends SubstVar>) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeOps
- METHOD_MEMBER - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table.ScopeInfo
This merges
. - METHOD_REF - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- MethodArgumentCouldBeFinalRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle
- MethodArgumentCouldBeFinalRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.MethodArgumentCouldBeFinalRule
- MethodNamingConventionsRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle
- MethodNamingConventionsRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.MethodNamingConventionsRule
- MethodReturnsInternalArrayRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices
Implementation note: this rule currently ignores return types of y.x.z, currently it handles only local type fields.
- MethodReturnsInternalArrayRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices.MethodReturnsInternalArrayRule
- methods() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table.JSymbolTable
The chain of tables tracking method names that are in scope here.
- MethodUsage - Interface in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
A node that uses another method or constructor.
- MINIMUM_LENGTH_DESCRIPTOR - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone.AvoidDuplicateLiteralsRule
- MINUS - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- MINUSASSIGN - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- MISSING - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.ast.ExprContext.ExprContextKind
Kind for a missing context (
). - MissingOverrideRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices
Flags missing @Override annotations.
- MissingOverrideRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices.MissingOverrideRule
- MOD - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.BinaryOp
operator. - MOD_ASSIGN - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.AssignmentOp
- ModifierOwner - Interface in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
A node that owns a modifier list.
- ModifierOwner.Visibility - Enum in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Represents the visibility of a declaration.
- mostSpecific(Collection<? extends JTypeMirror>) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeOps
Returns a subset S of the parameter, whose components have no strict supertype in S.
- MUL - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.BinaryOp
operator. - MUL_ASSIGN - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.AssignmentOp
- MULTI_LINE_COMMENT - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- nameEquals(String) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JElementSymbol
Returns true if the simple name of this symbol is the same as the given name.
- NameResolver<S> - Interface in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table.coreimpl
Name resolvers are strategies backing
s. - NameResolver.SingleNameResolver<S> - Interface in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table.coreimpl
A base class for resolvers that know at most one symbol for any given name.
- NATIVE - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JModifier
- NATIVE - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- NCSS - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.metrics.JavaMetrics
Number of statements in a class or operation.
- NcssCountRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design
Simple rule for Ncss.
- NcssCountRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design.NcssCountRule
- NE - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.BinaryOp
operator. - NE - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- needsParentheses(ASTExpression, JavaNode) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.UselessParenthesesRule
- needsUncheckedConversion() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.OverloadSelectionResult
Whether the declaration needed unchecked conversion to be applicable.
- NEGATION - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.UnaryOp
Logical complement operator
. - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java - package net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java
- net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast - package net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Contains the classes and interfaces modelling the Java AST.
- net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.cpd - package net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.cpd
- net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.javadoc - package net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.javadoc
- net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.metrics - package net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.metrics
- net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule - package net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule
Contains the built-in rules bundled with the Java distribution.
- net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices - package net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices
- net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle - package net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle
- net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design - package net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design
- net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.documentation - package net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.documentation
- net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone - package net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone
- net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.multithreading - package net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.multithreading
- net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.performance - package net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.performance
- net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.security - package net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.security
- net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols - package net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols
The new symbol resolution framework that inter-operates cleanly with type resolution.
- net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table - package net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table
- net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table.coreimpl - package net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table.coreimpl
- net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types - package net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types
Support for compile-time type resolution on the AST.
- net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.ast - package net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.ast
- never() - Method in enum net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeOps.Convertibility
Returns true if this is
. - NEVER - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.UselessParenthesesRule.Necessity
- NEVER - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeOps.Convertibility
T is never implicitly convertible to S.
- NEW - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- newInvocContext(InvocationNode, int) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.ast.InternalApiBridge
- newOtherContext(JTypeMirror, ExprContext.ExprContextKind) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.ast.InternalApiBridge
- newPropertyBundle() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.JavaLanguageModule
- newTokenManager(CharStream) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
Returns a new token manager for this language.
- newTypeVar(JTypeParameterSymbol) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeSystem
Returns a new type variable for the given symbol.
- next() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table.coreimpl.ShadowChainIterator
Returns the next node in the chain that contains a declaration for the name this iterator searches.
- NO_TYPE - Variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeSystem
A constant to represent the normal absence of a type.
- NON_SEALED - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JModifier
(preview feature of JDK 15). - NonSerializableClassRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone
- NonSerializableClassRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone.NonSerializableClassRule
- NonThreadSafeSingletonRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.multithreading
- NonThreadSafeSingletonRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.multithreading.NonThreadSafeSingletonRule
- nonWildcardParameterization(JClassType) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeOps
Returns the non-wildcard parameterization of the given functional interface type.
- NPATH - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.metrics.JavaMetrics
Number of acyclic execution paths through a piece of code.
- NPathComplexityRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design
Simple n-path complexity rule.
- NPathComplexityRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design.NPathComplexityRule
- NULL - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- NULL_TYPE - Variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeSystem
The bottom type of the reference type system.
- NullAssignmentRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone
- NullAssignmentRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone.NullAssignmentRule
- NUMBER_OF_ACCESSORS - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.metrics.JavaMetrics
- NUMBER_OF_PUBLIC_FIELDS - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.metrics.JavaMetrics
- NUMERIC - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.ast.ExprContext.ExprContextKind
Numeric context.
- OBJECT - Variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeSystem
Top type of the reference type system.
- OCTAL_NUMERAL - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- of(TypeSystem, Object) - Static method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.SymbolicValue
Returns a symbolic value for the given java object Returns an annotation element for the given java value.
- ofBinaryName(TypeSystem, String) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.SymbolicValue.SymClass
- OnlyOneReturnRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle
- OnlyOneReturnRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.OnlyOneReturnRule
- opsWithGreaterPrecedence(BinaryOp) - Static method in enum net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.BinaryOp
Returns the ops with strictly greater precedence than the given op.
- OR - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.BinaryOp
operator. - OR_ASSIGN - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.AssignmentOp
- ORASSIGN - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- orEmpty(ASTList<N>) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTList
Returns an empty list if the parameter is null, otherwise returns its
. - orEmptyStream(ASTList<N>) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTList
- OverloadSelectionResult - Interface in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types
Information about the overload-resolution for a specific expression.
- OverrideBothEqualsAndHashcodeRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone
- OverrideBothEqualsAndHashcodeRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone.OverrideBothEqualsAndHashcodeRule
- overrideResolution(JavaAstProcessor, ASTCompilationUnit) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.InternalApiBridge
- overrides(JMethodSig, JMethodSig, JTypeMirror) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeOps
Returns true if m1 overrides m2, when both are view as members of class origin.
