See: Description
Class Summary Class Description ApexBadCryptoRule Finds encryption schemes using hardcoded IV, hardcoded key ApexSharingViolationsRule Finds Apex class that do not define sharing ApexSOQLInjectionRule Detects if variables in Database.query(variable) or Database.countQuery is escaped with String. ApexXSSFromURLParamRule Detects potential XSS when controller extracts a variable from URL query and uses it without escaping first ApexDangerousMethodsRule Flags dangerous method calls, e.g. ApexSuggestUsingNamedCredRule Flags usage of http request.setHeader('Authorization',..) and suggests using named credentials which helps store credentials for the callout in a safe place. ApexInsecureEndpointRule Insecure HTTP endpoints passed to (req.setEndpoint) req. ApexXSSFromEscapeFalseRule Finds all . ApexCRUDViolationRule Finding missed CRUD checks for SOQL and DML operations. ApexOpenRedirectRule Looking for potential Open redirect via PageReference variable input