Uses of Package
Packages that use Package Description Contains the classes and interfaces modelling the Java Contains the built-in rules bundled with the Java The new symbol resolution framework that inter-operates cleanly with type Support for compile-time type resolution on the -
Classes in used by Class Description AbstractPackageNameModuleDirective Annotatable Marks nodes that can be annotated.AssignmentOp An assignment operator forASTAssignmentExpression
.ASTAmbiguousName An ambiguous name occurring in any context.ASTAnnotation Represents an annotation.ASTAnnotationMemberList Represents the list ofmember-value pairs
in anannotation
.ASTAnnotationTypeBody ASTAnnotationTypeDeclaration The declaration of an annotation type.ASTAnonymousClassDeclaration An anonymous class declaration.ASTArgumentList ASTArrayAccess An array access expression.ASTArrayAllocation An array creation expression.ASTArrayDimensions Represents array type dimensions.ASTArrayDimExpr Represents an array dimension initialized with an expression in an array allocation expression.ASTArrayInitializer An array initializer.ASTArrayType Represents an array type.ASTArrayTypeDim Represents an array dimension in an array type, or in an array allocation expression.ASTAssertStatement Represents anassert
statement.ASTAssignableExpr An expression that may be assigned by an assignment expression, or incremented or decremented.ASTAssignableExpr.AccessType Represents the type of access of an assignable expression.ASTAssignableExpr.ASTNamedReferenceExpr An assignable expression that has a name, and refers to a symbol.ASTAssignmentExpression Represents an assignment expression.ASTBlock A block of code.ASTBodyDeclaration Marker interface for declarations that can occur in a type body, such as field or method declarations.ASTBooleanLiteral The boolean literal, either "true" or "false".ASTBreakStatement A break statement, that jumps to a named label (or exits the current loop).ASTCastExpression Represents a type cast expression.ASTCatchClause A "catch" clause of a try statement.ASTCatchParameter Formal parameter of a catch clause to represent the declared exception variable.ASTCharLiteral Represents a character literal.ASTClassBody Represents the body of a class or interface declaration.ASTClassDeclaration Represents class and interface declarations.ASTClassLiteral A class literal.ASTClassType Represents a class or interface type, possibly parameterised with type arguments.ASTCompactConstructorDeclaration This defines a compact constructor for a RecordDeclaration (JDK 16 feature).ASTCompilationUnit The root node of all Java ASTs.ASTConditionalExpression Represents a conditional expression, aka ternary expression.ASTConstructorCall A class instance creation expression.ASTConstructorDeclaration ASTContinueStatement A continue statement, that jumps to the next iteration of an enclosing loop.ASTDefaultValue Represents thedefault
clause of an annotation method.ASTDoStatement Represents ado ... while
statement.ASTEmptyDeclaration An empty declaration (useless).ASTEmptyStatement An empty statement (useless).ASTEnumBody Body of an enum declaration.ASTEnumConstant Represents an enum constant declaration within an enum type declaration.ASTEnumDeclaration Represents an enum declaration.ASTExecutableDeclaration Groups method and constructor declarations under a common type.ASTExplicitConstructorInvocation An explicit constructor invocation, occurring at the start of a constructor declaration.ASTExpression Represents an expression, in the most general sense.ASTExpressionStatement A statement that contains an expression.ASTExtendsList Represents theextends
clause of a class or interface declaration.ASTFieldAccess A field access expression.ASTFieldDeclaration Represents a field declaration in the body of a type declaration.ASTFinallyClause The "finally" clause of a try statement.ASTForeachStatement Represents a "foreach"-loop on anIterable
.ASTForInit The initialization clause of a for loop.ASTFormalParameter Formal parameter node for a formal parameter list.ASTFormalParameters A list of formal parameters in a method or constructor declaration.ASTForStatement Represents afor
loop (distinct from foreach loops).ASTForUpdate Update clause of a for statement.ASTGuard A guard for refining a switch case inASTSwitchLabel
s.ASTIfStatement Represents anif
statement, possibly with anelse
statement.ASTImplementsList Represents theimplements
