Interface OverloadSelectionResult

    • Method Detail

      • getMethodType

        JMethodSig getMethodType()
        Returns the type of the method or constructor that is called by the InvocationNode. This is a method type whose type parameters have been instantiated by their actual inferred values.

        For constructors the return type of this signature may be different from the type of this node. For an anonymous class constructor (in ASTEnumConstant or ASTConstructorCall), the selected constructor is the *superclass* constructor. In particular, if the anonymous class implements an interface, the constructor is the constructor of class Object. In that case though, the TypeNode.getTypeMirror() of the InvocationNode will be the type of the anonymous class (hence the difference).

      • needsUncheckedConversion

        boolean needsUncheckedConversion()
        Whether the declaration needed unchecked conversion to be applicable. In this case, the return type of the method is erased.
      • isVarargsCall

        boolean isVarargsCall()
        Returns true if this is a varargs call. This means, that the called method is varargs, and was overload-selected in the varargs phase. For example:
         Arrays.asList("a", "b");                     // this is a varargs call
         Arrays.asList(new String[] { "a", "b" });    // this is not a varargs call
        In this case, the last formal parameter of the method type should be interpreted specially with-respect-to the argument expressions (see ithFormalParam(int)).
      • ithFormalParam

        JTypeMirror ithFormalParam​(int i)
        Returns the type of the i-th formal parameter of the method. This is relevant when the call is varargs: i can in that case be greater that the number of formal parameters.
        i - Index for a formal
        AssertionError - If the parameter is negative, or greater than the number of argument expressions to the method
      • isFailed

        boolean isFailed()
        Returns true if the invocation of this method failed. This means, the presented method type is a fallback, whose type parameters might not have been fully instantiated. This may also mean several methods were ambiguous, and an arbitrary one was chosen.