- overwrite(S) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table.coreimpl.ShadowChainBuilder.ResolverBuilder
- PACKAGE - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- PARAM - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.javadoc.JavadocTag
- parameterise(JClassSymbol, List<? extends JTypeMirror>) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeSystem
Produce a parameterized type with the given symbol and type arguments.
- parse(String) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.InvocationMatcher
Parses an
. - parseAll(String, String...) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.InvocationMatcher
Parses a
which matches any of the provided matchers. - parseImpl(CharStream, Parser.ParserTask) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaParser
- PART_LETTER - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- plus(SubstVar, JTypeMirror) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.Substitution
Maps the given variable to the given type.
- PLUS - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- PLUSASSIGN - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- POST_DECREMENT - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.UnaryOp
Postfix decrement operator
. - POST_INCREMENT - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.UnaryOp
Postfix increment operator
. - PRE_DECREMENT - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.UnaryOp
Prefix decrement operator
. - PRE_INCREMENT - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.UnaryOp
Prefix increment operator
. - PrematureDeclarationRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle
Checks for variables in methods that are defined before they are really needed.
- PrematureDeclarationRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.PrematureDeclarationRule
- PreserveStackTraceRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices
- PreserveStackTraceRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices.PreserveStackTraceRule
- prettyPrint(JTypeVisitable) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypePrettyPrint
- prettyPrint(JTypeVisitable, TypePrettyPrint.TypePrettyPrinter) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypePrettyPrint
- prettyPrintWithSimpleNames(JTypeVisitable) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypePrettyPrint
- PRIMITIVE_PACKAGE - Static variable in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JAccessibleElementSymbol
Conventional return value of
for primitive types. - PrimitiveWrapperInstantiationRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices
- PrimitiveWrapperInstantiationRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices.PrimitiveWrapperInstantiationRule
- printAnnotations(boolean) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypePrettyPrint.TypePrettyPrinter
Whether to print the type annotations.
- printMethodHeader(boolean) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypePrettyPrint.TypePrettyPrinter
Print the declaring type of the method and its type parameters.
- printMethodResult(boolean) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypePrettyPrint.TypePrettyPrinter
Print the return type of methods (as postfix).
- printTypeVarBounds(OptionalBool) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypePrettyPrint.TypePrettyPrinter
Print the bounds of type variables.
- PRIVATE - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JModifier
- PRIVATE - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- processToken(TokenFactory, JavaccToken) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.cpd.JavaCpdLexer
- projectUpwards(JTypeMirror) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeOps
Returns the upwards projection of the given type, with respect to the set of capture variables that are found in it.
- ProperCloneImplementationRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone
- ProperCloneImplementationRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone.ProperCloneImplementationRule
- PROTECTED - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JModifier
- PROTECTED - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- PUBLIC - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JModifier
- PUBLIC - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- QualifiableExpression - Interface in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Node that may be qualified by an expression, e.g.
- qualifyAnnotations(boolean) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypePrettyPrint.TypePrettyPrinter
Whether to print the binary name of a type annotation or just the simple name if false.
- qualifyNames(boolean) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypePrettyPrint.TypePrettyPrinter
Use qualified names for class types instead of simple names.
- qualifyTvars(boolean) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypePrettyPrint.TypePrettyPrinter
Qualify type variables with the name of the declaring symbol.
- rawType(JTypeDeclSymbol) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeSystem
TypeSystem.typeOf(JTypeDeclSymbol, boolean)
, defaulting the erased parameter to true. - RBRACE - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- RBRACKET - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- READ - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTAssignableExpr.AccessType
The value of the variable is read.
- RedundantFieldInitializerRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.performance
Detects redundant field initializers, i.e.
- RedundantFieldInitializerRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.performance.RedundantFieldInitializerRule
- REM - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- REMASSIGN - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- removeCommentMarkup(Chars) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaComment
Trim the start of the provided line to remove a comment markup opener (
//, /*, /**, *
) or closer* /
. - resolve(String) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table.coreimpl.ShadowChain
Returns the list of symbols accessible by simple name in the scope of this group.
- resolveClassFromBinaryName(String) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.SymbolResolver
Resolves a class symbol from its canonical name.
- resolveClassFromCanonicalName(String) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.SymbolResolver
Resolves a class symbol from its canonical name.
- resolveFirst(String) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table.coreimpl.NameResolver
Resolves the first symbol that would be part of the list yielded by
for the given name. - resolveFirst(String) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table.coreimpl.NameResolver.SingleNameResolver
- resolveFirst(String) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table.coreimpl.ShadowChain
Returns the first symbol that would be yielded by
, if it would return a non-empty list. - resolveHere(String) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table.coreimpl.NameResolver
Returns all symbols known by this resolver that have the given simple name.
- resolveHere(String) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table.coreimpl.NameResolver.SingleNameResolver
- resolveHere(String) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table.coreimpl.ShadowChainNode
, may do additional stuff like caching. - ResolverBuilder() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table.coreimpl.ShadowChainBuilder.ResolverBuilder
- ResolverBuilder(MostlySingularMultimap.Builder<String, S>) - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table.coreimpl.ShadowChainBuilder.ResolverBuilder
- RETURN - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- RETURN - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.javadoc.JavadocTag
- RIGHT_SHIFT - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.BinaryOp
Right shift
operator. - RIGHT_SHIFT_ASSIGN - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.AssignmentOp
- rootGroup() - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table.coreimpl.ShadowChainBuilder
Returns the singleton for the chain root.
- RPAREN - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- RSIGNEDSHIFT - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- RSIGNEDSHIFTASSIGN - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- RUNSIGNEDSHIFT - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- RUNSIGNEDSHIFTASSIGN - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- SAME_FILE - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table.ScopeInfo
Sibling types in the same file, that are not nested into one another.
- SAME_PACKAGE - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table.ScopeInfo
- SC_AND - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- SC_OR - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- ScopeInfo - Enum in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table
A scope tag for java shadow chains.
- SEALED - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JModifier
(preview feature of JDK 15). - SEE - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.javadoc.JavadocTag
- selectInner(JClassSymbol, List<? extends JTypeMirror>) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JClassType
Select an inner type.
- selectInner(JClassSymbol, List<? extends JTypeMirror>, PSet<SymbolicValue.SymAnnot>) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JClassType
Select an inner type, with new type annotations.
- SEMICOLON - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- SERIALIZABLE - Variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeSystem
The interface Serializable.
