Class ASTPrimarySuffix

    • Method Detail

      • acceptPlsqlVisitor

        protected <P,​R> R acceptPlsqlVisitor​(PlsqlVisitor<? super P,​? extends R> visitor,
                                                   P data)
      • isArrayDereference

        public boolean isArrayDereference()
      • isArguments

        public boolean isArguments()
      • getArgumentCount

        public int getArgumentCount()
        Get the number of arguments for this primary suffix. One should call isArguments() to see if there are arguments. If this method is called when there are no arguments it returns -1.
        A non-negative argument number when there are arguments, -1 otherwise.
      • jjtSetValue

        protected void jjtSetValue​(Object value)
      • jjtGetValue

        public Object jjtGetValue()
      • acceptVisitor

        public final <P,​R> R acceptVisitor​(AstVisitor<? super P,​? extends R> visitor,
                                                 P data)
        Specified by:
        acceptVisitor in interface Node