Class LanguageVersion

    • Method Detail

      • getLanguage

        public Language getLanguage()
        Returns the language that owns this version.
      • getVersion

        public String getVersion()
        Returns the version string. This is usually a version number, e.g. "1.7" or "11". This is used by Language.getVersion(String).
      • getName

        public String getName()
        Returns the name of this language version. This is the version string prefixed with the language name.
        The name of this LanguageVersion.
      • getShortName

        public String getShortName()
        Get the short name of this LanguageVersion. This is Language short name appended with the LanguageVersion version if not an empty String.
        The short name of this LanguageVersion.
      • getTerseName

        public String getTerseName()
        Get the terse name of this LanguageVersion. This is Language terse name appended with the LanguageVersion version if not an empty String.
        The terse name of this LanguageVersion.
      • compareToVersion

        public int compareToVersion​(String versionString)
        Compare this version to another version of the same language identified by the given version string.
        versionString - The version with which to compare
        IllegalArgumentException - If the argument is not a valid version string for the parent language