- setCompileTimeDecl(ASTMethodReference, JMethodSig) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.InternalApiBridge
- setFunctionalMethod(FunctionalExpression, JMethodSig) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.InternalApiBridge
- setImage(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTInfixExpression
- setOverload(InvocationNode, OverloadSelectionResult) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.InternalApiBridge
- setQname(ASTTypeDeclaration, String, String) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.InternalApiBridge
- setSignature(ASTFieldAccess, JVariableSig.FieldSig) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.InternalApiBridge
- setSignature(ASTVariableAccess, JVariableSig) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.InternalApiBridge
- setStandaloneTernary(ASTConditionalExpression) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.InternalApiBridge
- setSymbol(SymbolDeclaratorNode, JElementSymbol) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.InternalApiBridge
- setSymbolTable(JavaNode, JSymbolTable) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.InternalApiBridge
- setTypedSym(ASTFieldAccess, JVariableSig.FieldSig) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.InternalApiBridge
- setTypedSym(ASTVariableAccess, JVariableSig) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.InternalApiBridge
- setTypeMirrorInternal(TypeNode, JTypeMirror) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.InternalApiBridge
- shadow(ShadowChainNode<S, I>, I, NameResolver<S>) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table.coreimpl.ShadowChainBuilder
- shadow(ShadowChainNode<S, I>, I, ShadowChainBuilder.ResolverBuilder) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table.coreimpl.ShadowChainBuilder
- shadow(ShadowChainNode<S, I>, I, S) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table.coreimpl.ShadowChainBuilder
- ShadowChain<S,I> - Interface in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table.coreimpl
A shadow chain is a linked list of
s, which handles shadowing relations between declarations. - ShadowChainBuilder<S,I> - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table.coreimpl
Build a shadow chain for some type.
- ShadowChainBuilder() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table.coreimpl.ShadowChainBuilder
- ShadowChainBuilder.ResolverBuilder - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table.coreimpl
Helper to build a new name resolver.
- ShadowChainIterator<S,I> - Interface in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table.coreimpl
Iterates up a
chain to find a given name. - ShadowChainNode<S,I> - Interface in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table.coreimpl
viewed as individual nodes. - shadowWithCache(ShadowChainNode<S, I>, I, Map<String, List<S>>, NameResolver<S>) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table.coreimpl.ShadowChainBuilder
- SHIFT_OPS - Static variable in enum net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.BinaryOp
Set of
. - SHORT - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JPrimitiveType.PrimitiveTypeKind
- SHORT - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- SHORT - Variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeSystem
Primitive type
. - SignatureDeclareThrowsExceptionRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design
A method/constructor shouldn't explicitly throw java.lang.Exception, since it is unclear which exceptions that can be thrown from the methods.
- SignatureDeclareThrowsExceptionRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design.SignatureDeclareThrowsExceptionRule
- sigOf(JExecutableSymbol) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeSystem
- sigOf(JExecutableSymbol, Substitution) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeSystem
- sigOf(JClassType, JFormalParamSymbol) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeSystem
- sigOf(JClassType, JLocalVariableSymbol) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeSystem
- sigOf(JTypeMirror, JFieldSymbol) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeSystem
- SimplifiableTestAssertionRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices
- SimplifiableTestAssertionRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices.SimplifiableTestAssertionRule
- SimplifyBooleanReturnsRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design
- SimplifyBooleanReturnsRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design.SimplifyBooleanReturnsRule
- SimplifyConditionalRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design
- SimplifyConditionalRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design.SimplifyConditionalRule
- SINCE - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.javadoc.JavadocTag
- SINGLE_IMPORT - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table.ScopeInfo
- SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- SingleMethodSingletonRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone
Returns Checks if the singleton rule is used properly.
- SingleMethodSingletonRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone.SingleMethodSingletonRule
- singleOrNull(ASTList<N>) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTList
Returns the element if there is exactly one, otherwise returns null.
- singleton(String, S) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table.coreimpl.CoreResolvers
- SingletonClassReturningNewInstanceRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone
- SingletonClassReturningNewInstanceRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone.SingletonClassReturningNewInstanceRule
- SingularFieldRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design
A singular field is a field that may be converted to a local variable.
- SingularFieldRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design.SingularFieldRule
- singularMapResolver(Map<String, S>) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table.coreimpl.CoreResolvers
- size() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTFormalParameters
Returns the number of formal parameters.
- size() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTList
Returns the number of nodes in this list.
- sizeOrZero(ASTList<?>) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTList
- SKIP_ANNOTATIONS_DESCRIPTOR - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone.AvoidDuplicateLiteralsRule
- SLASH - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- SLASHASSIGN - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- somehow() - Method in enum net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeOps.Convertibility
Returns true if this is anything but
. - STAR - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- STARASSIGN - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- start(RuleContext) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices.AvoidUsingHardCodedIPRule
- start(RuleContext) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices.GuardLogStatementRule
- start(RuleContext) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.documentation.CommentRequiredRule
- start(RuleContext) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone.AvoidDuplicateLiteralsRule
- start(RuleContext) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone.CloseResourceRule
- start(RuleContext) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone.ConstructorCallsOverridableMethodRule
- start(RuleContext) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone.NonSerializableClassRule
- start(RuleContext) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.multithreading.NonThreadSafeSingletonRule
- STATIC - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JModifier
- STATIC - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- streamDeclaredMethods(Predicate<? super JMethodSymbol>) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JArrayType
- streamDeclaredMethods(Predicate<? super JMethodSymbol>) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JTypeMirror
, but does not recurse into supertypes. - streamMethods(Predicate<? super JMethodSymbol>) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JArrayType
- streamMethods(Predicate<? super JMethodSymbol>) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JIntersectionType
- streamMethods(Predicate<? super JMethodSymbol>) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JTypeMirror
Returns a stream of method signatures declared in and inherited by this type.
- streamMethods(Predicate<? super JMethodSymbol>) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JTypeVar
- streamMethods(Predicate<? super JMethodSymbol>) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JWildcardType
- STRICTFP - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JModifier
- STRICTFP - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- STRING - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.ast.ExprContext.ExprContextKind
String contexts, which convert the operand to a string using
, or the equivalent for a primitive type. - STRING_CHARACTER - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- STRING_ESCAPE - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- STRING_FRAGMENT - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- STRING_LITERAL - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- STRING_TEMPLATE_BEGIN - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- STRING_TEMPLATE_END - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- STRING_TEMPLATE_MID - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- StringInstantiationRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.performance
- StringInstantiationRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.performance.StringInstantiationRule
- SUB - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.BinaryOp
operator. - SUB_ASSIGN - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.AssignmentOp
- subst(JTypeMirror, Function<? super SubstVar, ? extends JTypeMirror>) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeOps
Replace the type variables occurring in the given type to their image by the given function.
