Classes Class Description net.sourceforge.pmd.cli.BaseCLITest This is deprecated for removal without replacement. CLI tests should be done in pmd-core only (and in PMD7 in pmd-cli). Individual language modules shouldn't need to test the CLI integration logic again. Instead, the individual language modules should test their functionality as unit tests.net.sourceforge.pmd.cli.BaseCPDCLITest This is deprecated for removal without replacement. CLI tests should be done in pmd-core only (and in PMD7 in pmd-cli). Individual language modules shouldn't need to test the CLI integration logic again. Instead, the individual language modules should test their functionality as unit tests.net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ParserOptionsTest for removal in PMD 7.0. UseParserOptionsTestUtils
.net.sourceforge.pmd.test.lang.DummyLanguageModule Don't use this directly. We can probably remove this in favour of plaintextlanguage when https://github.com/pmd/pmd/issues/3918 is mergednet.sourceforge.pmd.test.lang.DummyLanguageModule.DummyRuleChainVisitor for removal with PMD 7. A language dependent rule chain visitor is not needed anymore. SeeRuleChainVisitor
.net.sourceforge.pmd.testframework.AbstractTokenizerTest Use CpdTextComparisonTest in module pmd-lang-testnet.sourceforge.pmd.testframework.TestDescriptor UseRuleTestDescriptor