Interface JRecordComponentSymbol

    • Field Detail


        static final int RECORD_COMPONENT_MODIFIERS
        Record components use these modifiers by convention, although they cannot have explicit modifiers in source, and the associated field and method symbol have different modifiers.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • getTypeMirror

        JTypeMirror getTypeMirror​(Substitution substitution)
        Returns the type of this value, under the given substitution.
      • getEnclosingClass

        @NonNull JClassSymbol getEnclosingClass()
        Description copied from interface: JAccessibleElementSymbol
        Returns the class that directly encloses this declaration. This is equivalent to Class.getEnclosingClass(). Returns null if this is a top-level type declaration.

        This is necessarily an already resolved symbol, because 1. if it's obtained from reflection, then the enclosing class is available 2. if it's obtained from an AST, then the enclosing class is in the same source file so we can know about it

        Specified by:
        getEnclosingClass in interface JAccessibleElementSymbol
      • getPackageName

        default @NonNull String getPackageName()
        Description copied from interface: JAccessibleElementSymbol
        Returns the name of the package this element is declared in. This recurses into the enclosing elements if needed. If this is an array symbol, returns the package name of the element symbol. If this is a primitive type, returns "java.lang".

        This is consistent with Java 9's getPackageName().

        Specified by:
        getPackageName in interface JAccessibleElementSymbol
      • acceptVisitor

        default <R,​P> R acceptVisitor​(SymbolVisitor<R,​P> visitor,
                                            P param)
        Description copied from interface: JElementSymbol
        Dispatch to the appropriate visit method of the visitor and returns its result.
        Specified by:
        acceptVisitor in interface JElementSymbol