- subst(Function<? super SubstVar, ? extends JTypeMirror>) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JArrayType
- subst(Function<? super SubstVar, ? extends JTypeMirror>) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JClassType
- subst(Function<? super SubstVar, ? extends JTypeMirror>) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JIntersectionType
- subst(Function<? super SubstVar, ? extends JTypeMirror>) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JMethodSig
- subst(Function<? super SubstVar, ? extends JTypeMirror>) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JPrimitiveType
- subst(Function<? super SubstVar, ? extends JTypeMirror>) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JTypeMirror
- subst(Function<? super SubstVar, ? extends JTypeMirror>) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JTypeVisitable
Replace the type variables occurring in the given type by their image by the given function.
- subst(Function<? super SubstVar, ? extends JTypeMirror>) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JWildcardType
- subst(Function<? super SubstVar, ? extends JTypeMirror>) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.SubstVar
- subst(List<? extends JTypeMirror>, Function<? super SubstVar, ? extends JTypeMirror>) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeOps
Substitute on a list of types.
- substClasses(List<JClassType>, Function<? super SubstVar, ? extends JTypeMirror>) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeOps
- substInBounds(Function<? super SubstVar, ? extends JTypeMirror>) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JTypeVar
, except this typevar is not the subject of the substitution, only its bounds. - substInBoundsOnly(List<JTypeVar>, Function<? super SubstVar, ? extends JTypeMirror>) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeOps
- Substitution - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types
A function from
s to types. - SubstVar - Interface in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types
Common supertype for
, the two kinds of types that can be substituted in types. - SUBTYPING - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeOps.Convertibility
T is a subtype of S (
T <: S
). - SUPER - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- SuspiciousOctalEscapeRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone
- SuspiciousOctalEscapeRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone.SuspiciousOctalEscapeRule
- SWITCH - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- SwitchDensityRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design
Switch Density - This is the number of statements over the number of cases within a switch.
- SwitchDensityRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design.SwitchDensityRule
- SymbolDeclaratorNode - Interface in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
A node that declares a corresponding symbol.
- SymbolicValue - Interface in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols
Structure to represent constant values of annotations symbolically.
- SymbolicValue.SymAnnot - Interface in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols
Symbolic representation of an annotation.
- SymbolicValue.SymArray - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols
An array of values.
- SymbolicValue.SymClass - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols
Represents a class constant.
- SymbolicValue.SymEnum - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols
Symbolic representation of an enum constant.
- SymbolicValue.SymValue - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols
Represents a primitive or string value.
- SymbolResolver - Interface in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols
Resolves symbols from their global name.
- SymbolVisitor<R,P> - Interface in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols
Visitor over symbols.
- SYNCHRONIZED - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JModifier
- SYNCHRONIZED - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- SyntacticJavaTokenizerFactory - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
Deprecated.This implementation has been superseded. It is not necessary to parse Java code in order to tokenize it.
- tagFor(String) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.javadoc.JavadocTag
- TERNARY - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.ast.ExprContext.ExprContextKind
Kind for a standalone ternary (both branches are then in this context).
- TestClassWithoutTestCasesRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone
- TestClassWithoutTestCasesRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone.TestClassWithoutTestCasesRule
- TEXT_BLOCK_CHARACTER - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- TEXT_BLOCK_LITERAL - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- TEXT_BLOCK_TEMPLATE_MID - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- THIS - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- THRESHOLD_DESCRIPTOR - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone.AvoidDuplicateLiteralsRule
- THROW - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- THROWS - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- THROWS - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.javadoc.JavadocTag
- TIGHT_CLASS_COHESION - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.metrics.JavaMetrics
The relative number of method pairs of a class that access in common at least one attribute of the measured class.
- TILDE - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- toEnum(Class<E>) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.SymbolicValue.SymEnum
If this enum constant is declared in the given enum class, returns its value.
- TOKEN_NAMES - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
Nams of the tokens, each index corresponds to a kind.
- tokenBehavior() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaParser
- toList() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTList
Returns a list containing the element of this node.
- toPrintableString() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTStringLiteral
Returns a string where non-printable characters have been escaped using Java-like escape codes (eg \n, \t, \u00a0).
- toReflect(Collection<JModifier>) - Static method in enum net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JModifier
- toStream() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTList
Returns a node stream containing the same element this node contains.
- toString() - Method in enum net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.AssignmentOp
- toString() - Method in enum net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.BinaryOp
- toString() - Method in enum net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JModifier
- toString() - Method in enum net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ModifierOwner.Visibility
- toString() - Method in enum net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.UnaryOp
- toString() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.SymbolicValue.SymArray
- toString() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.SymbolicValue.SymEnum
- toString() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.SymbolicValue.SymValue
- toString() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table.coreimpl.NameResolver
Please implement toString to ease debugging.
- toString() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JArrayType
- toString() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JIntersectionType
- toString() - Method in enum net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JPrimitiveType.PrimitiveTypeKind
- toString() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JPrimitiveType
- toString() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JTypeMirror
The toString of type mirrors prints useful debug information, but shouldn't be relied on anywhere, as it may change anytime.
- toString() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JVariableSig
- TRANSIENT - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JModifier
- TRANSIENT - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- TRUE - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- TRY - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaTokenKinds
- tryGetNode() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.JElementSymbol
Returns the node that declares this symbol.
- TYPE_PARAM - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table.ScopeInfo
A type parameter of some enclosing class.
- TypeConversion - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types
Utility class for type conversions, as defined in JLS§5.
- TypeNode - Interface in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
A node that has a statically known type.
- typeOf(JTypeDeclSymbol, boolean) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeSystem
Returns a type mirror for the given symbol.
- TypeOps - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types
Common operations on types.
- TypeOps.Convertibility - Enum in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types
A result for a convertibility check.
- TypeParamOwnerNode - Interface in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
A symbol declaration, whose symbol can declare type parameters.
- TypePrettyPrint - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types
Pretty-printing methods to display types.
- TypePrettyPrint.TypePrettyPrinter - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types
Options to pretty print a type.
- TypePrettyPrinter() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypePrettyPrint.TypePrettyPrinter
Create a new pretty printer with the default configuration.
- types() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table.JSymbolTable
The chain of tables tracking type names that are in scope here (classes, type params, but not eg primitive types).
