Package net.sourceforge.pmd.lang
Interface Summary Interface Description Language Represents a language module, and provides access to language-specific functionality.LanguageProcessor Stateful object managing the analysis for a given language.LanguageVersionHandler Interface for obtaining the classes necessary for checking source files of a specific language.PmdCapableLanguage A language that supportsPMD
.TokenManager<T extends GenericToken<T>> Common interface for interacting with parser Token Managers. -
Class Summary Class Description AbstractLanguageVersionHandler This is a generic implementation of the LanguageVersionHandler interface.AbstractPmdLanguageVersionHandler Base language version handler for languages that support PMD, i.e. can build an AST and support AST processing stages.InternalApiBridge Internal API.JvmLanguagePropertyBundle Base properties class for JVM languages that use a classpath to resolve references.LanguageFilenameFilter This is an implementation of theFilenameFilter
interface which compares a file against a collection of Languages to see if the any are applicable.LanguageModuleBase Base class for language modules.LanguageModuleBase.LanguageMetadata Metadata about a language, basically a builder pattern for the language instance.LanguageProcessor.AnalysisTask Configuration of an analysis, as given toLanguageProcessor.launchAnalysis(AnalysisTask)
.LanguageProcessorRegistry Stores all currently initializedLanguageProcessor
s during analysis.LanguagePropertyBundle A bundle of properties used by languages (seeLanguage.newPropertyBundle()
).LanguageRegistry A set of languages with convenient methods.LanguageVersion Represents a version of aLanguage
.LanguageVersionDiscoverer This class can discover the LanguageVersion of a source file.PlainTextLanguage A dummy language implementation whose parser produces a single node.PlainTextLanguage.PlainTextFile The only node produced by the parser ofPlainTextLanguage
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Exception Summary Exception Description LanguageProcessorRegistry.LanguageTerminationException An exception that occurs during the closing of aLanguageProcessor