Package net.sourceforge.pmd.lang
Interface Summary Interface Description Language Represents a language module, and provides access to language-specific functionality.LanguageProcessor Stateful object managing the analysis for a given language.LanguageVersionHandler Interface for obtaining the classes necessary for checking source files of a specific language.PmdCapableLanguage A language that supportsPMD
.TokenManager<T extends GenericToken<T>> Common interface for interacting with parser Token Managers. -
Class Summary Class Description AbstractLanguageVersionHandler This is a generic implementation of the LanguageVersionHandler interface.AbstractPmdLanguageVersionHandler Base language version handler for languages that support PMD, i.e.InternalApiBridge Internal API.JvmLanguagePropertyBundle Base properties class for JVM languages that use a classpath to resolve references.LanguageFilenameFilter This is an implementation of theFilenameFilter
interface which compares a file against a collection of Languages to see if the any are applicable.LanguageModuleBase Base class for language modules.LanguageModuleBase.LanguageMetadata Metadata about a language, basically a builder pattern for the language instance.LanguageProcessor.AnalysisTask Configuration of an analysis, as given toLanguageProcessor.launchAnalysis(AnalysisTask)
.LanguageProcessorRegistry Stores all currently initializedLanguageProcessor
s during analysis.LanguagePropertyBundle A bundle of properties used by languages (seeLanguage.newPropertyBundle()
).LanguageRegistry A set of languages with convenient methods.LanguageVersion Represents a version of aLanguage
.LanguageVersionDiscoverer This class can discover the LanguageVersion of a source file.PlainTextLanguage A dummy language implementation whose parser produces a single node.PlainTextLanguage.PlainTextFile The only node produced by the parser ofPlainTextLanguage
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Exception Summary Exception Description LanguageProcessorRegistry.LanguageTerminationException An exception that occurs during the closing of aLanguageProcessor