- TypesFromReflection - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types
Builds type mirrors from
instances. - TypeSystem - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types
Root context object for type analysis.
- TypeSystem(Function<TypeSystem, ? extends SymbolResolver>) - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeSystem
Builds a new type system.
- TypeTestUtil - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types
Public utilities to test the type of nodes.
- TypingContext - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types
A mapping of variables to types.
- UNARY_MINUS - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.UnaryOp
Arithmetic negation operation
. - UNARY_PLUS - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.UnaryOp
Unary numeric promotion operator
. - unaryNumericPromotion(JTypeMirror) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeConversion
Performs Unary numeric promotion (JLS§5.6.1).
- UnaryOp - Enum in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast
A unary operator, either prefix or postfix.
- UNBOUNDED_WILD - Variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeSystem
The unbounded wildcard, "?".
- unbox() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JPrimitiveType
- unbox() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JTypeMirror
Returns the unboxed version of this type.
- UNCHECKED_NO_WARNING - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeOps.Convertibility
T <: |S|
andT </: S
, but S is parameterized with only unbounded wildcards. - UNCHECKED_WARNING - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeOps.Convertibility
T is not a subtype of S, but every time T is used in a context where an S is expected, unchecked conversion converts the T to an S with a mandated warning.
- UNKNOWN - Variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeSystem
A constant to represent an unresolved type.
- UnnecessaryBoxingRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle
- UnnecessaryBoxingRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.UnnecessaryBoxingRule
- UnnecessaryCaseChangeRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone
- UnnecessaryCaseChangeRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone.UnnecessaryCaseChangeRule
- UnnecessaryCastRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle
Detects casts where the operand is already a subtype of the context type, or may be converted to it implicitly.
- UnnecessaryCastRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.UnnecessaryCastRule
- UnnecessaryConstructorRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle
This rule detects when a constructor is not necessary; i.e., when there is only one constructor, it’s public, has an empty body, and takes no arguments.
- UnnecessaryConstructorRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.UnnecessaryConstructorRule
- UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedNameRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle
- UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedNameRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedNameRule
- UnnecessaryImportRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle
Detects unnecessary imports.
- UnnecessaryImportRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.UnnecessaryImportRule
- UnnecessaryLocalBeforeReturnRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle
- UnnecessaryLocalBeforeReturnRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.UnnecessaryLocalBeforeReturnRule
- UnnecessaryModifierRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle
- UnnecessaryModifierRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.UnnecessaryModifierRule
- UnnecessaryReturnRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle
- UnnecessaryReturnRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.UnnecessaryReturnRule
- UnnecessaryVarargsArrayCreationRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices
- UnnecessaryVarargsArrayCreationRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices.UnnecessaryVarargsArrayCreationRule
- UNRESOLVED_METHOD - Variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeSystem
Sentinel value for an unresolved method.
- UNSIGNED_RIGHT_SHIFT - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.BinaryOp
Unsigned right shift
operator. - UNSIGNED_RIGHT_SHIFT_ASSIGN - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.AssignmentOp
- UnsynchronizedStaticFormatterRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.multithreading
Using a Formatter (e.g.
- UnsynchronizedStaticFormatterRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.multithreading.UnsynchronizedStaticFormatterRule
- UnusedAssignmentRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices
- UnusedAssignmentRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices.UnusedAssignmentRule
- UnusedFormalParameterRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices
- UnusedFormalParameterRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices.UnusedFormalParameterRule
- UnusedLocalVariableRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices
- UnusedLocalVariableRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices.UnusedLocalVariableRule
- UnusedPrivateFieldRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices
- UnusedPrivateFieldRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices.UnusedPrivateFieldRule
- UnusedPrivateMethodRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices
This rule detects private methods, that are not used and can therefore be deleted.
- UnusedPrivateMethodRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices.UnusedPrivateMethodRule
- usageResolution(JavaAstProcessor, ASTCompilationUnit) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.InternalApiBridge
- UseCollectionIsEmptyRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices
Detect structures like "foo.size() == 0" and suggest replacing them with foo.isEmpty().
- UseCollectionIsEmptyRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices.UseCollectionIsEmptyRule
- UseDiamondOperatorRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle
Checks usages of explicity type arguments in a constructor call that may be replaced by a diamond (
). - UseDiamondOperatorRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.UseDiamondOperatorRule
- UseIndexOfCharRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.performance
- UseIndexOfCharRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.performance.UseIndexOfCharRule
- UselessOperationOnImmutableRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone
An operation on an Immutable object (String, BigDecimal or BigInteger) won't change the object itself.
- UselessOperationOnImmutableRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone.UselessOperationOnImmutableRule
- UselessOverridingMethodRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design
- UselessOverridingMethodRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design.UselessOverridingMethodRule
- UselessParenthesesRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle
- UselessParenthesesRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.UselessParenthesesRule
- UselessParenthesesRule.Necessity - Enum in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle
- UselessStringValueOfRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.performance
- UselessStringValueOfRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.performance.UselessStringValueOfRule
- usesDiamondTypeArgs() - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTConstructorCall
Returns true if type arguments to the constructed instance's type are inferred.
- UseStringBufferForStringAppendsRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.performance
- UseStringBufferForStringAppendsRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.performance.UseStringBufferForStringAppendsRule
- UseTryWithResourcesRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices
- UseTryWithResourcesRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices.UseTryWithResourcesRule
- UseUtilityClassRule - Class in net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design
- UseUtilityClassRule() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design.UseUtilityClassRule
- usingClassLoaderClasspath(ClassLoader) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeSystem
Builds a new type system.
- usingClasspath(Classpath) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeSystem
Builds a new type system.
- V_ANONYMOUS - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ModifierOwner.Visibility
Special visibility of anonymous classes, even more restricted than local.
- V_LOCAL - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ModifierOwner.Visibility
Confined to a local scope, eg method parameters, local variables, local classes.
- V_PACKAGE - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ModifierOwner.Visibility
- V_PRIVATE - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ModifierOwner.Visibility
- V_PROTECTED - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ModifierOwner.Visibility
Package-private + visible to subclasses.
- V_PUBLIC - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ModifierOwner.Visibility
Visible everywhere.
- VALUE_ATTR - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTMemberValuePair
The name of the 'value' attribute.
