Package net.sourceforge.pmd
This is the PMD programming mistake detector. In order to use it,
create a new instance of PMD
and use its
Interface Summary Interface Description Rule This is the basic Rule interface for PMD rules.RuleViolation A RuleViolation is created by a Rule when it identifies a violation of the Rule constraints.ViolationSuppressor An object that suppresses rule violations. -
Class Summary Class Description AbstractConfiguration Base configuration class for both PMD and CPD.PMD Deprecated. This class is to be removed in PMD 7 in favor of a unified PmdCli entry point.PmdAnalysis Main programmatic API of PMD.PMDConfiguration This class contains the details for the runtime configuration of a PMD run.PMDVersion Stores the current PMD version and provides utility methods around it.Report AReport
collects all informations during a PMD execution.Report.ConfigurationError Represents a configuration error.Report.GlobalReportBuilderListener AGlobalAnalysisListener
that accumulates the events of all files into aReport
.Report.ProcessingError Represents a processing error, such as a parse error.Report.ReportBuilderListener AFileAnalysisListener
that accumulates events into aReport
.Report.SuppressedViolation Represents a violation, that has been suppressed.RuleContext The API for rules to report violations or errors during analysis.RuleSet This class represents a collection of rules along with some optional filter patterns that can preclude their application on specific files.RuleSetLoader Configurable object to load rulesets from XML resources.RuleSetReference Deprecated. This is part of the internals of theRuleSetLoader
.RuleSetReferenceId Deprecated. This is part of the internals of theRuleSetLoader
.RuleSets Deprecated. Internal APIRuleSetWriter This class represents a way to serialize a RuleSet to an XML configuration file. -
Enum Summary Enum Description PMD.StatusCode Deprecated. This class is to be removed in PMD 7 in favor of a unified PmdCli entry point.RulePriority These are the possible Rule priority values. -
Exception Summary Exception Description RuleSetLoadException An exception that is thrown when something wrong occurs while loading rulesets.