Class RuleSetLoader

    • Constructor Detail

      • RuleSetLoader

        public RuleSetLoader()
        Create a new RuleSetLoader with a default configuration. The defaults are described on each configuration method of this class.
    • Method Detail

      • loadResourcesWith

        public RuleSetLoader loadResourcesWith​(ClassLoader classLoader)
        Specify that the given classloader should be used to resolve paths to external ruleset references. The default uses PMD's own classpath.
      • filterAbovePriority

        public RuleSetLoader filterAbovePriority​(RulePriority minimumPriority)
        Filter loaded rules to only those that match or are above the given priority. The default is RulePriority.LOW, ie, no filtering occurs.
        This instance, modified
      • warnDeprecated

        public RuleSetLoader warnDeprecated​(boolean warn)
        Log a warning when referencing a deprecated rule. This is enabled by default.
        This instance, modified
      • includeDeprecatedRuleReferences

        public RuleSetLoader includeDeprecatedRuleReferences​(boolean enable)
        Follow deprecated rule references. By default this is off, and those references will be ignored.
        This instance, modified
      • loadFromResource

        public RuleSet loadFromResource​(String rulesetPath)
        Parses and returns a ruleset from its location. The location may be a file system path, or a resource path (see loadResourcesWith(ClassLoader)).
        rulesetPath - A reference to a single ruleset
        RuleSetLoadException - If any error occurs (eg, invalid syntax, or resource not found)
      • loadFromString

        public RuleSet loadFromString​(String filename,
                                      String rulesetXmlContent)
        Parses and returns a ruleset from string content.
        filename - The symbolic "file name", for error messages.
        rulesetXmlContent - Xml file contents
        RuleSetLoadException - If any error occurs (eg, invalid syntax)
      • loadFromResources

        public List<RuleSet> loadFromResources​(Collection<String> paths)
        Parses several resources into a list of rulesets.
        paths - Paths
        RuleSetLoadException - If any error occurs (eg, invalid syntax, or resource not found), for any of the parameters
        NullPointerException - If the parameter, or any component is null
      • loadFromResources

        public List<RuleSet> loadFromResources​(String first,
                                               String... rest)
        Parses several resources into a list of rulesets.
        first - First path
        rest - Paths
        RuleSetLoadException - If any error occurs (eg, invalid syntax, or resource not found), for any of the parameters
        NullPointerException - If the parameter, or any component is null
      • fromPmdConfig

        public static RuleSetLoader fromPmdConfig​(PMDConfiguration configuration)
        Configure a new ruleset factory builder according to the parameters of the given PMD configuration.
      • getStandardRuleSets

        public List<RuleSet> getStandardRuleSets()
        Returns an Iterator of RuleSet objects loaded from descriptions from the "" resource for each language. This uses the classpath of the resource loader (loadResourcesWith(ClassLoader)).
        A list of all category rulesets
        RuleSetLoadException - If a standard ruleset cannot be loaded. This is a corner case, that probably should not be caught by clients. The standard rulesets are well-formed, at least in stock PMD distributions.