- valueEquals(Object) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.SymbolicValue.SymAnnot
- valueEquals(Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.SymbolicValue.SymArray
- valueEquals(Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.SymbolicValue.SymClass
- valueEquals(Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.SymbolicValue.SymEnum
- valueEquals(Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.SymbolicValue.SymValue
- valueEquals(Object) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.SymbolicValue
Returns true if this symbolic value represents the same value as the given object.
- valueName() - Method in enum net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.metrics.JavaMetrics.ClassFanOutOption
- valueName() - Method in enum net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.metrics.JavaMetrics.CycloOption
- valueName() - Method in enum net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.metrics.JavaMetrics.NcssOption
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.AssignmentOp
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTAssignableExpr.AccessType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.BinaryOp
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JModifier
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ModifierOwner.Visibility
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.UnaryOp
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.metrics.JavaMetrics.ClassFanOutOption
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.metrics.JavaMetrics.CycloOption
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.metrics.JavaMetrics.NcssOption
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.UselessParenthesesRule.Necessity
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table.ScopeInfo
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.ast.ExprContext.ExprContextKind
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JPrimitiveType.PrimitiveTypeKind
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeOps.Convertibility
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- values() - Static method in enum net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.AssignmentOp
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTAssignableExpr.AccessType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.BinaryOp
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JModifier
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ModifierOwner.Visibility
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.UnaryOp
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.metrics.JavaMetrics.ClassFanOutOption
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.metrics.JavaMetrics.CycloOption
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.metrics.JavaMetrics.NcssOption
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.UselessParenthesesRule.Necessity
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table.ScopeInfo
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.ast.ExprContext.ExprContextKind
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.JPrimitiveType.PrimitiveTypeKind
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.types.TypeOps.Convertibility
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- variables() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.symbols.table.JSymbolTable
The chain of tables tracking variable names that are in scope here (fields, locals, formals, etc).
- VERSION - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.javadoc.JavadocTag
- visit(ASTAmbiguousName, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.UnnecessaryImportRule
- visit(ASTAmbiguousName, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTAnnotationMemberList, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTAnnotation, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTAnnotationTypeBody, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTAnnotationTypeDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.ClassNamingConventionsRule
- visit(ASTAnnotationTypeDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.CommentDefaultAccessModifierRule
- visit(ASTAnnotationTypeDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.UnnecessaryModifierRule
- visit(ASTAnnotationTypeDeclaration, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTAnnotationTypeDeclaration, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitorBase
- visit(ASTAnonymousClassDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone.OverrideBothEqualsAndHashcodeRule
- visit(ASTAnonymousClassDeclaration, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTAnonymousClassDeclaration, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitorBase
- visit(ASTArgumentList, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone.ConfusingArgumentToVarargsMethodRule
- visit(ASTArgumentList, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTArrayAccess, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTArrayAccess, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitorBase
- visit(ASTArrayAllocation, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices.UnnecessaryVarargsArrayCreationRule
- visit(ASTArrayAllocation, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.performance.AvoidInstantiatingObjectsInLoopsRule
- visit(ASTArrayAllocation, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTArrayAllocation, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitorBase
- visit(ASTArrayDimensions, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTArrayDimExpr, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTArrayInitializer, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTArrayTypeDim, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTArrayType, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTArrayType, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitorBase
- visit(ASTAssertStatement, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTAssertStatement, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitorBase
- visit(ASTAssignmentExpression, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone.AssignmentInOperandRule
- visit(ASTAssignmentExpression, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone.IdempotentOperationsRule
- visit(ASTAssignmentExpression, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTAssignmentExpression, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitorBase
- visit(ASTBlock, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.EmptyControlStatementRule
- visit(ASTBlock, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTBlock, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitorBase
- visit(ASTBooleanLiteral, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTBooleanLiteral, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitorBase
- visit(ASTBreakStatement, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone.AvoidBranchingStatementAsLastInLoopRule
- visit(ASTBreakStatement, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTBreakStatement, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitorBase
- visit(ASTCastExpression, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.UnnecessaryCastRule
- visit(ASTCastExpression, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTCastExpression, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitorBase
- visit(ASTCatchClause, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices.PreserveStackTraceRule
- visit(ASTCatchClause, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTCatchParameter, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices.AvoidReassigningCatchVariablesRule
- visit(ASTCatchParameter, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTCharLiteral, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTCharLiteral, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitorBase
- visit(ASTClassBody, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTClassDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices.AbstractClassWithoutAbstractMethodRule
- visit(ASTClassDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.AtLeastOneConstructorRule
- visit(ASTClassDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.ClassNamingConventionsRule
- visit(ASTClassDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.CommentDefaultAccessModifierRule
- visit(ASTClassDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.UnnecessaryConstructorRule
- visit(ASTClassDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.UnnecessaryModifierRule
- visit(ASTClassDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design.ClassWithOnlyPrivateConstructorsShouldBeFinalRule
- visit(ASTClassDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design.CouplingBetweenObjectsRule
- visit(ASTClassDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design.GodClassRule
- visit(ASTClassDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design.InvalidJavaBeanRule
- visit(ASTClassDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design.UseUtilityClassRule
- visit(ASTClassDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.documentation.CommentRequiredRule
- visit(ASTClassDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone.DetachedTestCaseRule
- visit(ASTClassDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone.JUnitSpellingRule
- visit(ASTClassDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone.JUnitStaticSuiteRule
- visit(ASTClassDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone.NonSerializableClassRule
- visit(ASTClassDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone.OverrideBothEqualsAndHashcodeRule
- visit(ASTClassDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone.SingleMethodSingletonRule
Checks for getInstance method usage in the same class.
