Class CpdOnlyLanguageModuleBase

    • Constructor Detail

      • CpdOnlyLanguageModuleBase

        protected CpdOnlyLanguageModuleBase​(LanguageModuleBase.LanguageMetadata metadata)
        Construct a module instance using the given metadata. The metadata must be properly constructed.
        IllegalStateException - If the metadata is invalid (eg missing extensions or name)
    • Method Detail

      • createCpdLexer

        public abstract CpdLexer createCpdLexer​(LanguagePropertyBundle bundle)
        Description copied from interface: CpdCapableLanguage
        Create a new CpdLexer for this language, given a property bundle with configuration. The bundle was created by this instance using Language.newPropertyBundle(). It can be assumed that the bundle will never be mutated anymore, and this method takes ownership of it.
        Specified by:
        createCpdLexer in interface CpdCapableLanguage
        bundle - A bundle of properties created by this instance.
        A new language processor