Class InternalApiBridge

  • @InternalApi
    public final class InternalApiBridge
    extends Object
    Internal API.

    Acts as a bridge between outer parts of PMD and the restricted access internal API of this package.

    None of this is published API, and compatibility can be broken anytime! Use this only at your own risk.

    Clément Fournier
    API Note:
    Internal API
    • Method Detail

      • disambigWithCtx

        public static void disambigWithCtx​(NodeStream<? extends JavaNode> nodes,
      • forceTypeResolutionPhase

        public static void forceTypeResolutionPhase​( processor,
                                                    ASTCompilationUnit root)
        Forcing type resolution allows us to report errors more cleanly than if it was done completely lazy. Failures (other than semantic exceptions) are thrown, because they are bugs in the typeres framework. Semantic exceptions cause execution to abort too, but only right before rules are applied, so several semantic exceptions may be collected.
      • usageResolution

        public static void usageResolution​( processor,
                                           ASTCompilationUnit root)
      • overrideResolution

        public static void overrideResolution​( processor,
                                              ASTCompilationUnit root)
      • getTypeMirrorInternal

        public static @Nullable JTypeMirror getTypeMirrorInternal​(TypeNode node)
      • setTypeMirrorInternal

        public static void setTypeMirrorInternal​(TypeNode node,
                                                 JTypeMirror inferred)
      • initTypeResolver

        public static void initTypeResolver​(ASTCompilationUnit acu,
      • getProcessor

        public static getProcessor​(JavaNode n)
      • getInferenceEntryPoint

        public static getInferenceEntryPoint​(JavaNode n)
      • getLazyTypeResolver

        public static @NonNull getLazyTypeResolver​(JavaNode n)
      • getTopLevelExprContext

        public static @NonNull ExprContext getTopLevelExprContext​(TypeNode n)