- visit(ASTClassDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone.TestClassWithoutTestCasesRule
- visit(ASTClassDeclaration, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTClassDeclaration, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitorBase
- visit(ASTClassLiteral, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTClassLiteral, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitorBase
- visit(ASTClassType, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices.LooseCouplingRule
- visit(ASTClassType, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedNameRule
- visit(ASTClassType, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.UnnecessaryImportRule
- visit(ASTClassType, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTClassType, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitorBase
- visit(ASTCompactConstructorDeclaration, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTCompilationUnit, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices.UnusedAssignmentRule
- visit(ASTCompilationUnit, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices.UnusedPrivateMethodRule
- visit(ASTCompilationUnit, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.UnnecessaryImportRule
- visit(ASTCompilationUnit, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design.AvoidDeeplyNestedIfStmtsRule
- visit(ASTCompilationUnit, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design.CouplingBetweenObjectsRule
- visit(ASTCompilationUnit, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design.LoosePackageCouplingRule
- visit(ASTCompilationUnit, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.documentation.CommentContentRule
- visit(ASTCompilationUnit, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.documentation.CommentSizeRule
- visit(ASTCompilationUnit, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTConditionalExpression, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.ConfusingTernaryRule
- visit(ASTConditionalExpression, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTConditionalExpression, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitorBase
- visit(ASTConstructorCall, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices.AccessorClassGenerationRule
- visit(ASTConstructorCall, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices.PrimitiveWrapperInstantiationRule
- visit(ASTConstructorCall, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.UnnecessaryBoxingRule
- visit(ASTConstructorCall, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.UseDiamondOperatorRule
- visit(ASTConstructorCall, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.performance.AvoidInstantiatingObjectsInLoopsRule
- visit(ASTConstructorCall, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.performance.BigIntegerInstantiationRule
- visit(ASTConstructorCall, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.performance.InefficientStringBufferingRule
- visit(ASTConstructorCall, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.performance.StringInstantiationRule
- visit(ASTConstructorCall, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTConstructorCall, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitorBase
- visit(ASTConstructorDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices.ArrayIsStoredDirectlyRule
- visit(ASTConstructorDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices.AvoidReassigningParametersRule
- visit(ASTConstructorDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices.UnusedFormalParameterRule
- visit(ASTConstructorDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.CommentDefaultAccessModifierRule
- visit(ASTConstructorDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.MethodArgumentCouldBeFinalRule
- visit(ASTConstructorDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.UnnecessaryModifierRule
- visit(ASTConstructorDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design.CognitiveComplexityRule
- visit(ASTConstructorDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design.CyclomaticComplexityRule
- visit(ASTConstructorDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.documentation.CommentRequiredRule
- visit(ASTConstructorDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone.CloseResourceRule
- visit(ASTConstructorDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone.ConstructorCallsOverridableMethodRule
- visit(ASTConstructorDeclaration, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTConstructorDeclaration, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitorBase
- visit(ASTContinueStatement, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone.AvoidBranchingStatementAsLastInLoopRule
- visit(ASTContinueStatement, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTContinueStatement, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitorBase
- visit(ASTDefaultValue, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTDoStatement, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.EmptyControlStatementRule
- visit(ASTDoStatement, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTDoStatement, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitorBase
- visit(ASTEmptyDeclaration, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTEmptyStatement, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTEmptyStatement, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitorBase
- visit(ASTEnumBody, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTEnumConstant, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.FieldNamingConventionsRule
- visit(ASTEnumConstant, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTEnumDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.ClassNamingConventionsRule
- visit(ASTEnumDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.CommentDefaultAccessModifierRule
- visit(ASTEnumDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.UnnecessaryConstructorRule
- visit(ASTEnumDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.UnnecessaryModifierRule
- visit(ASTEnumDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.documentation.CommentRequiredRule
- visit(ASTEnumDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone.NonSerializableClassRule
- visit(ASTEnumDeclaration, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTEnumDeclaration, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitorBase
- visit(ASTExplicitConstructorInvocation, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices.AccessorClassGenerationRule
- visit(ASTExplicitConstructorInvocation, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTExplicitConstructorInvocation, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitorBase
- visit(ASTExpressionStatement, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices.GuardLogStatementRule
- visit(ASTExpressionStatement, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.performance.ConsecutiveAppendsShouldReuseRule
- visit(ASTExpressionStatement, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTExpressionStatement, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitorBase
- visit(ASTExtendsList, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTFieldAccess, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices.AccessorMethodGenerationRule
- visit(ASTFieldAccess, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design.LawOfDemeterRule
- visit(ASTFieldAccess, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone.AssignmentToNonFinalStaticRule
- visit(ASTFieldAccess, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTFieldAccess, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitorBase
- visit(ASTFieldDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.CommentDefaultAccessModifierRule
- visit(ASTFieldDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.FieldNamingConventionsRule
- visit(ASTFieldDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.LinguisticNamingRule
- visit(ASTFieldDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.UnnecessaryModifierRule
- visit(ASTFieldDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design.CouplingBetweenObjectsRule
- visit(ASTFieldDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design.ImmutableFieldRule
- visit(ASTFieldDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.documentation.CommentRequiredRule
- visit(ASTFieldDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.multithreading.NonThreadSafeSingletonRule
- visit(ASTFieldDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.multithreading.UnsynchronizedStaticFormatterRule
- visit(ASTFieldDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.performance.RedundantFieldInitializerRule
- visit(ASTFieldDeclaration, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTFinallyClause, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.EmptyControlStatementRule
- visit(ASTFinallyClause, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTForeachStatement, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices.AvoidReassigningLoopVariablesRule
- visit(ASTForeachStatement, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.EmptyControlStatementRule
- visit(ASTForeachStatement, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTForeachStatement, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitorBase
- visit(ASTForInit, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTFormalParameter, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design.CouplingBetweenObjectsRule
- visit(ASTFormalParameter, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTFormalParameters, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTForStatement, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices.AvoidReassigningLoopVariablesRule
- visit(ASTForStatement, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices.ForLoopCanBeForeachRule
- visit(ASTForStatement, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.EmptyControlStatementRule
- visit(ASTForStatement, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTForStatement, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitorBase
- visit(ASTForUpdate, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTGuard, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTIfStatement, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices.CheckResultSetRule
- visit(ASTIfStatement, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.ConfusingTernaryRule
- visit(ASTIfStatement, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.EmptyControlStatementRule
- visit(ASTIfStatement, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design.AvoidDeeplyNestedIfStmtsRule
- visit(ASTIfStatement, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTIfStatement, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitorBase
- visit(ASTImplementsList, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTImportDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design.LoosePackageCouplingRule
- visit(ASTImportDeclaration, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTInfixExpression, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design.SimplifyConditionalRule
- visit(ASTInfixExpression, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone.BrokenNullCheckRule
- visit(ASTInfixExpression, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTInfixExpression, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitorBase
- visit(ASTInitializer, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.EmptyControlStatementRule
- visit(ASTInitializer, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTIntersectionType, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTIntersectionType, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitorBase
- visit(ASTLabeledStatement, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTLabeledStatement, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitorBase
- visit(ASTLambdaExpression, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.LambdaCanBeMethodReferenceRule
- visit(ASTLambdaExpression, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTLambdaExpression, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitorBase
- visit(ASTLambdaParameterList, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTLambdaParameter, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTLocalClassStatement, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTLocalClassStatement, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitorBase
- visit(ASTLocalVariableDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices.UnusedLocalVariableRule
- visit(ASTLocalVariableDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.LinguisticNamingRule
- visit(ASTLocalVariableDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.LocalVariableCouldBeFinalRule
- visit(ASTLocalVariableDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.PrematureDeclarationRule
- visit(ASTLocalVariableDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design.CouplingBetweenObjectsRule
- visit(ASTLocalVariableDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.performance.ConsecutiveAppendsShouldReuseRule
- visit(ASTLocalVariableDeclaration, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTLocalVariableDeclaration, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitorBase
- visit(ASTMemberValueArrayInitializer, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTMemberValuePair, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTMethodCall, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices.AccessorMethodGenerationRule
- visit(ASTMethodCall, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices.CheckResultSetRule
- visit(ASTMethodCall, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices.JUnitAssertionsShouldIncludeMessageRule
- visit(ASTMethodCall, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices.LiteralsFirstInComparisonsRule
- visit(ASTMethodCall, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices.PrimitiveWrapperInstantiationRule
Finds calls of "Boolean.valueOf".
