Class RuleContext

  • public final class RuleContext
    extends Object
    The API for rules to report violations or errors during analysis. This forwards events to a FileAnalysisListener. It implements violation suppression by filtering some violations out, according to the ViolationSuppressors for the language. A RuleContext contains a Rule instance and violation reporting methods implicitly report only for that rule. Contrary to PMD 6, RuleContext is not unique throughout the analysis, a separate one is used per file and rule.
    • Method Detail

      • addViolation

        public void addViolation​(Node location)
        Record a new violation of the contextual rule, at the given node.
        location - Location of the violation
      • addViolation

        public void addViolation​(Node location,
                                 Object... formatArgs)
        Record a new violation of the contextual rule, at the given node. The default violation message (Rule.getMessage()) is formatted using the given format arguments.
        location - Location of the violation
        formatArgs - Format arguments for the message
        See Also:
      • addViolationWithMessage

        public void addViolationWithMessage​(Node location,
                                            String message)
        Record a new violation of the contextual rule, at the given node. The given violation message (Rule.getMessage()) is treated as a format string for a MessageFormat and should hence use appropriate escapes. No formatting arguments are provided.
        location - Location of the violation
        message - Violation message
      • addViolationWithMessage

        public void addViolationWithMessage​(Node location,
                                            String message,
                                            Object... formatArgs)
        Record a new violation of the contextual rule, at the given node. The given violation message (Rule.getMessage()) is treated as a format string for a MessageFormat and should hence use appropriate escapes. The given formatting arguments are used.
        location - Location of the violation
        message - Violation message
        formatArgs - Format arguments for the message
      • addViolationWithPosition

        public void addViolationWithPosition​(Node node,
                                             int beginLine,
                                             int endLine,
                                             String message,
                                             Object... formatArgs)
        Record a new violation of the contextual rule, at the given node. The position is refined using the given begin and end line numbers. The given violation message (Rule.getMessage()) is treated as a format string for a MessageFormat and should hence use appropriate escapes. The given formatting arguments are used.
        node - Location of the violation
        message - Violation message
        formatArgs - Format arguments for the message
      • addViolationNoSuppress

        public void addViolationNoSuppress​(RuleViolation rv)
        Force the recording of a violation, ignoring the violation suppression mechanism (ViolationSuppressor).
        rv - A violation