clause of a class declaration.ASTImplicitClassDeclaration ImplicitClassDeclaration ::= ClassBody ClassBody ::= FieldDeclaration* MethodDeclaration BodyDeclaration*ASTImportDeclaration Represents an import declaration in a Java file.ASTInfixExpression Represents a binary infix expression.ASTInitializer A class or instance initializer.ASTIntersectionType Represents an intersection type.ASTLabeledStatement A wrapper around a statement that assigns it a label.ASTLambdaExpression A lambda expression.ASTLambdaParameter Formal parameter of a lambda expression.ASTLambdaParameterList The parameter list of a lambda expression.ASTList Common supertype for nodes that act as a kind of list of other nodes.ASTLiteral A lexical literal.ASTLocalClassStatement A statement that contains a local class declaration.ASTLocalVariableDeclaration Represents a local variable declaration.ASTLoopStatement A loop statement.ASTMemberValue Represents the value of a member of an annotation.ASTMemberValueArrayInitializer Represents an array of member values in an annotation member value.ASTMemberValuePair Represents a single pair of member name to value in an annotation.ASTMethodCall A method invocation expression.ASTMethodDeclaration A method declaration, in a class or interface declaration.ASTMethodReference Method or constructor reference expression.ASTModifierList List of modifiers of a declaration.ASTModuleDeclaration A module declaration.ASTModuleDirective A directive of a module declaration.ASTModuleExportsDirective An "exports" directive of a module declaration.ASTModuleName The name of a module.ASTModuleOpensDirective An "opens" directive of a module declaration.ASTModuleProvidesDirective A "provides" directive of a module declaration.ASTModuleRequiresDirective A "requires" directive of a module declaration.ASTModuleUsesDirective A "uses" directive of a module declaration.ASTNullLiteral The null literal.ASTNumericLiteral A numeric literal of any type (double, int, long, float, etc).ASTPackageDeclaration Package declaration at the top of a source file.ASTPattern A pattern for pattern matching constructs likeInstanceOfExpression
or within aASTSwitchLabel
).ASTPatternExpression Wraps aASTPattern
node but presents the interface ofASTExpression
.ASTPatternList Contains a potentially empty list of nested Patterns for RecordPattern (Java 21).ASTPermitsList Represents thepermits
clause of a (sealed) class declaration.ASTPrimaryExpression Tags thoseexpressions
that are categorised as primary by the JLS.ASTPrimitiveType Represents a primitive type.ASTReceiverParameter Receiver parameter.ASTRecordBody Defines the body of a RecordDeclaration (JDK 16 feature).ASTRecordComponent Defines a single component of a RecordDeclaration (JDK 16 feature).ASTRecordComponentList Defines the state description of a RecordDeclaration (JDK 16 feature).ASTRecordDeclaration A record declaration is a special data class type (JDK 16 feature).ASTRecordPattern A record pattern, a Java 21 language feature.ASTReferenceType Represents a reference type, i.e. a class or interface type, or an array type.ASTResource A resource of a try-with-resources.ASTResourceList A list of resources in a try-with-resources.ASTReturnStatement A return statement in a method or constructor body.ASTStatement Represents a code statement.ASTStatementExpressionList A list of statement expressions.ASTStringLiteral Represents a string literal.ASTSuperExpression The "super" keyword.ASTSwitchArrowBranch A non-fallthrough switch rule, introduced with switch expressions.ASTSwitchArrowRHS A node that can appear as the right-hand-side of aSwitchArrowRule
.ASTSwitchBranch A branch of aSwitchLike
.ASTSwitchExpression A switch expression, as introduced in Java 12.ASTSwitchFallthroughBranch A fallthrough switch branch.ASTSwitchLabel ASTSwitchLike Common supertype for switch statements and switch expressions.ASTSwitchStatement Represents aswitch
statement.ASTSynchronizedStatement A synchronized statement.ASTThisExpression The "this" expression.ASTThrowsList Throws clause of anASTConstructorDeclaration
.ASTThrowStatement Athrow
statement.ASTTopLevelDeclaration Marker interface for nodes that can appear on the top-level of a file.ASTTryStatement Try statement node.ASTType Represents a type reference.ASTTypeArguments Represents a list of type arguments.ASTTypeBody Body of a type declaration.ASTTypeDeclaration Groups class, enum, record, annotation and interface declarations under a common supertype.ASTTypeExpression Wraps a type node but presents the interface ofASTExpression
.ASTTypeParameter Represents a type parameter declaration of a method, constructor, class or interface declaration.ASTTypeParameters Represents a list of type parameters.ASTTypePattern A type pattern (JDK16).ASTUnaryExpression Represents a unary operation on a value.ASTUnionType Represents the type node of a multi-catch statement.ASTUnnamedPattern An unnamed pattern, a Java 22 language feature.ASTVariableAccess An unqualified reference to a variable (either local, or a field that is in scope).ASTVariableDeclarator Groups a variable ID and its initializer if it exists.ASTVariableId Represents an identifier in the context of variable or parameter declarations (not their use in expressions).ASTVoidType Type node to represent the void pseudo-type.ASTWhileStatement Represents awhile
loop.ASTWildcardType Represents a wildcard type.ASTYieldStatement Ayield