- visit(ASTMethodCall, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices.SimplifiableTestAssertionRule
- visit(ASTMethodCall, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices.UseCollectionIsEmptyRule
- visit(ASTMethodCall, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.UnnecessaryBoxingRule
- visit(ASTMethodCall, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.UnnecessaryImportRule
- visit(ASTMethodCall, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design.LawOfDemeterRule
- visit(ASTMethodCall, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone.CheckSkipResultRule
- visit(ASTMethodCall, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone.CloseResourceRule
- visit(ASTMethodCall, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone.InvalidLogMessageFormatRule
- visit(ASTMethodCall, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone.UnnecessaryCaseChangeRule
- visit(ASTMethodCall, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone.UselessOperationOnImmutableRule
- visit(ASTMethodCall, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.performance.InefficientEmptyStringCheckRule
- visit(ASTMethodCall, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.performance.InefficientStringBufferingRule
- visit(ASTMethodCall, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.performance.UseIndexOfCharRule
- visit(ASTMethodCall, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.performance.UselessStringValueOfRule
- visit(ASTMethodCall, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTMethodCall, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitorBase
- visit(ASTMethodDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices.ArrayIsStoredDirectlyRule
- visit(ASTMethodDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices.AvoidReassigningParametersRule
- visit(ASTMethodDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices.JUnitTestContainsTooManyAssertsRule
- visit(ASTMethodDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices.JUnitTestsShouldIncludeAssertRule
- visit(ASTMethodDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices.JUnitUseExpectedRule
- visit(ASTMethodDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices.MethodReturnsInternalArrayRule
- visit(ASTMethodDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices.MissingOverrideRule
- visit(ASTMethodDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices.UnusedFormalParameterRule
- visit(ASTMethodDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.CommentDefaultAccessModifierRule
- visit(ASTMethodDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.LinguisticNamingRule
- visit(ASTMethodDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.MethodArgumentCouldBeFinalRule
- visit(ASTMethodDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.MethodNamingConventionsRule
- visit(ASTMethodDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.OnlyOneReturnRule
- visit(ASTMethodDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.UnnecessaryModifierRule
- visit(ASTMethodDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design.CognitiveComplexityRule
- visit(ASTMethodDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design.CouplingBetweenObjectsRule
- visit(ASTMethodDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design.CyclomaticComplexityRule
- visit(ASTMethodDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design.UselessOverridingMethodRule
- visit(ASTMethodDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.documentation.CommentRequiredRule
- visit(ASTMethodDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone.CloneMethodMustImplementCloneableRule
- visit(ASTMethodDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone.CloseResourceRule
- visit(ASTMethodDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone.ProperCloneImplementationRule
- visit(ASTMethodDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone.SingletonClassReturningNewInstanceRule
- visit(ASTMethodDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.multithreading.DoubleCheckedLockingRule
- visit(ASTMethodDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.multithreading.NonThreadSafeSingletonRule
- visit(ASTMethodDeclaration, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTMethodDeclaration, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitorBase
- visit(ASTMethodReference, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTMethodReference, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitorBase
- visit(ASTModifierList, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTModuleDeclaration, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTModuleExportsDirective, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTModuleName, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTModuleOpensDirective, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTModuleProvidesDirective, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTModuleRequiresDirective, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTModuleUsesDirective, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTNullLiteral, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone.NullAssignmentRule
- visit(ASTNullLiteral, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTNullLiteral, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitorBase
- visit(ASTNumericLiteral, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone.AvoidUsingOctalValuesRule
- visit(ASTNumericLiteral, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTNumericLiteral, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitorBase
- visit(ASTPackageDeclaration, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTPatternExpression, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTPatternList, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTPermitsList, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTPrimitiveType, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTPrimitiveType, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitorBase
- visit(ASTReceiverParameter, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTRecordBody, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTRecordComponentList, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTRecordComponent, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTRecordDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.ClassNamingConventionsRule
- visit(ASTRecordDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.CommentDefaultAccessModifierRule
- visit(ASTRecordDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.UnnecessaryModifierRule
- visit(ASTRecordDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone.NonSerializableClassRule
- visit(ASTRecordDeclaration, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone.OverrideBothEqualsAndHashcodeRule
- visit(ASTRecordDeclaration, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTRecordDeclaration, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitorBase
- visit(ASTRecordPattern, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTResourceList, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTResource, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.UnnecessaryModifierRule
- visit(ASTResource, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTReturnStatement, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices.CheckResultSetRule
- visit(ASTReturnStatement, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.UnnecessaryLocalBeforeReturnRule
- visit(ASTReturnStatement, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.codestyle.UnnecessaryReturnRule
- visit(ASTReturnStatement, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.design.SimplifyBooleanReturnsRule
- visit(ASTReturnStatement, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone.AvoidBranchingStatementAsLastInLoopRule
- visit(ASTReturnStatement, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTReturnStatement, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitorBase
- visit(ASTStatementExpressionList, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTStatementExpressionList, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitorBase
- visit(ASTStringLiteral, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.bestpractices.AvoidUsingHardCodedIPRule
- visit(ASTStringLiteral, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone.AvoidDuplicateLiteralsRule
- visit(ASTStringLiteral, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.errorprone.SuspiciousOctalEscapeRule
- visit(ASTStringLiteral, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.performance.AddEmptyStringRule
- visit(ASTStringLiteral, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.rule.performance.AppendCharacterWithCharRule
- visit(ASTStringLiteral, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTStringLiteral, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitorBase
- visit(ASTSuperExpression, P) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.JavaVisitor
- visit(ASTSuperExpression, P) - Method in class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.