Interface ASTAssignableExpr
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public interface ASTAssignableExpr extends ASTPrimaryExpression
An expression that may be assigned by an assignment expression, or incremented or decremented. In the JLS, the result of such expressions is a variable, while other expressions evaluate to a value. The distinction is equivalent to C-world lvalue, rvalue.AssignableExpr ::=
- Author:
- Clément Fournier
Nested Class Summary
Nested Classes Modifier and Type Interface Description static class
Represents the type of access of an assignable expression.static interface
An assignable expression that has a name, and refers to a symbol.
Method Summary
All Methods Instance Methods Default Methods Modifier and Type Method Description default @NonNull ASTAssignableExpr.AccessType
Returns how this expression is accessed in the enclosing expression.-
Methods inherited from interface
getConstValue, getConversionContext, getParenthesisDepth, isCompileTimeConstant, isExpression, isParenthesized
Methods inherited from interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ast.impl.GenericNode
ancestors, ancestorsOrSelf, asStream, children, descendants, descendantsOrSelf, getChild, getFirstChild, getLastChild, getNextSibling, getParent, getPreviousSibling
Methods inherited from interface
getEnclosingType, getRoot, getSymbolTable, getTypeSystem
Methods inherited from interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ast.impl.javacc.JjtreeNode
getFirstToken, getLastToken, tokens
Methods inherited from interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ast.Node
acceptVisitor, ancestors, children, compareLocation, descendants, firstChild, getAstInfo, getBeginColumn, getBeginLine, getEndColumn, getEndLine, getImage, getIndexInParent, getLanguageVersion, getNumChildren, getReportLocation, getTextDocument, getUserMap, getXPathAttributesIterator, getXPathNodeName, hasImageEqualTo, isFindBoundary
Methods inherited from interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ast.TextAvailableNode
getOriginalText, getText, getTextRegion
Methods inherited from interface
getTypeMirror, getTypeMirror
Method Detail
default @NonNull ASTAssignableExpr.AccessType getAccessType()
Returns how this expression is accessed in the enclosing expression. If this expression occurs as the left-hand-side of an assignment, or as the target of an increment or decrement expression, this method returnsASTAssignableExpr.AccessType.WRITE
. Otherwise the value is just read.- See Also: