Class EscapeTranslator

  • Direct Known Subclasses:

    public abstract class EscapeTranslator
    extends Object
    An object that can translate an input document into an output document, typically by replacing escape sequences with the character they represent.

    This is an abstract class because the default implementation does not perform any escape processing. Subclasses refine this behavior.

    • Field Detail

      • input

        protected Chars input
        Source characters. When there is an escape, eg \ u00a0, the first backslash is replaced with the translated value of the escape. The bufpos is updated so that we read the next char after the escape.
      • bufpos

        protected int bufpos
        Position of the next char to read in the input.
    • Constructor Detail

      • EscapeTranslator

        public EscapeTranslator​(TextDocument original)
        Create a translator that will read from the given document.
        original - Original document
        NullPointerException - If the parameter is null
    • Method Detail

      • translateDocument

        public TextDocument translateDocument()
                                       throws MalformedSourceException
        Translate all the input in the buffer. This consumes this object.
        The translated text document. If there is no escape, returns the original text
        IllegalStateException - If this method is called more than once on the same object
        MalformedSourceException - If there are invalid escapes in the source
      • gobbleMaxWithoutEscape

        protected int gobbleMaxWithoutEscape​(int maxOff)
                                      throws MalformedSourceException
        Returns the max offset, EXclusive, up to which we can cut the input array from the bufpos to dump it into the output array.
        maxOff - Max offset up to which to read ahead
      • recordEscape

        protected int recordEscape​(int startOffsetInclusive,
                                   int endOffsetExclusive,
                                   Chars translation)
      • ensureOpen

        protected final void ensureOpen()
        Check to make sure that the stream has not been closed
      • locationAt

        protected FileLocation locationAt​(int indexInInput)