Class AbstractPMDProcessor

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractPMDProcessor

        public AbstractPMDProcessor​(PMDConfiguration configuration)
    • Method Detail

      • filenameFrom

        protected String filenameFrom​(DataSource dataSource)
        this method will be removed. It was once used to determine a short filename for the file being analyzed, so that shortnames can be reported. But the logic has been moved to the renderers.
      • createRuleSets

        protected RuleSets createRuleSets​(RuleSetFactory factory,
                                          Report report)
        Create instances for each rule defined in the ruleset(s) in the configuration. Please note, that the returned instances must not be used by different threads. Each thread must create its own copy of the rules.
        factory - The factory used to create the configured rule sets
        report - The base report on which to report any configuration errors
        the rules within a rulesets
      • runAnalysis

        protected abstract void runAnalysis​(PmdRunnable runnable)
      • collectReports

        protected abstract void collectReports​(List<Renderer> renderers)