Interface AnnotableSymbol

    • Method Detail

      • getDeclaredAnnotations

        default org.pcollections.PSet<SymbolicValue.SymAnnot> getDeclaredAnnotations()
        Return the valid symbolic annotations defined on this symbol. Annotations that could not be converted, eg because they are written with invalid code, are discarded, so this might not match the annotations on a node one to one.
      • getDeclaredAnnotation

        default SymbolicValue.SymAnnot getDeclaredAnnotation​(Class<? extends Annotation> type)
        Return an annotation of the given type, if it is present on this declaration. This does not consider inherited annotations.
      • isAnnotationPresent

        default boolean isAnnotationPresent​(Class<? extends Annotation> type)
        Return true if an annotation of the given type is present on this declaration.