Class JIntersectionType

    • Method Detail

      • getTypeAnnotations

        public org.pcollections.PSet<SymbolicValue.SymAnnot> getTypeAnnotations()
        Description copied from interface: JTypeMirror
        Return a list of annotations on this type. Annotations can be written on nearly any type (eg @A Out.@B In<@C T>, @A ? extends @B Up).

        For JTypeVar, this includes both the annotations defined on the type var and those defined at use site. For instance

            <@A T> void accept(@B T t);
        The T type var will have annotation @A in the symbol (AnnotableSymbol.getDeclaredAnnotations()) and in the type var that is in the JMethodSig.getTypeParameters(). In the formal parameter, the type var will have annotations @B @A.
        Specified by:
        getTypeAnnotations in interface JTypeMirror
      • withAnnotations

        public JTypeMirror withAnnotations​(org.pcollections.PSet<SymbolicValue.SymAnnot> newTypeAnnots)
        Description copied from interface: JTypeMirror
        Returns a type mirror that is equal to this instance but has different type annotations. Note that some types ignore this method and return themselves without changing. Eg the null type cannot be annotated.
        Specified by:
        withAnnotations in interface JTypeMirror
        newTypeAnnots - New type annotations (not null)
        A new type, maybe this one
      • getComponents

        public List<JTypeMirror> getComponents()
        Returns the list of components. Their erasure must be pairwise disjoint. If the intersection's superclass is TypeSystem.OBJECT, then it is excluded from this set.
      • getPrimaryBound

        public @NonNull JTypeMirror getPrimaryBound()
        The primary bound of this intersection, which may be a type variable, array type, or class type (not an interface). If all bounds are interfaces, then this returns TypeSystem.OBJECT.
      • getInterfaces

        public @NonNull List<JClassType> getInterfaces()
        Returns all additional bounds on the primary bound, which are necessarily interface types.
      • getInducedClassType

        public @Nullable JClassType getInducedClassType()
        Every intersection type induces a notional class or interface for the purpose of identifying its members. This may be a functional interface. This returns null for the non-implemented cases.

        This is only relevant to check for functional interface parameterization, eg Runnable & Serializable. Do not use this to find out the members of this type, rather, use streamMethods(Predicate) or so.

      • acceptVisitor

        public <T,​P> T acceptVisitor​(JTypeVisitor<T,​P> visitor,
                                           P p)
        Description copied from interface: JTypeVisitable
        Accept a type visitor, dispatching on this object's runtime type to the correct method of the visitor.
        Specified by:
        acceptVisitor in interface JTypeVisitable
        Type Parameters:
        T - Type of result of the visitor
        P - Type of data of the visitor
      • streamMethods

        public Stream<JMethodSig> streamMethods​(Predicate<? super JMethodSymbol> prefilter)
        Description copied from interface: JTypeMirror
        Returns a stream of method signatures declared in and inherited by this type. Method signatures are created on-demand by this method, they're not reused between calls. This stream does not include constructors.

        Note: streams are a bit impractical when it comes to configuring the filter. Possibly a specialized API should be introduced. We need to support the use cases of the symbol table, ie filter by name + accessibility + staticity, and also possibly use cases for rules, like getting a method from a known signature. See also JClassType.getDeclaredMethod(JExecutableSymbol), which looks like this. Unifying this API would be nice.

        Specified by:
        streamMethods in interface JTypeMirror
        prefilter - Filter selecting symbols for which a signature should be created and yielded by the stream
      • getErasure

        public JTypeMirror getErasure()
        Description copied from interface: JTypeMirror
        Returns the erasure of this type. Erasure is defined by JLS§4.6, an adapted definition follows:
        1. The erasure of a parameterized type (§4.5) G<T1,...,Tn> is |G|.
        2. The erasure of a nested type T.C is |T|.C.
        3. The erasure of an array type T[] is |T|[].
        4. The erasure of a type variable (§4.4) is the erasure of its upper bound.
        5. The erasure of an intersection type is the erasure of its leftmost component.
        6. The erasure of every other type is the type itself.

        The JVM representation of a type is in general the symbol of its erasure. So to get a Class instance for the runtime representation of a type, you should do t.getErasure().getSymbol(). The erasure procedure gets rid of types that have no symbol (except if t is a wildcard type, or the TypeSystem.NULL_TYPE)

        Specified by:
        getErasure in interface JTypeMirror
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Description copied from interface: JTypeMirror
        The toString of type mirrors prints useful debug information, but shouldn't be relied on anywhere, as it may change anytime. Use TypePrettyPrint to display types.
        Specified by:
        toString in interface JTypeMirror
        toString in class Object
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(Object o)
        Description copied from interface: JTypeMirror
        Returns true if the object is a type equivalent to this one. A few kinds of types use reference identity, like captured type variables, or the null type. A few special types are represented by constants (see TypeSystem). Apart from those, types should always be compared using this method. or TypeOps.isSameType(JTypeMirror, JTypeMirror) (which is null-safe).

        Note that types belonging to different type systems do not test equal. The type system object is global to the analysis though, so this should not ever happen in rules.

        Specified by:
        equals in interface JTypeMirror
        equals in class Object
        o -
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object