Interface ShadowChainNode<S,​I>

  • public interface ShadowChainNode<S,​I>
    A ShadowChain viewed as individual nodes. This offers a lower level API as ShadowChain.
    • Method Detail

      • isShadowBarrier

        boolean isShadowBarrier()
        Returns true if this group shadows the next groups in the chain. This means, that if this group knows about a name, it won't delegate resolve to the next group in the chain. If it doesn't know about it then resolve proceeds anyway.
      • getParent

        @Nullable ShadowChainNode<S,​I> getParent()
        Returns the next node in the chain. Returns null if this is the root.
      • getResolver

        NameResolver<S> getResolver()
        Returns the resolver for this node.
      • resolveHere

        default List<S> resolveHere​(String simpleName)
        Wraps getResolver().resolveHere(), may do additional stuff like caching.
      • knowsSymbol

        OptionalBool knowsSymbol​(String name)
        Returns whether this node knows the given symbol (without asking the parents).