Class AbstractAccumulatingRenderer

    • Field Detail

      • report

        protected Report report
        The accumulated Report.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractAccumulatingRenderer

        public AbstractAccumulatingRenderer​(String name,
                                            String description)
    • Method Detail

      • start

        public void start()
                   throws IOException
        Description copied from interface: Renderer
        This method is called before any source files are processed. The Renderer will have been fully initialized by the time this method is called, so the Writer and other state will be available.
      • startFileAnalysis

        public void startFileAnalysis​(DataSource dataSource)
        Description copied from interface: Renderer
        This method is called each time a source file is processed. It is called after Renderer.start(), but before Renderer.renderFileReport(Report) and Renderer.end(). This method may be invoked by different threads which are processing files independently. Therefore, any non-trivial implementation of this method needs to be thread-safe.
        dataSource - The source file.