statement in a switch expression.BinaryOp Represents the operator of an infix expression.FunctionalExpression A method reference or lambda expression.InvocationNode Groups method and constructor call, together, as well as explicit constructor invocation statements, and enum constant declarations.JavaComment Wraps a comment token to provide some utilities.JavadocComment AJavaComment
that has Javadoc content.JavadocCommentOwner A node that may own a javadoc comment.JavaNode Root interface for all Nodes of the Java AST.JavaVisitor JModifier A Java modifier.MethodUsage A node that uses another method or constructor.ModifierOwner A node that owns a modifier list.ModifierOwner.Visibility Represents the visibility of a declaration.QualifiableExpression Node that may be qualified by an expression, e.g. an instance method call or inner class constructor invocation.SymbolDeclaratorNode A node that declares a corresponding symbol.TypeNode A node that has a statically known type.TypeParamOwnerNode A symbol declaration, whose symbol can declare type parameters.UnaryOp A unary operator, either prefix or postfix. -
Classes in used by Class Description ASTExecutableDeclaration Groups method and constructor declarations under a common type.ASTTypeDeclaration Groups class, enum, record, annotation and interface declarations under a common supertype.JavaNode Root interface for all Nodes of the Java AST. -
Classes in used by Class Description JavaNode Root interface for all Nodes of the Java AST.JavaVisitor -
Classes in used by Class Description ASTArrayAllocation An array creation expression.ASTCatchClause A "catch" clause of a try statement.ASTCatchParameter Formal parameter of a catch clause to represent the declared exception variable.ASTClassDeclaration Represents class and interface declarations.ASTClassType Represents a class or interface type, possibly parameterised with type arguments.ASTCompilationUnit The root node of all Java ASTs.ASTConstructorCall A class instance creation expression.ASTConstructorDeclaration ASTExplicitConstructorInvocation An explicit constructor invocation, occurring at the start of a constructor declaration.ASTExpressionStatement A statement that contains an expression.ASTFieldAccess A field access expression.ASTForeachStatement Represents a "foreach"-loop on anIterable
.ASTForStatement Represents afor
loop (distinct from foreach loops).ASTIfStatement Represents anif
statement, possibly with anelse
statement.ASTLocalVariableDeclaration Represents a local variable declaration.ASTMethodCall A method invocation expression.ASTMethodDeclaration A method declaration, in a class or interface declaration.ASTReturnStatement A return statement in a method or constructor body.ASTStringLiteral Represents a string literal.ASTTryStatement Try statement node.ASTVariableAccess An unqualified reference to a variable (either local, or a field that is in scope).ASTWhileStatement Represents awhile
loop.JavaNode Root interface for all Nodes of the Java AST.JavaVisitor -
Classes in used by Class Description ASTAmbiguousName An ambiguous name occurring in any context.ASTAnnotationTypeDeclaration The declaration of an annotation type.ASTBlock A block of code.ASTCastExpression Represents a type cast expression.ASTClassDeclaration Represents class and interface declarations.ASTClassType Represents a class or interface type, possibly parameterised with type arguments.ASTCompilationUnit The root node of all Java ASTs.ASTConditionalExpression Represents a conditional expression, aka ternary expression.ASTConstructorCall A class instance creation expression.ASTConstructorDeclaration ASTDoStatement Represents ado ... while
statement.ASTEnumConstant Represents an enum constant declaration within an enum type declaration.ASTEnumDeclaration Represents an enum declaration.ASTExpression Represents an expression, in the most general sense.ASTFieldDeclaration Represents a field declaration in the body of a type declaration.ASTFinallyClause The "finally" clause of a try statement.ASTForeachStatement Represents a "foreach"-loop on anIterable
.ASTForStatement Represents afor
loop (distinct from foreach loops).ASTIfStatement Represents anif
statement, possibly with anelse
statement.ASTInitializer A class or instance initializer.ASTLambdaExpression A lambda expression.ASTLocalVariableDeclaration Represents a local variable declaration.ASTMethodCall A method invocation expression.ASTMethodDeclaration A method declaration, in a class or interface declaration.ASTRecordDeclaration A record declaration is a special data class type (JDK 16 feature).ASTResource A resource of a try-with-resources.ASTReturnStatement A return statement in a method or constructor body.ASTSwitchStatement Represents aswitch
statement.ASTSynchronizedStatement A synchronized statement.ASTTryStatement Try statement node.ASTTypeDeclaration Groups class, enum, record, annotation and interface declarations under a common supertype.ASTVariableAccess An unqualified reference to a variable (either local, or a field that is in scope).ASTVariableId Represents an identifier in the context of variable or parameter declarations (not their use in expressions).ASTWhileStatement Represents awhile
