Classes Class Description net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.scala.rule.ScalaRuleChainVisitor for removal with PMD 7. A language dependent rule chain visitor is not needed anymore. SeeRuleChainVisitor
Methods Method Description net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.scala.ast.ScalaNode.getNode() The underlying scala node should not be used directly.net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.scala.ast.ScalaParserVisitorAdapter.combine(R, R) This method will be removed with PMD 7. This is just not so useful, most visitors use side effects on the data input directly, or, return the data input again, which is only possible if `D = R`, and so only known in the specific subclass.net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.scala.ast.ScalaParserVisitorAdapter.zero() This method will be removed with PMD 7. SeeScalaParserVisitorAdapter.combine(Object, Object)