default NodeStream<? extends Node> |
Node.ancestors() |
Returns a node stream containing all the strict ancestors of this node,
in innermost to outermost order.
default <R extends Node> NodeStream<R> |
Node.ancestors(Class<? extends R> rClass) |
default NodeStream<Node> |
NodeStream.ancestors() |
Returns a node stream containing all the ancestors of the nodes
contained in this stream.
default <R extends Node> NodeStream<R> |
NodeStream.ancestors(Class<? extends R> rClass) |
Returns the ancestor stream of each node
in this stream, filtered by the given node type.
default NodeStream<? extends Node> |
Node.ancestorsOrSelf() |
Returns a node stream containing this node and its ancestors.
default NodeStream<Node> |
NodeStream.ancestorsOrSelf() |
Returns a node stream containing the nodes contained in this stream and their ancestors.
NodeStream<T> |
NodeStream.append(NodeStream<? extends @NonNull T> right) |
Returns a new node stream that contains all the elements of this stream, then
all the elements of the given stream.
default NodeStream<? extends Node> |
Node.asStream() |
Returns a node stream containing only this node.
NodeStream<T> |
NodeStream.cached() |
Returns a node stream containing all the elements of this node stream,
but which will evaluate the upstream pipeline only once.
default NodeStream<? extends Node> |
Node.children() |
Returns a node stream containing all the children of
this node.
default <R extends Node> NodeStream<R> |
Node.children(Class<? extends R> rClass) |
default NodeStream<Node> |
NodeStream.children() |
Returns a node stream containing all the children of the nodes
contained in this stream.
default <R extends Node> NodeStream<R> |
NodeStream.children(Class<? extends R> rClass) |
Returns the children stream of each node
in this stream, filtered by the given node type.
NodeStream<T> |
NodeStream.distinct() |
NodeStream<T> |
NodeStream.drop(int n) |
Returns a stream consisting of the remaining elements of this
stream after discarding the first n elements of the stream.
NodeStream<T> |
NodeStream.dropLast(int n) |
Returns a stream consisting of the elements of this stream except
the n tail elements.
static <T extends Node> NodeStream<T> |
NodeStream.empty() |
Returns an empty node stream.
NodeStream<T> |
NodeStream.filter(Predicate<? super @NonNull T> predicate) |
Returns a node stream consisting of the nodes of this stream that match
the given predicate.
default <R extends Node> NodeStream<R> |
NodeStream.filterIs(Class<? extends R> rClass) |
Filters the nodes of this stream that are a subtype of the given class.
default <U> NodeStream<T> |
NodeStream.filterMatching(Function<? super @NonNull T,? extends @Nullable U> extractor,
U comparand) |
Filters the nodes of this stream by comparing a value extracted from the nodes
with the given constant.
default NodeStream<T> |
NodeStream.filterNot(Predicate<? super @NonNull T> predicate) |
Filters the node of this stream using the negation of the given predicate.
default <U> NodeStream<T> |
NodeStream.filterNotMatching(Function<? super @NonNull T,? extends @Nullable U> extractor,
U comparand) |
default <R extends Node> NodeStream<R> |
NodeStream.firstChild(Class<? extends R> rClass) |
Returns a stream containing the first child of each of the nodes
in this stream that has the given type.
<R extends Node> NodeStream<R> |
NodeStream.flatMap(Function<? super @NonNull T,? extends @Nullable NodeStream<? extends R>> mapper) |
Returns a node stream consisting of the results of replacing each
node of this stream with the contents of a stream produced by the
given mapping function.
default NodeStream<Node> |
NodeStream.followingSiblings() |
Returns a node stream containing all the following siblings of the nodes contained
in this stream.
static <T extends Node,R extends Node> NodeStream<R> |
NodeStream.forkJoin(NodeStream<? extends T> upstream,
Function<? super @NonNull T,? extends NodeStream<? extends R>> fst,
Function<? super @NonNull T,? extends NodeStream<? extends R>> snd,
Function<? super @NonNull T,? extends NodeStream<? extends R>>... rest) |
Applies the given mapping functions to the given upstream in order and merges the
results into a new node stream.
static <T extends Node> NodeStream<T> |
NodeStream.fromIterable(Iterable<? extends @Nullable T> iterable) |
Returns a new node stream that contains the same elements as the given
<R extends Node> NodeStream<R> |<? super @NonNull T,? extends @Nullable R> mapper) |
Returns a node stream consisting of the results of applying the given
mapping function to the node of this stream.
static <T extends Node> NodeStream<T> |
NodeStream.of(@Nullable T node) |
Returns a node stream containing zero or one node,
depending on whether the argument is null or not.
static <T extends Node> NodeStream<T> |
NodeStream.of(T... nodes) |
Returns a node stream whose elements are the given nodes
in order.
static <T extends Node> NodeStream<T> |
NodeStream.ofOptional(Optional<? extends T> optNode) |
Returns a node stream containing zero or one node,
depending on whether the optional is empty or not.
default NodeStream<Node> |
NodeStream.parents() |
Returns a node stream containing all the (first-degree) parents of the nodes
contained in this stream.
NodeStream<T> |
NodeStream.peek(Consumer<? super @NonNull T> action) |
Returns a stream consisting of the elements of this stream, additionally
performing the provided action on each element as elements are consumed
from the resulting stream.
default NodeStream<Node> |
NodeStream.precedingSiblings() |
Returns a node stream containing all the preceding siblings of the nodes contained
in this stream.
NodeStream<T> |
NodeStream.prepend(NodeStream<? extends @NonNull T> right) |
Returns a new node stream that contains all the elements of the given stream,
then all the elements of this stream.
NodeStream<T> |
NodeStream.take(int maxSize) |
Returns a stream consisting of the elements of this stream,
truncated to be no longer than maxSize in length.
NodeStream<T> |
NodeStream.takeWhile(Predicate<? super @NonNull T> predicate) |
Returns the longest prefix of elements that satisfy the given predicate.
static <T extends Node> NodeStream<T> |
NodeStream.union(Iterable<? extends NodeStream<? extends T>> streams) |
Returns a node stream containing all the elements of the given streams,
one after the other.
static <T extends Node> NodeStream<T> |
NodeStream.union(NodeStream<? extends T>... streams) |
Returns a node stream containing all the elements of the given streams,
one after the other.