loop.JavaNode Root interface for all Nodes of the Java AST.JavaVisitor -
Classes in used by Class Description ASTClassDeclaration Represents class and interface declarations.ASTCompilationUnit The root node of all Java ASTs.ASTConstructorDeclaration ASTFieldAccess A field access expression.ASTFieldDeclaration Represents a field declaration in the body of a type declaration.ASTFormalParameter Formal parameter node for a formal parameter list.ASTFormalParameters A list of formal parameters in a method or constructor declaration.ASTIfStatement Represents anif
statement, possibly with anelse
statement.ASTImportDeclaration Represents an import declaration in a Java file.ASTInfixExpression Represents a binary infix expression.ASTLocalVariableDeclaration Represents a local variable declaration.ASTMethodCall A method invocation expression.ASTMethodDeclaration A method declaration, in a class or interface declaration.ASTReturnStatement A return statement in a method or constructor body.ASTSwitchExpression A switch expression, as introduced in Java 12.ASTSwitchLike Common supertype for switch statements and switch expressions.ASTSwitchStatement Represents aswitch
statement.ASTThrowsList Throws clause of anASTConstructorDeclaration
.ASTThrowStatement Athrow
statement.ASTTypeDeclaration Groups class, enum, record, annotation and interface declarations under a common supertype.JavaNode Root interface for all Nodes of the Java AST.JavaVisitor ModifierOwner A node that owns a modifier list. -
Classes in used by Class Description ASTClassDeclaration Represents class and interface declarations.ASTCompilationUnit The root node of all Java ASTs.ASTConstructorDeclaration ASTEnumDeclaration Represents an enum declaration.ASTFieldDeclaration Represents a field declaration in the body of a type declaration.ASTMethodDeclaration A method declaration, in a class or interface declaration.JavaVisitor -
Classes in used by Class Description ASTAnonymousClassDeclaration An anonymous class declaration.ASTArgumentList ASTAssignmentExpression Represents an assignment expression.ASTBreakStatement A break statement, that jumps to a named label (or exits the current loop).ASTClassDeclaration Represents class and interface declarations.ASTConstructorDeclaration ASTContinueStatement A continue statement, that jumps to the next iteration of an enclosing loop.ASTEnumDeclaration Represents an enum declaration.ASTFieldAccess A field access expression.ASTInfixExpression Represents a binary infix expression.ASTMethodCall A method invocation expression.ASTMethodDeclaration A method declaration, in a class or interface declaration.ASTNullLiteral The null literal.ASTNumericLiteral A numeric literal of any type (double, int, long, float, etc).ASTRecordDeclaration A record declaration is a special data class type (JDK 16 feature).ASTReturnStatement A return statement in a method or constructor body.ASTStringLiteral Represents a string literal.ASTSwitchExpression A switch expression, as introduced in Java 12.ASTSwitchStatement Represents aswitch
statement.ASTUnaryExpression Represents a unary operation on a value.ASTVariableAccess An unqualified reference to a variable (either local, or a field that is in scope).ASTVariableId Represents an identifier in the context of variable or parameter declarations (not their use in expressions).JavaVisitor -
Classes in used by Class Description JavaVisitor -
Classes in used by Class Description ASTFieldDeclaration Represents a field declaration in the body of a type declaration.ASTMethodDeclaration A method declaration, in a class or interface declaration.JavaVisitor -
Classes in used by Class Description ASTArrayAllocation An array creation expression.ASTConstructorCall A class instance creation expression.ASTExpressionStatement A statement that contains an expression.ASTFieldDeclaration Represents a field declaration in the body of a type declaration.ASTLocalVariableDeclaration Represents a local variable declaration.ASTMethodCall A method invocation expression.ASTStringLiteral Represents a string literal.ASTVariableId Represents an identifier in the context of variable or parameter declarations (not their use in expressions).JavaVisitor -
Classes in used by Class Description JavaVisitor -
Classes in used by Class Description JavaNode Root interface for all Nodes of the Java AST. -
Classes in used by Class Description InvocationNode Groups method and constructor call, together, as well as explicit constructor invocation statements, and enum constant declarations.JavaNode Root interface for all Nodes of the Java AST.TypeNode A node that has a statically known type. -
Classes in used by Class Description InvocationNode Groups method and constructor call, together, as well as explicit constructor invocation statements, and enum constant declarations.