Class AbstractConfiguration

    • Method Detail

      • getSourceEncoding

        public Charset getSourceEncoding()
        Get the character encoding of source files.
        The character encoding.
      • setSourceEncoding

        public void setSourceEncoding​(Charset sourceEncoding)
        Set the character encoding of source files.
        sourceEncoding - The character encoding.
      • getLanguageProperties

        public @NonNull LanguagePropertyBundle getLanguageProperties​(Language language)
        Returns a mutable bundle of language properties that are associated to the given language (always the same for a given language).
        language - A language, which must be registered
      • getReporter

        public @NonNull PmdReporter getReporter()
        Returns the message reporter that is to be used while running the analysis.
      • setReporter

        public void setReporter​(@NonNull PmdReporter reporter)
        Sets the message reporter that is to be used while running the analysis.
        reporter - A non-null message reporter
      • getLanguageVersionDiscoverer

        public LanguageVersionDiscoverer getLanguageVersionDiscoverer()
        Get the LanguageVersionDiscoverer, used to determine the LanguageVersion of a source file.
        The LanguageVersionDiscoverer.
      • getForceLanguageVersion

        public LanguageVersion getForceLanguageVersion()
        Get the LanguageVersion specified by the force-language parameter. This overrides detection based on file extensions
        The LanguageVersion.
      • isForceLanguageVersion

        public boolean isForceLanguageVersion()
        Is the force-language parameter set to anything?
        true if $getForceLanguageVersion() is not null
      • setForceLanguageVersion

        public void setForceLanguageVersion​(@Nullable LanguageVersion forceLanguageVersion)
        Set the LanguageVersion specified by the force-language parameter. This overrides detection based on file extensions
        forceLanguageVersion - the language version
      • setOnlyRecognizeLanguage

        public void setOnlyRecognizeLanguage​(Language lang)
        Make it so that the only extensions that are considered are those of the given language. This is different from setForceLanguageVersion(LanguageVersion) because that one will assign the given language version to all files irrespective of extension. This method, on the other hand, will ignore files that do not match the given language.
        lang - A language
      • setDefaultLanguageVersion

        public void setDefaultLanguageVersion​(LanguageVersion languageVersion)
        Set the given LanguageVersion as the current default for it's Language.
        languageVersion - the LanguageVersion
      • setDefaultLanguageVersions

        public void setDefaultLanguageVersions​(List<LanguageVersion> languageVersions)
        Set the given LanguageVersions as the current default for their Languages.
        languageVersions - The LanguageVersions.
      • getLanguageVersionOfFile

        public @Nullable LanguageVersion getLanguageVersionOfFile​(String fileName)
        Get the LanguageVersion of the source file with given name. This depends on the fileName extension, and the java version.

        For compatibility with older code that does not always pass in a correct filename, unrecognized files are assumed to be java files.

        fileName - Name of the file, can be absolute, or simple.
        the LanguageVersion
      • addRelativizeRoot

        public void addRelativizeRoot​(Path path)
        Set the path used to shorten paths output in the report. The path does not need to exist. If it exists, it must point to a directory and not a file. See getRelativizeRoots() for the interpretation.

        If several paths are added, the shortest paths possible are built.

        path - A path
        IllegalArgumentException - If the path points to a file, and not a directory
        NullPointerException - If the path is null
      • getRelativizeRoots

        public List<Path> getRelativizeRoots()
        Returns the paths used to shorten paths output in the report.
        • If the list is empty, then paths are not touched
        • If the list is non-empty, then source file paths are relativized with all the items in the list. The shortest of these relative paths is taken as the display name of the file.
      • getUri

        public URI getUri()
        Get the input URI to process for source code objects.
      • setInputUri

        public void setInputUri​(URI inputUri)
        Set the input URI to process for source code objects.
        inputUri - a single URI
      • getInputPathList

        public @NonNull List<Path> getInputPathList()
        Returns the list of input paths to explore. This is an unmodifiable list.
      • setInputPathList

        public void setInputPathList​(List<Path> inputPaths)
        Set the input paths to the given list of paths.
        NullPointerException - If the parameter is null or contains a null value
      • addInputPath

        public void addInputPath​(@NonNull Path inputPath)
        Add an input path. It is not split on commas.
        NullPointerException - If the parameter is null
      • getInputFile

        public @Nullable Path getInputFile()
        Returns the path to the file list include file.
      • getIgnoreFile

        public @Nullable Path getIgnoreFile()
        Returns the path to the file list exclude file.
      • setInputFilePath

        public void setInputFilePath​(Path inputFilePath)
        The input file path points to a single file, which contains a comma-separated list of source file names to process.
        inputFilePath - path to the file
      • setIgnoreFilePath

        public void setIgnoreFilePath​(Path ignoreFilePath)
        The input file path points to a single file, which contains a comma-separated list of source file names to ignore.
        ignoreFilePath - path to the file
      • getExcludes

        public List<Path> getExcludes()
      • setExcludes

        public void setExcludes​(List<Path> excludes)
      • collectFilesRecursively

        public boolean collectFilesRecursively()
      • collectFilesRecursively

        public void collectFilesRecursively​(boolean collectRecursive)