Package net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ast
Interface RootNode
- All Superinterfaces:
- All Known Implementing Classes:
public interface RootNode extends Node
This interface identifies the root node of an AST. Each language implementation must ensure that every AST its parser produces has a RootNode as its root, and that there is no other RootNode instance in the tree.
Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ast.Node
Method Summary
All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Modifier and Type Method Description AstInfo<? extends RootNode>
Returns theAstInfo
for this root node.-
Methods inherited from interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ast.Node
acceptVisitor, ancestors, ancestors, ancestorsOrSelf, asStream, children, children, compareLocation, descendants, descendants, descendantsOrSelf, firstChild, getBeginColumn, getBeginLine, getChild, getEndColumn, getEndLine, getFirstChild, getImage, getIndexInParent, getLanguageVersion, getLastChild, getNextSibling, getNumChildren, getParent, getPreviousSibling, getReportLocation, getRoot, getTextDocument, getTextRegion, getUserMap, getXPathAttributesIterator, getXPathNodeName, hasImageEqualTo, isFindBoundary