Table of Contents

The following pages and posts are tagged with

Adding PMD support for a new ANTLR grammar based language Page How to add a new language to PMD using ANTLR grammar.
Adding PMD support for a new JavaCC grammar based language Page How to add a new language to PMD using JavaCC grammar.
How to add a new CPD language Page How to add a new language module with CPD support.
Defining rule properties Page Learn how to define your own properties both for Java and XPath rules.
The rule designer Page Learn about the usage and features of the rule designer.
Rule guidelines Page Rule Guidelines, or the last touches to a rule
Guidelines for standard rules Page Guidelines for rules that are included in the standard distribution
Testing your rules Page Learn how to use PMD's simple test framework for unit testing rules.
Writing a custom rule Page Learn how to write a custom rule for PMD
Writing a custom rule Page The information on this page has been split into several separate pages. Please update your bookmarks: * [Introduction to writing rules](pmd_userdocs_extending_writing_rules_intro.html) * [Your First Rule](pmd_userdocs_extending_your_first_rule.html) introduces the basic development process of a rule with a running example * [Writing XPath Rules](pmd_userdocs_extending_writing_xpath_rules.html) explains a bit more about XPath rules and our...
Introduction to writing PMD rules Page Writing your own PMD rules
Writing XPath rules Page This page describes XPath rule support in more details
Your first rule XPath Page Introduction to rule writing through an example.