Class ASTConditionalExpression

    • Method Detail

      • isTernary

        public boolean isTernary()
        To be removed in 7.0.0
        This method always returns true.
      • getGuardExpressionNode

        public Node getGuardExpressionNode()
        Returns the node that represents the guard of this conditional. That is the expression before the '?'.
      • getCondition

        public JavaNode getCondition()
        Returns the node that represents the guard of this conditional. That is the expression before the '?'.
      • getTrueAlternative

        public ASTExpression getTrueAlternative()
        Returns the node that represents the expression that will be evaluated if the guard evaluates to true.
      • getFalseAlternative

        public Node getFalseAlternative()
        Returns the node that represents the expression that will be evaluated if the guard evaluates to false.