Class MetricsUtil

  • public final class MetricsUtil
    extends Object
    Utilities to use Metric instances.
    • Method Detail

      • supportsAll

        public static boolean supportsAll​(Node node,
                                          Metric<?,​?>... metrics)
      • computeStatistics

        public static <O extends NodeDoubleSummaryStatistics computeStatistics​(Metric<? super O,​?> key,
                                                                                 Iterable<? extends O> ops)
        Computes statistics for the results of a metric over a sequence of nodes.
        key - The metric to compute
        ops - List of nodes for which to compute the metric
        Statistics for the value of the metric over all the nodes
      • computeStatistics

        public static <O extends NodeDoubleSummaryStatistics computeStatistics​(Metric<? super O,​?> key,
                                                                                 Iterable<? extends O> ops,
                                                                                 MetricOptions options)
        Computes statistics for the results of a metric over a sequence of nodes.
        key - The metric to compute
        ops - List of nodes for which to compute the metric
        options - The options of the metric
        Statistics for the value of the metric over all the nodes
      • computeMetric

        public static <N extends Node,​R extends Number> R computeMetric​(Metric<? super N,​R> key,
                                                                              N node)
        Computes a metric identified by its code on a node, with the default options.
        key - The key identifying the metric to be computed
        node - The node on which to compute the metric
        The value of the metric, or Double.NaN if the value couldn't be computed
      • computeMetric

        public static <N extends Node,​R extends Number> R computeMetric​(Metric<? super N,​R> key,
                                                                              N node,
                                                                              MetricOptions options)
        Computes a metric identified by its code on a node, possibly selecting a variant with the options parameter.

        Note that contrary to the previous behaviour, this method throws an exception if the metric does not support the node.

        key - The key identifying the metric to be computed
        node - The node on which to compute the metric
        options - The options of the metric
        The value of the metric
        IllegalArgumentException - If the metric does not support the given node
      • computeMetric

        public static <N extends Node,​R extends Number> R computeMetric​(Metric<? super N,​R> key,
                                                                              N node,
                                                                              MetricOptions options,
                                                                              boolean forceRecompute)
        Computes a metric identified by its code on a node, possibly selecting a variant with the options parameter.

        Note that contrary to the previous behaviour, this method throws an exception if the metric does not support the node.

        key - The key identifying the metric to be computed
        node - The node on which to compute the metric
        options - The options of the metric
        forceRecompute - Force recomputation of the result
        The value of the metric
        IllegalArgumentException - If the metric does not support the given node