Class AccessorClassGenerationRule

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ast.AstVisitor, JavaVisitor, net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.rule.Rule,

    public class AccessorClassGenerationRule
    extends AbstractJavaRulechainRule
    1. Note all private constructors. 2. Note all instantiations from outside of the class by way of the private constructor. 3. Flag instantiations.

    Parameter types can not be matched because they can come as exposed members of classes. In this case we have no way to know what the type is. We can make a best effort though which can filter some?

    CL Gilbert (, David Konecny (david.konecny@), Romain PELISSE,, patch bug#1807370, Juan Martin Sotuyo Dodero (, complete rewrite
    • Constructor Detail

      • AccessorClassGenerationRule

        public AccessorClassGenerationRule()